[RSF] poeti del mondo unitevi


著者: pilar
To: forumroma, mangrovia, micaela, poeti d'azione
題目: [RSF] poeti del mondo unitevi
viene dal poeta fernando rendon di medellin e ci e' inoltrato dalla lista
statunitense poeti contro la guerra,in sintesi e' contro l'ipocrisia degli
incontri previsti a ginevra sui diritti umani(pur avvallando la guerra),
per firmare cliccate sul www.poets against war che trovate sotto. paci, pilar

Dear Poets Against War:

Fernando Rendón, poet and workhorse for peace, directs the Medellín
International Poetry Festival. We at Poets Against War support his petition

Please go to http://www.poetsagainstwar.net/poetspetition2.asp and add
your signature.


Sam Hamill & the PAW Board

Medellin, March 22nd, 2006.

Dear poets:

Greetings from Colombia.

We invite you to sign the attached letter to express as soon as possible
your solidarity with this cause and then to circulate this letter
electronically among your friends.

All the best,

Fernando Rendón
International Poetry Festival of Medellin

Cease hypocrisy on the issue of Human Rights

The 62nd Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights will begin next March
20 in Geneva, coinciding with the broadcasting of new footage of US
military torturing Iraqi prisoners.

The United States and its EU allies have successively prevented this
Commission from condemning the massive and systematic violations of human
rights promoted in the name of the so called war against terrorism.

The EU governments have refused to admit the testimonies and evidences
submitted by citizens of their countries, who have been victims of several
forms of torture at Guantánamo navy base. They have also allowed the flight
of CIA aircrafts carrying prisoners to illegal detention centers in Europe
and elsewhere.

We the undersigned call upon intellectuals, artists, social activists, and
men and women of goodwill everywhere to join our claims: the Commission on
Human Rights or the Council that will substitute it, must demand the
immediate closing of the arbitrary detention centers created by the United
States as well as the ceasing of all these deliberate violations of human

Cese la hipocresía en el tema de los derechos humanos

Coincidiendo con la difusión de nuevas imágenes de torturas cometidas por
militares estadounidenses contra prisioneros iraquíes, el próximo 20 de
marzo se iniciará en Ginebra el 62 período de sesiones de la Comisión de
Derechos Humanos de la ONU.

Estados Unidos y sus aliados de la Unión Europea han impedido
reiteradamente que esta Comisión se pronuncie contra las violaciones
masivas y sistemáticas de los derechos humanos promovidas en nombre de la
llamada guerra contra el terrorismo.

Los gobiernos de la Unión Europea se han negado a reconocer los testimonios
y pruebas presentados por ciudadanos de sus países que han sufrido diversas
formas de tortura en la base naval de Guantánamo. Han permitido, además, el
tránsito de naves aéreas de la CIA que trasladaban prisioneros hacia
centros ilegales de detención en la propia Europa y en otras regiones.

Los abajo firmantes convocamos a intelectuales, artistas, activistas
sociales y a hombres y mujeres de buena voluntad para que se unan a nuestro
reclamo: la Comisión de Derechos Humanos o el Consejo que la sustituirá
debe exigir el cierre inmediato de los centros de detención arbitraria
creados por los Estados Unidos y el cese de todas estas flagrantes
violaciones de la dignidad humana.

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