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Autor: pinna
Dla: autoprod - muzak - no-copyright - etc.
Nowe tematy: (L) I contrassegni Siae davanti alla Corte di Giustizia UE
Temat: (L) [Fwd: Messaggio a Left da newsletter@decadencedeath.com richiede approvazione]
se in lista c'e' qualcuno che segue questi appuntamenti e questa
newsletter mi contatti che gli spiego come si fa a mandare le mail alle
mailing list. se non c'e', non faro' piu' passare questa newsletter.




# Frst

Sat 7 april - Pilutti's Pub - Via Stiria 36 - Cussignacco (UD)
+ Blast, More Than Murder

Where: http://www.piluttispub.com
Who: http://www.theblast.tk - http://www.myspace.com/morethanmurder

# Scnd

Fri 20 april - CSOA Askatasuna - Corso R. Margherita 47 - Torino
+ Heretica, MayDie, Your Anguish

Where: http://www.csoaskatasuna.org
Who: http://www.myspace.com/hereticatorino - http://www.maydie.tk -

# Thrd

Sat 21 april - La Madeleine Cafe - Via della Madeleine - Genova
+ Asura, Datakill, Demoniaca, Slaiver, Zorn

Where: http://www.madeleinecafe.com
Who: http://www.myspace.com/asurahcitaly - http://www.datakill.it -
http://daemoniaca.altervista.org - http://www.slaiver.com -


@ 001
We're proud to announce that Ale Maligno has joined the band as guitarist.
His first live show will be at Pilutti's Pub (Udine) on 7th april.
For the Taurinorum crew: some voices rumored for an our partecipation
during Fri 13th april gig @ Britannia Pub (Torino, of course)... Take a
look around!

@ 002
New web site and official logo coming soon on decadencedeath.com.
Finished working at graphics, we're prepairing the new merchandising:
t-shirt, stickers and more asap on your fucking body and things.

@ 003
Our second EP elaboration is started during this last week.
Soon more news about our next cd (?), which could be ready for the
beginning of summer 2007.
Meanwhile, listen to our old song at http://www.myspace.com/decadencedeath.

@ 004
Decadence Death will take part at the second edition of the
Transnational Hackmeeting (15th - 17th june 2007- Oslo - Norway - more
on http://www.autistici.org/thk) during the saturday night gig.
Rumored also a partecipation of members and collaborators to HVR Dj Set
the previous evening (15th one): all at Hausmania, norvegian autonomous

That's all for the moment.
See you in the pit.