[RSF] I: Luis Posada Carriles protetto da bush

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Autor: pilar
To: forumroma, mangrovia, micaela
Betreff: [RSF] I: Luis Posada Carriles protetto da bush
in poche oarole questo è un criminale al soldo della cia responsabile di vari
attentati, assassinii (fra cui un italiano)in venezuela , dove è stato
condannato, ma Bush che lo ha arrestato ,dopo molte pressioni,si è limitato ad
arrestarlo con accuse di violazione della legge sull'immigrazione e si rifiuta
di estradarlo, della serie piccoli pinochet crescono..
c'è da firmare l'appello per la sua estradizione,icap,pilar

Luis Posada Carriles must be tried for his crimes

While in the name of the fight against terrorism, hundreds of thousands of
people have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and others - arbitrarily detained -
are tortured in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, the United States government
protects the most notorious terrorist in this hemisphere, attempting to
deceive public opinion through interminable pseudolegal manuevers and
refusing to try him for his real crimes.

Luis Posada Carriles was accused and brought to trial in Venezuela for the
1976 attack against a commercial aircraft in which 73 persons died. After
escaping from Venezuelan prisons in 1982 - leaving his trial unconcluded -
he served the CIA as part of what was known as the "Irancontras"
operation and also in the implementation of the genocidal Plan Condor. In
1997 he prepared a series of terrorist acts against hotels in Havana - in one
of which the young Italian tourist, Fabio Di Celmo, lost his life -, and in the
year 2000, the projected attempt against President Fidel Castro?s life at the
University of Panama.

In March, 2005, Posada Carriles entered the United States illegally. Only
after reiterated public denunciations that revealed the presence of this
criminal in U.S. terriitory, the goverment of George W. Bush proceeded to
detain and charge him for immigration crimes and false witness, without the
slightest reference to terrorism.

Through their handling of Posada Carriles, the U.S. authorities, pressured
by groups of Cuban extremists in South Florida, have made evident the
double morality of their war against terrorism in the name of which they
torture, kidnap and bomb. At the same time, as has been denounced by
numerous international forums and United Nations?agencies, five Cuban
antiterrorist activists remain unjustly imprisoned in the United States,
subjected together with their families to cruel and discriminatory treatment.

All honest people of the world who raise their voices against war and
terrorism, have before them irrefutable proof of the lack of ethics upon
which the current administration in Washington bases its actions. We, the
undersigned, demand that the government of the United States, in
compliance with international obligations, charge Luis Posada Carriles for all
of his crimes or attend the request for his extradition to Venezuela, which
until now has received absolutely no response.

Initial signatures:

Adolfo P?rez Esquivel , Argentina; Noam Chomsky, EEUU; Oscar
Niemeyer, Brasil; Alfonso Sastre, Espa?a; Eduardo Galeano, Uruguay;
Danny Glover; EEUU;Istvan Meszaros, Hungr?a; Alice Walker, EEUU;
Gianni Min?, Italia; Blanca Chancosa, Ecuador; Cindy Shehan, EEUU;
Manu Chao, Francia-Espa?a; Boaventura de Sousa, Portugal; Frei Betto,
Brasil; Mario Benedetti, Uruguay; Ariel Dorfman, Chile-EEUU; Trist?n Bauer,
Argentina; Howard Zinn, EEUU; Armand Mattelart, B?lgica; Gioconda Belli ,
Nicaragua; Russell Banks, EEUU; Nora Corti?as, Argentina; Joao Pedro
Stedile, Brasil; Medea Benjam?n, EEUU; Roy Brown, Puerto Rico; Bel?n
Gopegui, Espa?a; Hildebrando P?rez Grande, Per?; Luis Britto, Venezuela;
Jane Franklin, EEUU; Daniel Viglietti, Uruguay; Emir Sader, Brasil; Miguel
Bonasso, Argentina; Lucius Walker, EEUU; Piero Gleijeises, Italia-EEUU;
Gianni Vattimo, Italia; Jorge Enrique Adoum, Ecuador; Juan Gelman,
Agentina; Michel Collon , B?lgica; James Petras , EEUU; Francois Houtart,
B?lgica; Stella Calloni, Argentina; Eric Toussaint, B?lgica; Atilio Bor?n,
Argentina; Naomi Klein, Canad?; Pascual Serrano , Espa?a; Manuel
Cabieses, Chile; Keith Ellis, Canad?; Michael Parenti, EEUU; Arturo
Corcuera, Per?; Beverly Keene, EEUU-Argentina; Carlos Fazio, M?xico;
Ram?n Chao, Espa?a/Francia; James Early, EEUU; Jorge Sanjin?s,
Bolivia; Franz Hinkelammert, Alemania-Costa Rica; Adolfo S?nchez
V?zquez, Espa?a-M?xico; Volodia Teitelboim, Chile; No? Jitrik, Argentina;
Wim Dierckxens, Holanda-Costa Rica; Victor Victor, Rep?blica
Dominicana; Fernando Buen Abad, M?xico; Saul Landau, EEUU; Salim
Lamrani, Francia; Juan Madrid, Espa?a; Rene Burri, Suiza; Luisa
Valenzuela, Argentina; Carlos Fern?ndez Liria, Espa?a; Jos? Steinsleger,
Argentina-M?xico; Roberto Montoya, Argentina; Fernando Morais, Brasil;
Federico ?lvarez, M?xico; Montserrat Ponsa, Espa?a; H?ctor
D?az-Polanco, M?xico; Setsuko Ono, EEUU; Antonio Maira, Espa?a;
Marilia Guimaraes, Brasil; Pepe Vi?oles, Suecia; Ana Delicado Palacios,
Espa?a; Tununa Mercado, Argentina; Winston Orrillo, Per?; John Gerassi,
EEUU; Santiago Alba Rico, Espa?a; Gilberto L?pez y Rivas, M?xico;
Rafael Cancel Miranda, Puerto Rico; James Cockcroft, EEUU; Eva Forest,
Espa?a; Juan Mari Br?s, Puerto Rico; Mich?le Mattelart, Francia; Donatella
Meszaros, Italia; V?ctor Flores Olea, M?xico; Maribel Permuy, Espa?a;
Hernando Calvo Ospina, Colombia; Rosina Valc?rcel, Per?; Pablo
Guayasam?n, Ecuador; Isaura Navarro, Espa?a; Pilar Roca, Per?;Carlos
Gabetta, Argentina; Etna Velarde, Per?; Ernesto Carmona, Chile; N?stor
Kohan, Argentina; Vicente Romano, Espa?a; Vicente Battista, Argentina;
Carlos "Chino" Dominguez, Per?; Nazan?n Amirian, Ir?n; Higinio Polo,
Espa?a; Beinusz Szmukler, Argentina; Pablo Romo, M?xico; Aton Fon
Filho, Brasil; Manuel Talens, Espa?a; Alcira Argumedo, Argentina; David
Acera, Espa?a; Arnoldo Mora, Costa Rica; Juan Crist?bal, Per?; Julio C?sar
Monge, El Salvador; Harald Neuber; Alemania; Alfredo Vera, Ecuador;
Fernando Rend?n, Colombia; Leslee Lee, Per?;?ngel Guerra, Cuba;
Alessandra Riccio, Italia; Atilio Bonilla, Per?;Gennaro Carotenuto, Italia;
Javier Couso, Espa?a; Reynaldo Naranjo, Per?; Carlos Varea, Espa?a;
Gustavo Espinoza, Per?;John Pateman, Reino Unido; H?ctor Arenas,
Colombia; Federico Garc?a, Per?;Eva Bj?rklund; Suecia; Jordan Flaherty,
EEUU; Bruno Portuguez, Per?; Ra?l Zurita, Chile; Gloria La Riva , EEUU;
Francisco Ca?izales, Venezuela; Marta Harnecker, Chile; Peter Bohmer,
EEUU; Ann Sparanese, EEUU; Francisco (Pancho) Villa, Chile; Yhonny
Garc?a, Venezuela; Patricia Ariza, Colombia; Ra?l Vallejo, Ecuador;
Georges E. Maouvois, Martinica; Isidora Aguirre, Chile; Antoine Chao,
Francia; Xiomara Garc?a Venezuela; Sara Rosenberg, Argentina; Fernando
Butazzoni, Uruguay; Danielle Bleitrach, Francia; Jacek Wozniak; Polonia;
Jaime Chao, Francia; Miguel Urbano, Portugal

To sign:


Enviado por:
Armando Rama Martell
Oficina del Cap?tulo Cubano
"En Defensa de la Humanidad"