Autor: Tommaso Vitale Datum: 2006-07-26 13:28 -000 To: ML movimenti Bicocca Betreff: [movimenti.bicocca] (senza oggetto)
We would like to create an up-dated map of current research on
political participation in Europe (including work in progress).
We are building a map of studies on political participation (both
conventional and unconventional) to be published on our website. We
therefore invite research groups (not single individuals) working on
these topics to send us their name, address, email, website address,
and (if possible) a short description of their research.
We think this archive can be used to provide an overview of the
current status of the research in the field of political
participation and to facilitate networking among scholars and
research groups based in different countries.
Please fill in the fields below:
Name of the research group / project: __________________________
Name of the coordinator: __________________________
Institutional address: __________________________
Email contact: __________________________
Webpage / website: __________________________
Research key words (up to six): __________________________
Additional information on research (up to ten lines; please specify
research question, research instruments and main aims of your
research): __________________________
Other information you consider useful: __________________________