[Cm-crew] [SchizoJornale] ciclonotizie di febbraio

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Autor: schizo-mobile
Dla: critical mass italia
Temat: [Cm-crew] [SchizoJornale] ciclonotizie di febbraio
# SchizoJornale - http://www.inventati.org/noviglob/journal/

* 2006-02-28: 40th Sao Paulo Critical Mass - Bicicletada - Urban Signalization
[Internet Archive]

40th Sao Paulo Critical Mass (feb.3th.2006) - placing urban
signalization for bike safe traffic // 40a Bicicletada de Sao Paulo
(03.fev.2006) - sinalizando as ruas.


* 2006-02-25: Kona BikeTown Africa

The Kona Bicycle Company has always designed bikes for specific
riders' needs. In partnering with Bristol-Myers Squibb and Bicycling
Magazine's BikeTown Africa, Kona has embarked upon the design of what
could be the most important bicycle the company has ever
developed. This site will track the design, development and delivery
of more than 200 Kona bikes, designed specifically to assist health
care workers treating HIV and AIDS patients with the delivery of home
health aids and services in two Botswana cities, Bobonong and the
capital city of Gaborone, beginning in late March 2006.


* 2006-02-25: The Channel 4 and ITN Archive Competition

**Subject: The Bicycle**

"Channel 4, ITN and BRITDOC have teamed up to create a new
documentary competition for emerging filmmakers. ITN is offering free
use of its amazing archive, which contains over 700,000 hours of
footage dating back from 1896 to the present day. All entrants need
to do is prepare a pitch for a 3 minute documentary. The four best
ideas will be commissioned by Channel 4 and broadcast in its 3 Minute
Wonder slot. The filmmakers will be invited as guests to the first
BRITDOC festival (July 26-28th) where the films will be
screened. This year we have chosen The Bicycle as the inspiration for
your films."


* 2006-02-22: Multiple Geared Driveshaft Bike
[Patent Pending - Patents and the History of Technology]

is yet another way to achieve multiple speeds on a bike, by the
use of a driveshaft and bevel gears. This one has multiple bevel
gears on the drive shaft, and multiple bevel gears on the wheel
plate, so it could achieve a wide range of gear ratios.

* 2006-02-21: The Tr(((i)))cycle
[IMC Tech]

... The basic idea is to utilise old laptops and wifi technology to
produce a low cost publishing platform that can go anywhere and
doesn't require hi-spec hardware or permanent connection to the
internet. Initially I put out a proposal on a few mailing lists to
see if anyone would get excited enough to help out or offer
A copy can be found in archives, along with some editted followup to
that (full thread can be found on the IMC-LONDON mailing list
archive). There was very little response or interest so I progressed
by myself to advance the project into the physical world (currently
accessing this Wiki via one of the laptops and the wifi


* 2006-02-20: Judge: City Can't Stop Critical Mass Ride
[Power Plays]

A judge today threw another monkey wrench in New York City's effort to
stop the Critical Mass bike rides.

In a 24-page ruling issued late Wednesday morning, New York Supreme
Court Justice Michael D. Stallman rejected the city's motion for a
preliminary injunction to bar people from going on the monthly rides
and gathering in Union Square without permits.

He also rejected the city's effort to prevent groups like Times Up!
from promoting Critical Mass, unless there's a permit for the


* 2006-02-10: Bicycle As Means of Transport

Bicycle is today the cheapest, affordable, safest and reliably means
of movements of goods, service and people. It is extensively in use
in developed countries for sports as well as for routine movement of
goods and service.

Published February 9, 2006 by AllAfrica.com
By Chinedu Nworah

NIGERIA is at present passing through its worst government policies
on public transportation, road - networks, metros, railways, seaways,
airways, no food, no water, electricity and above all no social
security. Necessity is the mother of invention.


* 2006-02-07: City Bikes Crank Forward

Looking for a comfier bicycle that's a bit more reliable than what
you're used to? The crank-forward design has a low seat height that
allows riders to sit more upright and put both feet flat on the
ground at stop signs...


* 2006-02-04: No War for Oil - Ride a Bike

What better way to demonstrate against the Bush regime's war for oil
and against it's deception on climate change and environmental
issues, than on a bike?

This was the call the was put out for the bike contingency at the
World Can't Wait "Bush Step Down, and take your program with you!"


* 20060204: Patent Pending Blog - Bicycle Technology

As is the wont of the web surfing, we arrived at this site by sheer
serendipity. Any treehugger with even a passing interest in bicycles
will find its contents most intriguing. It's a "blog celebrating the
history of technology and creative genius over the centuries." And
the version dedicated to cycling has gems like the above pic,
possibly the first patented full suspension bike from way back in 1890.


* 2006-02-04: Why Bike To Work?

The San Louis Obispo County Bicycle Coalition recently sponsored a
"Why Bike to Work" essay contest, and many persuasive entries rolled
in. If you're still not convinced that adding a lil' bike commute to
your life will benefit you and your community, then perhaps some of
these essays will help change your mind.

First Place Essay
by Alexander Asper-Nelson

Why ride a bicycle to work, or anywhere, instead of driving? Math.

- A new car costs about $20,000. A new bicycle costs about $450.
- When a car breaks down it can require lengthy, costly repairs, often exceeding the value of the car. When a bicycle breaks down, the cost is rarely beyond that of a new tire or chain, and folks at the local bike shop will often fix it for the cost of the materials.
- A car requires insurance, registration, and a valid California license. A bicycle requires the sense of balance that god gives eight-year-olds.
- Car lanes are 12 feet wide. Bike lanes are about 2 feet wide. Consider the savings in asphalt alone.
- Gas prices are about $3.09 a gallon, while water bottles average approximately $1.07 with tax. And many people in cars drink bottled water anyway.
- Bicycling releases adrenalin, endorphins, and hormones, resulting in a sense of energy and well-being. Driving releases carbon monoxide and pollutants, resulting in greenhouse gases and skin cancer.
- Road-rage abounds. Bike-lane rage is as yet unheard of.
- Cars require airbags, safety restraints, seatbelts, anti-lock brakes, and dozens of other safety mechanisms. Bicyclists are required to wear a helmet if they are under the age of 12.
- Driving too much results in eye-strain, backaches, migraines, weight gain, and highway hypnosis. Bicycling too much results in sexy calves and thigh muscles.
- To date, no one has ever been involved in a deadly alcohol-related hit-and-run on a bicycle.
- Drivers who fall asleep at the wheel result in 20,000 accidents a year. Bicyclists who fall asleep simply fall down.
- Most people drive to work and bicycle on weekends to relax. In fact, some people drive elsewhere on vacation in order to bicycle there. This seems like an unnecessary extra step.
- Between traffic, circuitous routes, one-way streets, etc., it takes about 15 minutes to get from one end of San Luis Obispo to the other by car. On a bicycle it takes about 20. Which is about the minimum amount of aerobic exercise you're supposed to do anyway.
- In fact, the Surgeon General has determined that 20 minutes of exercise 3-4 times a week increases life expectancy up to 30 years. So then, with this 60 hours of exercise a year spread over those 30 extra years, you lose only 75 days to that exercise, leaving you 10,883 you wouldn't have otherwise.
- Finally, bicycling takes less real "energy" than any other form of transportation. From walking to air travel, in terms of caloric cost (a calorie literally being a unit of energy-producing potential equal to the amount of heat released upon oxidation, whether that fuel be in the body or from gasoline, electricity, or any other fuel source), bicycling is the absolute most efficient means of transport that has ever been invented. Anywhere. Ever.

So hurrah for bicycles. And share the road. We bicyclists take up 1/6 as much of it as you do.

* 2006-02-03: A Piacenza è in corso la rivoluzione delle bici
[Roma pedala]

Dopo Reggio Emilia, anche a Piacenza le biciclette potranno viaggiare
