[Cm-roma] Bicycle trip through Italy

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Vastaanottaja: cm-roma
Aihe: [Cm-roma] Bicycle trip through Italy

Dalla lista RomaPedala, una mail di due ragazzi che vogliono girare l'italia in bici.
Hanno bisogno di qualche dritta su strade e campeggi e di qualcuno che li ospiti a Roma dove arriveranno all'inizio di agosto.
Se qualcuno li puo' aiutare o ospitare gli scriva a:


Da: balsaaa@???
Data: 06/06/2006 21.52
Ogg: Bicycle trip through Italy

Hi Antonio,
Thank you so much for helping us!
We will be riding from Vicenza to Padova and than to Venice.
In Venice we will take train to Verona, and than to Cinque Terre.
We will be riding in Cinque Terre to La Spezia.
Our first plan was to go from La Spezia through Viaregio to Pisa, but
since many people told us that its very crowded, and not much to see,
we are thinking to take train in La Spezia to Pisa.
>From Pisa we will go to Lucca, and than to Pistoia.
>From Pistoia we will ride to Florence.
>From Florence we will be going to Siena, through Chianti.
>From Siena we are thinking to take train to Toscan coast west of

There we will take train to Rome, and than train to Naples.
>From Naples we will ride to Pompei, than to Sorrento, Amalfi and

There we will take train to Bari, and than ferry back home.
We are interested in what roads to take, and since we are taking
camping equipment where would it be good to put our tent.
Also if you have any suggestions where to go, or what to skip, it is
highly welcome.
If you need any information on biking (or anything else) in Serbia,
Bosnia, and neighbouring countries you are passing on your way to
Istanbul, I am here to help you.
Thank you again for help


Le biciclette sono a Roma e si stanno moltiplicando.
Questo cambiamento costruiamolo insieme. ;-)

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