[movimenti.bicocca] Anti-War Research Workshop - City Univer…

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Author: Tommaso Vitale
Date: 2007-10-31 17:37 -000
To: ML movimenti Bicocca
Subject: [movimenti.bicocca] Anti-War Research Workshop - City University, London, 17th November

Inizio messaggio inoltrato:

> Da: Kevin Gillan <kev@???>
> Data: 31 ottobre 2007 18:19:42 GMT+01:00
> Oggetto: Anti-War Research Workshop - City University, London, 17th
> November
> Rispondi a: International forum for discussion and information on
> social movements <SOCIAL-MOVEMENTS@???>
> Hi all,
> This is a late notice invite to attend a research workshop bringing
> together
> a mix of academics and political activists to explore anti-war
> activism in
> Britain on Saturday 17th November 2007 at City University, London.
> The workshop comes out of an ESRC funded project that has been
> carried out
> since January 2006, exploring anti-war activism and, in particular,
> the ways
> that activists impact on the media, use information and adopt
> technology.
> We've spoken to activists from a wide range of groups across the UK
> - large
> and small, local and national - with a range of different politics
> and forms
> of protest. We are now writing our results as a book, provisionally
> titled
> Anti-War Activism: New Media and Protest in the Information Age, to be
> published in 2008.
> At the Anti-War Research Workshop we will be presenting some initial
> findings and inviting responses, critique and debate. Anyone with
> either
> research or activist interests in connected areas would be very
> welcome to
> come along and contribute.
> The event will take place on Saturday 17th November 2007, from 10am
> to 3pm
> at the Social Sciences Building, City University, St John Street,
> London,
> EC1V 0HB. Food and drink will be provided throughout the day and
> there is
> there is a small budget to cover some travel costs for post graduate
> students with an income of less that £15,000 p.a. To help us cater and
> consider travel cost requests we ask that you please get in touch
> asap.
> Contact Kevin Gillan (contact details below) and let us know:
> . Your name
> . Email and/or contact phone number
> . Affiliation (organisation, group, or independent)
> . Whether you request help with travel costs. If so, please
> estimate your
> costs.
> . Any special dietary requirements
> Thanks for your time in reading this. If you'd like any further
> information
> on the project or the plans for the day please check the website
> (www.antiwarresearch.info) or contact Kevin using any of the
> details below.
> Yours Sincerely,
> Kevin Gillan, Frank Webster (City University) and Jenny Pickerill
> (Leicester
> University)
> --
> Kevin Gillan
> Lecturer in Sociology, School of Social Sciences,
> University of Manchester,
> Arthur Lewis Building, Bridgeforth Street
> Manchester
> M13 9PL
> +44 (0)161 306 6909
> +44 (0)7986 426 777
> kevin.gillan@???
> www.antiwarresearch.info