[NuovoLab] dall'ISM

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Szerző: Elisabetta Filippi
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Tárgy: [NuovoLab] dall'ISM
Dall'ISM, per informazione.

Elisabetta (Zaatar)

Statement from Hisham regarding factional infighting and upcoming
Freedom Summer Campaign

"In ISM, we have the respect and protection of ALL the Palestinian
factions. In the last few days, I had a lot of phone calls from Europe
and the United States, asking if we are still having the summer
campaign or not. My answer was, "yes we need you now more than ever!"

Salaam for everyone,

It is no secret what is happening in Gaza and the West Bank now. As
Palestinians, we have been through worse situations. In 1982 something
like this conflict also happened in Lebanon between the Palestinians.
Also in 1999, there was a conflict between the Palestinian Authority
and Hamas, most of the Hamas people were put in prison.

Because we have been through this before, we know that we must get
through it again, together as one people, Palestinians.

Recently, this conflict appeared with Palestinians fighting for
control in the Gaza Strip.

Some think it is a conflict of who wants the control and power in the
Gaza Strip, others think that it happened because some people want to
fight the corruption in the Palestinian Authority in Gaza, others
still think it is a result of pressure from other countries.

The result of this conflict is that Gaza is under the control of Hamas
and the West Bank is under the control of Fatah.

As Palestinians, we believe that Hamas and Fatah are not representing
the will of all the Palestinian people and because of this, we come to
the big question. Why is Gaza under control of Hamas and the West Bank
under Fatah if we do not feel they represent all the Palestinians?

The answer to this question is that nobody can deny that we are still
currently under occupation. Because Hamas and Fatah are the only
strong military groups in Palestine, it is easier for them to enforce
their will upon the entire population. All of this happened while we
are under occupation. The history of the Palestinian people shows, and
we teach this in ISM training, that the majority of the population
wants to live honorably and in a non-violent way. Even if part of the
population supports military resistance to the conflict, it is only
because we see the violence and injustice of a military occupation on
a daily basis.

We must know that the Fatah and Hamas groups are part of the
Palestinian people and as I wrote above, sooner or later they will sit
together and they will solve the differences between them. This is the
only way, they have no other choice because we will never become a
divided people.

In ISM, we have the respect and protection of ALL the Palestinian
factions. In the last few days, I had a lot of phone calls from Europe
and the United States, asking if we are still having the summer
campaign or not. My answer was, "yes we need you now more than ever!"
We do not want the internal Palestinian problems to overshadow the
daily injustices of the occupation.

That's why we need you here for the summer campaign, to show
solidarity at demonstrations against the wall which is confiscating
land and destroying livelihoods, to video tape and intervene in
settler attacks against Palestinians, to monitor detentions and abuse
at checkpoints, to document what you witness through reports,
photography and video and to create fun projects for children. The
Popular Committees in the regions have requested your presence here in
Palestine because you are still very much needed.

We hope that the conflict between Palestinians will end soon but we
need the non-violent resistance to continue until the occupation ends.

All of you are welcome in Palestine.


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