Autor: Errata Datum: 2006-11-18 05:46 -000 To: badgirlz-list, helena-info Betreff: [Badgirlz-list] [etc-int] Fwd: CALL FOR WORK: A Thousand Tiny Sexes
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>A publication edited by Jaimes Mayhew and kanarinka
> >
>To imagine that there are only two sexes - M & F - is an absurdity. >There are at least 1000 sexes. The daily lived reality of >transgender and intersexual people (and gay, lesbian, queer and all >other people, for that matter) proves this over and over again, yet >many people continue to operate as if 'M' and 'F' are the only >sexes, the only options, the only expressions, the only goals, the >only way ("the way it is").
>Help us imagine 1000 more sexes. Describe them, imagine them, invent >them, publish them, use them, realize them, perform them. >
>A Thousand Tiny Sexes is an art-book-research-action project to >collect and publish 1000 proposals for TINY SEXES which are not Male >or Female. We are setting out to collect a thousand more sexes - >imaginary ones, as-yet-unrealized ones, or real ones- in the hopes >that these one thousand might make for one thousand more after that. >In so doing, we hope to contribute to a collective reimagining of >sex as a legal, biological, political, economic, cultural, and >political category.
>The collection of A Thousand Tiny Sexes will be published as a book >with an introductory essay by the editors, Jaimes Mayhew and >kanarinka. We are seeking publishers. The publication will be >available for sale once published. Submissions must meet the >criteria below and the editors reserve the right to reject any >submission.
>* Deadline: No deadline, we will keep collecting until we have 1000
good ones. >* You may not propose a sex such as Male or Female that has been >legally codified and naturalized as "the way things are". >* You may propose "in-between" sexes which are combinations of >Male-Female, but we will favor sexes that seek to entirely reimagine >sex as a biological, cultural, political, and social category. >* Multiple submissions OK.
>* We prefer visual submissions to text, though both are ok. Diagrams >and drawings with fine lines are especially encouraged. >* Original artwork will not be returned.
>* Download and Complete the submission form on the website - > >* Attach your Drawing, Image or Text. 1.5 inches x 1.5 inches (3.8 >cm x 3.8 cm) or less in dimensions. B&W, no Color.
>* Email 300dpi electronic submissions to 1000tinysexes@??? or >mail them to: Jaimes Mayhew, 102 Longwood Ave #3, Brookline, MA, >02446. >
>* Email us at 1000tinysexes@???
>* Visit the site at >
>"If we consider the great binary aggregates, such as the sexes or >classes, it is evident that they also cross over into molecular >assemblages of a different nature, and that there is a double >reciprocal dependency between them. For the two sexes imply a >multiplicity of molecular combinations bringing into play not only >the man in the woman and the woman in the man, but the relation of >each to the animal, the plant, etc.: a thousand tiny sexes." >(Deleuze and Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus).
>"There is nothing about a binary gender system that is given." >(Judith Butler, Undoing Gender)
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