[movimenti.bicocca] Environmental movement and civil society…

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Tárgy: [movimenti.bicocca] Environmental movement and civil society - Participation and governance of nature
Il programma dell' Environment & Society network dell'ESA per Glasgow.

Production and consumption systems, sustainability, and risk (120) We
9-11 Cecilia Claeys-Mekdade

De Krom, Michiel. Grasping the Butterfly Consumer: Exploring Consumer
Involvement in European Food Safety Governance of Avian Influenza

Klintman, Mikael. A Critical Appraisal of the Analytical Division
between Old vs. New modes of Governance: Previous Food Conservation
Standards and Current Food Safety Standards

O'Brien, Martin. Consumers, Citizens and the Waste Crisis

Oosterveer, Peter. Sustainability in food provisioning: Confronting
consumer and provider heuristics

Orecchia, Carlo           . Consumerism and Environment: does  
consumption behaviour affect the environmental quality?

Weller, Ines. The Importance of Consumers and Consumption Behaviour
for Sustainable Development

Berg, Annukka.           Broadly-based committee work in making  
sustainable consumption and production policies - Finland’s SCP  
programme in focus

Participation and governance of nature (120) Tue 9-11 Luigi Pellizoni

Mauz, Isabelle. Monitoring the wolf population in France: when
technical credibility does not induce political legitimacy

Adem, Cigdem. Participation in Nature Conservation in Turkey: Facing  
New Challenges      Asikainen, Eveliina. Biodiversity and Every-day  
Life in a Finnish Suburb

Balázs, Bálint. Mapping Hungarian Forestry: Institutions,
Stakeholders and Preserving Forest Resources in the Örség-Vendvidék
ESA, Hungary

Samuel, Andrew. The Power of Place: Community Development and
Environmental Policy in Scotland: A Case Study of a National Nature
Reserve, the Isle of Rum

Sande, Allan. Participation and Governance in European wilderness

Heinonen, Maarit. Farmers as Conservators of Agro-biodiversity –
The Case of Growers of Cereal Land Races in Finland

Van Koppen, Kris. Monitoring Public Awareness and Participation for

Vihemäki, Heini           . Participation or further exclusion?  
Contestation over resource control in case of Derema Corridor, Tanzania

Social theory and the environment (90) Tue 14-15.30 Peter Oosterveer

Claeys-Mekdade, Cécilia. From social conflicts to eco-citizen
participation: between “facts” and theories, the French case

Jetzkowitz, Jens. Sustainability science and the co-evolution of
society and nature What we can learn from adaptive responses of
tourism industry to climate change?

Newton, Tim. Neurological Adventures

Pellizzoni, Luigi. Responsibility in an era of uncertainty.  
Reassessing the precautionary principle      39

Sebastien, Lea. A qualitative methodology to facilitate environmental
governance: the Actor in 4 Dimensions

Skorstad, Berit. Environmental management and governance theories and

Environmental governance - nature protection and policy (90) Tue
14-15.30 Kris van Koppen

Fell, Terence. What Makes Governance Works inside Nature?

Bargheer, Stefan. Moral Entanglements: The Emergence and
Transformation of the Concern for Bird Conservation in Great Britain
and Germany

Blok, Anders. From Cosmopolitanism to Cosmopolitics: Negotiating
Nature-Cultures in the Case of Japanese Whaling

Markham, William. Nature Protection Organizations and Networks in
Nine Nations: Comparative and Historical Perspectives

Nygren, Nina. Understanding conflicts over EU species protection
policy: Two Cases in Finland and Greece

Goerg, Christoph. Nested networks of multiple knowledges – bridging
scales and cultures in biodiversity governance

Environmental governance and planning (90) Tue 16-17.30 Giorgio Osti

Garcia, Ernest. Land use and city-planning conflicts in the
Mediterranean coast of Spain: effects on the social structure

Pranka, Maruta. …it is the space we are living in.

Fourniau, Jean-Michel. “The citizen as a local resident”: a
political subjectivization in the process opening to public
discussion facility projects

Bodorkós, Barbara. Community-based planning in the Mezőcsát micro-
region, Hungary

Matthews, Ralph. Is the Coast Clear? Understanding and Responding to
Climate Change In Coastal Resource Communities in British Columbia,

Berg, Annukka.           Broadly-based committee work in making  
sustainable consumption and production policies - Finland’s SCP  
programme in focus

Consumerism, lifestyle, and environment values (90) Tue 16-17.30
Balint Balazs

Evans, David. Towards a Sociology of Sustainable Lifestyles

Jensen, Mette. The accelerating mobility

Lange, Hellmuth. Emerging lifestyles between McDonaldization and
sustainability perspectives. The case of IT-professionals in India

Pokrovsky, Nikita. The impact of cellular globalization on rural
communities in the North of Russia: consumption and virtualization

Best, Henning. Environmental Concern and Environmental Behaviour. A
Field Experiment on Household Waste Recycling

Pelloso, Giovanni. An inquiry into the propensity to accept car-
sharing solution as a (partial) answer to urban environmental pollution.

Environmental governance - representations, frames, and events (120)
We 9-11 Leonardas Rinkevicius

Weiland, Sabine. Emblems. On the Representation Dimension in
Environmental Politics

Nistor, Laura. When minds are bombed. Framing and action strategies
of the Save Rosia Montana Movement

Bluemling, Bettina. Framing the problem of groundwater over
extraction - potential synergies of approaches

Hillyard, Sam. Tourism spaces inside the English rural village: a
visual analysis

Osthorst, Winfried. The quest for conceptual dominance in multi-level
structures. Competing interpretations of sustainability - the example
of conflicts on port development at the German coast

Hayes, Graeme           . What Happens When Bids Fail? The Case of  
Paris 2012

Del Corpo, Barbara. Torino 2006: Environment, Challenges And
Conflicts In A Contended Place

Karamichas, John. Olympic Games as an opportunity for the Ecological
Modernisation of the host nation

Environmental governance and participation (120) Wed 9-11 Cecilia

Beduschi Filho, Luiz Carlos. Participation and social learning: tools
for enhance environmental governance in Latin-American experiences

Fallon, Ciaran. Uncharted Waters: Public Participation in
Environmental Decision Making in Ireland

Heinrichs, Harald. Public Management or Public Participation?

Kyllönen, Simo. The legitimacy deficit of environmental governance
and public participation as a means of solving it

Newig, Jens. Public Participation in Environmental Governance and the
Attainment of Sustainability Goals: Neer the Twain Shall Meet?

Notte, M. Olivier. How does participation make accountability in the
european water policies? Comparison between France and the Netherlands.

Peuhkuri, Timo. Knowledge and Participation in European Water Policy:
Case Study on the Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive
in Finland

Wallington, Tabatha. Regional Arrangements for Natural Resource
Management in Australia: Toward Responsive Environmental Governance

Environmental movement and civil society (90) We 14-15.30 Mikael

Salomé, Lieke. Reassesing Environmental Concern: The Social Class

Telesiene, Audrone. Views towards role of civil society in
environmental problem solving

Van der Heijden, Hein-Anton. European Environmentalism and European
Civil Society

Osti, Giorgio. Social Networks and Self-organised Communities for
Renewable Energy Sources Development

Franz-Balsen, Angela. Gender Aspects of Civic Engagement in the
Context of Environmental and Sustainability Initiatives

Environmental justice and social sustainability (90) We 14-15.30
Hellmuth Lange

Elvers, Horst-Dietrich. Integrating Dimensions of Environmental
Justice: Outlining a Processual Approach

Fielding, Jane. Environmental Injustice or just the lie of the land:
an investigation of the social characteristics of those at risk from

Lemaire, Xavier           . Are Renewable Energies, “Sustainable”  
Energies? The Imaginary Institution of the Energy Needs of the Poor  
in Rural Areas of Developing Countries

Lubanov, Carmit. The Environmental Justice in Israel: Between Socio-
Environment Theory and Socio-Political Practice Sairinen, Rauno.
Social impact assessment in urban planning

Saunders, Clare. Stop Climate Chaos I-Count Rally: A Call for Global
Climate Justice?

Schonach, Paula. Environmental Injustice - Consequences of Historical
Path Dependency?

Environmental values, education, and culture (90) Thu 9-10.30 Audrone

Bardes, Julia. The Protestant Legacy In Man’s Relationship With
Nature: From Romantism To Ecologism

Bozonnet, Jean-Paul. How socialization makes environmentalism and
political ecology happen

Hermanson, Ann-Sofie. Environmental Attitudes of Environmental Civil
Servants in Finland. Orientation Towards Ecocentric or Technocentric

Jones, Nikoleta. Individual social capital and willingness to
contribute money for the environment

Sosunova, Irina           . The ecological morality: the problems of  
formation during globalization process

Skanavis, Constantina. Greek Journalists acting as Interpreters of
Environmental Issues

Expert knowledge and environmental democracy (90) Thu 11-12.30 Balint

Behrens, Vivien           . The Remediation of Contaminated Land:  
Heterogeneous Actors and the Democratization of Science

Martínez Iglesias, Mercedes. Citizen movements and management of
natural resources

Mylan, Jo. Expert Knowledge, Markets and Novel Techniques in
Contaminated Land Remediation

Bergmans, Anne. Living with Nuclear Waste: Does Stakeholder
Involvement in the Siting of Radioactive Waste Repositories Lead to
the Emergence of Radwaste Networks?

Kos, Drago. The Framing of Radioactive Waste Risk: A Comparative

Simmons, Peter. Radioactive waste management in Europe: from
government to governance

Environmental governance, resources, and markets (90) Thu 13.30-15
Kris van Koppen

Deuffic, Philippe. Deadwood for biodiversity or energy savings? An
environmental dilemma for foresters

Haapasaari, Paivi. TAC decision the end result of a battle

Huttunen, Suvi. The question of traffic biofuels in Finland. Who sets
the agenda?

Kiisel, Maie. Rationalizing Environmental Decisions: the Case of Oil
Shale Mining in Estonia

Maletz, Olga. Market Institutions for Corporate Social and
Environmental Responsibility: Forest Certification in Russian
Forestry Sector

Timonen, Päivi. Acceptance of corporate social responsibility as
social innovation

Shinada, Tomomi. How do students understand climate change? Local
knowledge and specialized knowledge >>poste

scheduling requests:

Notte, not on Thu

Simmons, not Wed afternoon