Re: [Hackmeeting] Zen Room


著者: oggei
日付: 2006-03-22 22:54 -000
To: hackmeeting
題目: Re: [Hackmeeting] Zen Room
Mircha Emanuel `ryuujin` D'Angelo wrote:

> rfc1855
>     - Don't run off the end of a line and simply let the terminal wrap;
>       use a Carriage Return (CR) at the end of the line.  Also, don't
>       assume your screen size is the same as everyone else's.  A good
>       rule of thumb is to write out no more than 70 characters, and no
>       more than 12 lines (since you're using a split screen).
> :P

e quindi ? io parlavo di come butta fuori i messaggi thunderbird


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