[movimenti.bicocca] Fwd: Manchester social movements confere…

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Author: Tommaso Vitale
Date: 2007-11-14 15:51 -000
To: ML movimenti Bicocca
Subject: [movimenti.bicocca] Fwd: Manchester social movements conference 17-19 March 2008

Inizio messaggio inoltrato:

> Da: c.barker@???
> Data: 14 novembre 2007 13:37:58 GMT+01:00
> Oggetto: Manchester social movements conference 17-19 March 2008
> Rispondi a: International forum for discussion and information on
> social movements <SOCIAL-MOVEMENTS@???>
> abstracts due by 4th February 2008
> From 1995 to 2007, Manchester Metropolitan University hosted a
> series of very successful annual international conferences on
> We're very happy to announce that the Thirteenth AF&PP Conference
> will be held, between Monday 17th March and Wednesday 19th March 2008.
> The Conference rubric remains as in previous years. The aim is to
> explore the dynamics of popular movements, along with the ideas
> which animate their activists and supporters and which contribute
> to shaping their fate.
> Reflecting the inherent cross-disciplinary nature of the issues,
> previous participants (from over 40 countries) have come from such
> specialisms as sociology, politics, cultural studies, social
> psychology, economics, history and geography. The Manchester
> conferences have also been notable for discovering a fruitful and
> friendly meeting ground between activism and academia.
> We invite offers of papers relevant to the conference themes.
> Papers should address such matters as:
> * contemporary and historical social movements and popular protests
> * social movement theory
> * utopias and experiments
> * ideologies of collective action
> * etc.
> To offer a paper, please contact either of the conference convenors
> with a brief abstract:
> EITHER Colin Barker, Dept. of Sociology
> OR Mike Tyldesley, Dept. of Politics and Philosophy
> Manchester Metropolitan University
> Geoffrey Manton Building, Rosamond Street West
> Manchester M15 6LL, England
> email: c.barker@???
> Tel: M. Tyldesley 0161 247 3438
> email: m.tyldesley@???
> Fax: 0161 247 6312 (+44 161 247 6312)
> (Wherever possible, please use email, especially as Colin Barker is
> now a retired gent. Surface mail and faxes should only be addressed
> to Mike Tyldesley)
> Those giving papers are asked to supply them in advance, for
> inclusion on a CD of the complete papers which will be available
> from the conference opening.
> * Preferred method: send the paper to Colin Barker as an email
> attachment in MS Word. Any separate illustrations etc. should be
> placed at the end of the paper, in .jpg format.
> * if this is impossible, post a copy of the text to Mike Tyldesley
> on a CD disk in MS Word format
> * Final date for receipt of abstracts: Monday 4th February 2008
> * Final date for receipt of actual papers: Monday 3rd March 2008
> The conference will run from lunch-time Monday 17th March to lunch-
> time Wednesday 19th March 2008.
> Cost, inclusive of three lunches, teas/coffees and copies of the
> Proceedings on CD, will be £128 (students and unwaged £78).
> Bed and Breakfast accommodation in student bedrooms can be booked
> through the conference organizers at nearby University of
> Manchester accommodation, at £34 per night (ensuite rooms £46 per
> night). Delegates preferring hotel accommodation should make their
> own bookings. The most convenient hotel is IBIS, Charles Street,
> Manchester M1 7DG (tel 0161 272 5000).
> Conference participants will be invited to dine together at two
> local (and not too expensive) restaurants on the two conference
> evenings. Payment for dinners should not be made in advance, but
> directly to the restaurants on the night.
> 17 March to 19 March 2008
> Name __________________________________
> Address _________________________________
>                    ___________________________________

> __________________ postcode_________
> Tel No.           _____________________________

> Email _____________________________
> Conference fee                     128.00      .............
> Student fee
> (post- & under-grad)              72.00      .............
> Bed and Breakfast
> Monday night                         34.00      .............
>             ensuite                        46.00     .............
> Tuesday night                         34.00      .............
>             ensuite                        46.00     .............

>             TOTAL       £ stlg                      .............

> Cheques should be made payable to "Manchester Metropolitan University"
> Credit or Debit Card payment (Visa and Mastercard only)
> Card Number ......... ......... ......... .........
> Expiry Date         ...... / ......

> Three-digit security code (on back of card) ….
> Please let us know of any dietary or other requirements.
> Please return the Booking Form by email to Colin Barker
> (c.barker@???), or by email, fax or post to Mike Tyldesley
> (m.tyldesley@???; fax +44 161 247 6312; Dept of Philosophy
> and Politics, Manchester Metropolitan University, Geoffrey Manton
> Building, Rosamond Street West, Manchester M15 6LL, England)