[movimenti.bicocca] Exploring the Activism, Settlements and …

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Author: Tommaso Vitale
To: ML movimenti Bicocca
Subject: [movimenti.bicocca] Exploring the Activism, Settlements and Living Patterns of Green Idealists
> Now Available: Ecopolitics Online Journal Vol. 1 No. 1
> The first edition of Ecopolitics Online Journal on
> Ecotopias is now available at the following:
> http://www.ecopoliticsonline.com/index.cfm?
> action=journals&articlesID=138E1FC5-8024-BD42-4068149106DCF4AD
> Table of contents
> Winter 2007 Ecopolitics Online Journal Volume 1 No. 1
> Utopias, Ecotopias and Green communities:
> Exploring the Activism, Settlements and Living
> Patterns of Green Idealists
> Contents:
> Articles:
> 1. Lucy Sargisson: ‘Imperfect Utopias: Green
> Intentional Communities’ 1 - 24
> 2. Marius De Geus: ‘Towards an Ecological Art of
> Living: On the Value of Ecological
> Utopias for our Future’ 25 - 49
> 3. Peter North: ‘Building utopia here and now? Left
> and working-class utopias in Ireland 50 - 64
> 4. Jon Anderson: ‘Elusive Escapes: Everyday Life and
> Ecotopias’ 64 - 82
> 5. John Barry: ‘Towards a Concrete Utopian Model of
> Green Political Economy: From
> Economic Growth and Ecological Modernisation to
> Economic Security’ 83 - 104
> 6. Liam Leonard: ‘Sustaining Ecotopias: Identity,
> Activism and Place’ 105 - 122
> 7. Laurence Cox: ‘Building Utopia Here and Now: 'Left
> and working class utopias in Ireland' 123 - 132
> Conference Papers:
> 8. Mark Garavan: ‘Trying to make sense: Campaigns and
> the structure of discursive
> opportunities’. Paper from the 4th Ralahine Utopian
> Workshop, November 2 2007. 133 - 137
> Book Reviews:
> 10. Michael Ewing: Review: Power to the People?
> Assessing Democracy in Ireland TASC at
> New Island (2007) 138
> 11. Liam Leonard: Review of Social Movements and
> Ireland by Linda Connolly and
> Niamh Hourigan (Eds) (2006) Manchester University
> Press 139
> Ecopolitics Online Journal Review Panel:
> Dr Liam Leonard, NUI Galway: liam_leonard@???
> (Senior Editor)
> Dr John Barry, QU Belfast: j.barry@???
> (Senior Editor)
> Prof Chris Rootes, University of Kent, UK:
> mc.a.rootes@???
> Prof Hilary Tovey: TC Dublin: toveyh@???
> Prof Lucy Sargisson Univ of Nottingham:
> Lucy.Sargisson@???
> Prof Tom Moylan, UL: tom.moylan@???
> Dr Laurence Cox, NUI Maynooth: Laurence.cox@???
> Dr Marius DeGeus, Univ of Leiden:
> GEUS@???
> Michael Ewing, Sligo IT: ewing.michael@???
> (Book Reviews Editor)
> Dr Steve Breyman: Renesselaer Institute, New York:
> breyms@???
> Dr Niamh Hourigan, UC Cork: n.hourigan@???
> Dr Anna Davies, TC Dublin: daviesa@???
> Dr Peter North, Univ of Liverpool:
> P.J.North@???
> Dr Peter Doran, QU Belfast: p.f.doran@???
> Dr John Karamichas, QU Belfast: j.karamichas@???
> Dr Henrike Rau, NUI Galway henrike.rau@???
> Dr Su ming Khoo, NUI Galway: s.khoo@???
> Dr Martin Phillipson, University of Saskatchewan:
> martin.phillipson@???
> Dr Martina Prendergast, ECI, NUI Galway:
> martina.prendergast@???
> Dr Mark Garavan, GMIT Castlebar: mark.garavan@???
> Vincent Salafia LL.M, TC Dublin: salafia@???
> Anja Murray, An Taisce: anja.murray@???
> Helena Cruz Gallach, Autonoma Univ Catalonia:
> helcruz@???
> Dr Ricca Edmondson, NUIG:
> ricca.edmondson@???
> Dr Frances Fahy, Univ of Ulster:
> frances.fahy@???
> Dr Jon Anderson, Univ of Cardiff:
> andersonj@???
> Joe Fenwick, NUI Galway: joe.fenwick@???
> Ecopolitics Online is an international, double
> peer-reveiwed, abstracted and indexed academic journal
> focusing on environmental and ecological issues.
> Senior Editor: Ecopolitics Online Journal:
> www.ecopoliticsonline.com www.liamleonard.blogspot.com
> Dr Liam Leonard, Dept Sociology & Politics NUI Galway & SSRC
> The Environmental Movement in Ireland. Dordrecht: Springer
> ISBN 978 - 1 4020-6811-9
> Green Nation: ISBN: 1-905451-11-3