[Badgirlz-list] Noise Summer School 2007

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Aihe: [Badgirlz-list] Noise Summer School 2007
mio malgrado inoltro questa mail, come infatti ** piu'
aficiona@s di questa lista sapranno, non ho molta
"propensione" x le situazioni di genere (sempre piu'
predisposta a quelle DEgenerate ^_^), nè tantomeno
nutro simpatia x la facolta' di studi di genere di
Utrecht (Braidotti & Co.), anzi.... cmq mi sono detta
"magari a qualcun* interessa..." ed eccola qui!
errata ___________sempre piu' di fretta e meno online



NOI?SE 2007 Summer School!
Un-settling the canon: Generating alternative feminist
knowledge practices

27 August - 7 September, Bologna, Italy

·               Have you always wanted to know what
cutting-edge feminist thinking is about and how it
relates to classical feminist texts? Are you dreaming
of writing your own feminist manifesto?

·               Do you want to develop your ideas
about feminist and national heritages and canon
forming? Do you want to reflect upon the ways in which
cultural identity and creative diversity are being

·               Do you want to know what “think
global, act local” means for your research or studies?
Do you want to reflect upon “the politics of

·               Are you curious about doing women's
studies in Europe?

The first cluster of the NOISE Summer School evolves
around the theme Manifest yourself! Negotiating with
the Feminist Heritage. It deals with the history of
feminist theory through a critical reading of the
classical manifestos produced by or relevant to the
women’s movement. The method of approach is an
inter-disciplinary, trans-cultural, multi-ethnic and
cross-generational perspective. The theoretical issues
will emerge from the reading of the selected texts and
will range from the issue of the manifesto as a genre,
the potentiality and limitations of the format, to
more general issues. These involve epistemological
questions about the subject of feminism, her/his
location, politics and the ethical commitment to
overcoming epistemological individualism, to a
conceptual reading of the different strands of
feminist theory over the last thirty years.
Contemporary issues, such as third-wave feminism,
technological mediation, critical studies of
whiteness, and the post-secular turn will also be
raised. Lecturers are selected from a variety of
disciplinary backgrounds ranging from social and
political philosophy, the arts, the social sciences,
and social movement studies. The cluster reassesses a
wide range of manifestos from past and present, and
closes with the writing of a (collective or
individual) (visual or textual) manifesto by all

The second cluster, Global Visions. Promoting Cultural
Diversity, aims to systematize and critically look at
the dynamics of canon-forming processes in the
contemporary visual and literary arts. In the light of
increasingly urgent questions of globalisation,
migrant communities, nomadism and double citizenship,
the notion of the national heritage needs to be
reformulated. We will examine the role of minority
cultures in institutional structures and the politics
of representation reflected in the practices of
inclusion and exclusion. We will operate within the
framework of queer and gender theory. How do concepts
like exile, diaspora, double identity and cultural
hybridity function in the Third World Cinema,
literature, photography and other artistic practices?
Can the methods, concepts and purposes of Western arts
be suitable for art outside of Europe and North
America? In the cluster we will examine how minority
cultures have often been caught in the politics of
translation which changed their dynamics. We will aim
at confronting the effects of such changes and attempt
to reformulate the positioning of global art


This advanced training course offers a diversified,
but coherent programme of study from an
interdisciplinary perspective. It is meant for MA
students and PhD students and it will provide special
and separate seminars to these two groups.

Themes / Clusters

The clusters of this year’s Summer School are:

Week one: Manifest yourself! Negotiating with the
Feminist Heritage.

Week two: Global Visions. Promoting Cultural

Both clusters investigate Women’s Studies scholarship
and use interdisciplinary approaches.

Please check http://www.genderstudies.nl/summerschool
for the programmes of the last years to get an idea
how the programme is structured. The basic formula is
always the same; the themes and clusters vary.

Please check
http://www.genderstudies.nl/summerschool2007 for
regular updates!


·         Two lectures in the morning

·         Separate MA- and PhD-specific seminars in
the afternoon

·         Social programme

·         Students prepare during the summer by
reading and collecting material for assignments

approximately 70 hours of work). After fulfilment of
all requirements (preparation of assignments and
reading, active participation and final essay of 10 -
15 pages), participants receive the NOISE Certificate
for 240 hours of work, equalling 9 ECTS

·         All participants are expected to participate
in the entire programme during the two weeks

Accommodation for students

The accommodation will be arranged by the organising
university in Bologna and can be reserved and paid to
the central co-ordination in Utrecht. Participants can
also arrange their own accommodation; however, we
advise you to ‘stick together’ at the same

Tuition Fees

The tuition fee is €550,- This is inclusive reading
materials, but exclusive of accommodation, subsistence
costs (i.e. evening meals, drinks etc) and possible

Teachers in the course

The first week of the Summer School is coordinated by
Prof. Rosi Braidotti and Ms. Iris van der Tuin
(Utrecht University); week two is coordinated by Prof.
Rosemarie Buikema and Ms. Marta Zarzycka (Utrecht
University). Teaching at the Summer School will be
several renowned professors and scholars from various

The other guest lecturers will be announced on the

A NOISE grant is available for only one student from
every NOISE partner university. If you want to apply
for the grant of your university, please check with
your local contact person for the application

The NOISE Summer School is made possible by a grant of
the Erasmus Programme of the DG Education and Culture.

For more Information:

NOI?SE Central Coordination

Graduate Gender Programme

Utrecht University

Prof. Rosemarie Buikema

Marieke Kolkman, MA

Muntstraat 2-A

3512 EV Utrecht

The Netherlands

E-mail: noise@???

Tel: +31-30-2536001

Fax: +31-30-2536134


Please note that you can only register online (before
May 1) at the address below!


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