[NuovoLab] FW: [amiciziaItaloPalestinese] Fw: lettera di un'…

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Auteur: Elisabetta Filippi
À: forumgenova
Sujet: [NuovoLab] FW: [amiciziaItaloPalestinese] Fw: lettera di un'israeliana
Scusate se sto intasandovi la posta, ma è un momento di emergenza per la
Palestina, portarvi a conoscenza della situazione con i suoi continui
drammatici aggiornamenti è l'unico modo che conosco per divulgare le
informazioni. Confido nell'aiuto di tutti voi.


>From: "Bilal Murar" <bmurar@???>
>Reply-To: amiciziaItaloPalestinese@???
>To: <amiciziaItaloPalestinese@???>
>Subject: [amiciziaItaloPalestinese] Fw: lettera di un'israeliana
>Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 15:08:57 +0100
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Susanne Scheidt
>To: al-awda-italia@???
>Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 11:58 AM
>Subject: [Al-Awda-Italia] lettera di un'israeliana
>Dorothy, una pacifista israeliana, scrive (traduzione):
>Cari tutti
>Circa un'ora fa ho parlato con un amico che è stato a Balata (campo
>profughi di Nablus) per l'intera scioccante e nauseante giornata, la quinta
>giornata dell'offensiva delle forze armate israeliane, che era la giornata
>peggiore, finora. Secondo questo amico, soldati israeliani hanno sparato
>contro le squadre del soccorso medico e hanno ferito anche (pacifisti)
>internazionali accorsi per assistere i feriti. Israele non prova alcuna
>vergogna. La TV mostra le rastrellazioni casa per casa, le incursioni
>attraverso i vicoli stretti, i soldati israeliani che buttano giù porte a
>colpi di stivali, le donne che gridano, uomini colpiti dalle palottole, la
>distruzione ..... siamo talmente induriti che riente ci commuova più ?
>Provo nausea. Non so cosa provi l'israeliano medio. Non oso pensarci.
>Il primo ministro di recente nomina, Ismail Haniyeh del Hamas, ha detto che
>"i palestinesi non permetteranno che il versamento del loro sangue venga
>strumentalizzato nella campagan elettorale israeliana" *. Ma mi sembra che
>qui ci sia al palo molto di più che non una campagna elettorale. L'Europa
>non ha seguito gli USA tagliando i fondi per i palestinesi, nonostante la
>vittoria elettorale di Hamas e perfino gli USA sembrano incerti. Un
>qualsiasi atto di violenza individuale, da parte di un palestinese, in
>risposta a quanto le forze armate israeliane stanno facendo a Balata ed
>Israele dirà (come fa sempre) che "non c'è un interlocutore."
>(Quest'affermazione sarebbe anche assolutamente vera, ma non è attribuibile
>ai palestinesi, bensì ad Israele). E così, gli israeliani pagheranno il
>prezzo per le follie dei loro leader. Ed ai palestinesi, cui sofferenze
>aumentano di giorno in giorno, verrà attribuita la responsabilità. E gli
>efferati leader israeliani insisterannno che il resto del mondo affami i
>palestinesi rifiutando assistenza finanziaria ai "terroristi". O, amici,
>cosa posso dire ? La mente mi si blocca. Temo il peggio per ambedue nostri
>popoli - palestinesi ed ebrei israeliani. Come faceva Israele a produrre
>leader che voglion la terra, la terra, la terra, ma non versano alcuna
>lacrima per le vite - l'elemento spendibile, dispensabile, il "danno
>collaterale" sulla strada verso il "grande Israele".
>Qui sotto troverete la descrizione dell'ISM di quanto è accaduto oggi.
>Inoltre, per chi volesse approfondire, ho indicato alcuni link.
>* http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/spages/686123.html
>Hebrew: http://www.haaretz.co.il/hasite/spages/686494.html
>Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 18:50:42 +0000
>From: media@???
>Subject: [ISM Media Group] Israeli military opens fire on medical team
> Palestinian and International medical volunteers -
>"We were standing in the alley way, everything was quite when
>suddenly without warning we heard a big explosion and heard gun shots.
>I then saw Jarar and Ihab liying on the floor. Ihab wasn't moving."
>Wounded Dutch medical volunteer
>At 11:45 this morning an explosion set off by the Israeli military
>inside the house belonging to Muhammed Abu Hamis Abu Amar caused a fire
>in the house. Occupation forces prevented fire trucks from accessing
>the area and told them that they will be detonating further explosions
>in the same house. Emergency teams accompanied by international
>volunteers treated children in some of the adjacent houses who were
>effected by smoke inhalation. Neighbours attempted to put out the fire
>by bringing buckets of water.
>At 12:30 the military set off a series of additional explosions inside
>the house of Muhammed Abu Amar.
>At 1:00 A medical team including two Palestinians and two international
>volunteers were trapped in an alleyway adjacent to the house belonging
>to Muhammed Abu Amar. They were standing behind an Israeli Jeep that
>soldiers had vacated.
>At 2:00 without any warning shots they were fired at and a grenade was
>thrown at them from around the corner. According to the volunteers the
>shooting came from the direction of the Alleyway where the Israeli
>soldiers were. A twenty two year old American student was wounded by
>Shrapnel in the hand a twenty nine year old Dutch volunteer was wounded
>by shrapnel in the thigh and shoulder, Jirar Candola an ambulance
>driver with the UPMRC was shot in the arm and leg and Ihab Mansour, a
>medical volunteer working with the Palestinian scientific society, was
>shot in the head and taken away by the Israeli soldiers.
>At 3:00 the soldiers blew up Muhammad Abu Amar's house, thus killing
>three Palestinian fighters who were inside.
>Earlier this morning the Israeli military shot and killed 19 Year old
>Ibrahim Saadi, who was throwing a stone at the Israeli armored jeeps
>and 20 year old Naim Abu Sarif, who was shot dead by a sniper while on
>the roof of his house.
>For more information call:
>In Balata Simone 054-2149589 or ISM media office 02-2971824
>Israeli Army Kills Top Militant
>Thursday February 23, 2006 8:16 PM
>AP Photo JRL137
>Associated Press Writer
>BALATA REFUGEE CAMP, West Bank (AP) - Israeli troops on Thursday killed
>five Palestinians, including a top militant who said just a day earlier
>that he would never be caught, in the largest West Bank military operation
>since Israel's pullout from the Gaza Strip last summer.
>The three fugitives from the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades were hiding in a
>crawlspace above the bathroom of a Balata house when soldiers ringed the
>building. A gun battle ensued, and at one point, the gunmen threw an
>explosive device toward the soldiers. Two soldiers were wounded, one
>At the time of the blast, a group of medics and journalists had assembled
>nearby, after being prevented by troops from entering the camp, witnesses
>said. One medic, Khaled Saragic, said that when a soldier standing next to
>a jeep heard the blast, he started firing toward medics and journalists,
>wounding three people.
>Also, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel charged that soldiers were
>impeding the movement of ambulances. Late Thursday afternoon, they said,
>four ambulances were trapped inside the camp.
>The military denied that soldiers fired indiscriminately or that ambulances
>were detained. However, the army said ambulances were checked because of
>attempts to smuggle fugitives out of the camp.
>The military said it was not aware of such incidents, and said all gunfire
>was directed toward armed Palestinians or those throwing firebombs.
>Since the Balata sweep began Sunday, eight Palestinians have been killed by
>army fire, including the five shot dead Thursday. More than 50 Palestinians
>have been injured by live rounds and rubber-coated steel pellets,
>Palestinian hospital officials said. The military said 15 fugitives have
>been arrested.
>Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas condemned the operation and warned it
>would endanger a cease-fire that has been in effect for a year, according
>to the Palestinian WAFA news agency.
>In Gaza, Hamas backers marched toward the Palestinian parliament building
>to protest the Israeli operation in Nablus. After winning elections last
>month, Hamas has taken control of the parliament.
>Addressing the rally, incoming Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas
>denounced the ``aggression committed against our people'' and expressed
>solidarity with the Palestinians resisting the Israeli military in the
>refugee camp. He said Hamas has a two-pronged program for the people: ``One
>hand resists and the other hand builds.''
>One of those killed Thursday was identified as Mohammed Shtawi, a top Al
>Aqsa fugitive. On Wednesday, Shtawi told an AP reporter that earlier in the
>day soldiers surrounded his hideout for five hours, but he and several
>friends slipped away. ``They will never catch me,'' he said at the time.
>Israeli forces have been carrying out nightly arrest raids in the West
>Bank, rounding up suspected militants, but the incursion into the Balata
>camp is the largest and longest since the summer pullout from Gaza and part
>of the West Bank. Dozens of army vehicles and hundreds of soldiers are
>Israeli security officials have been warning that with the pullout,
>Palestinian militants would switch their operations to the West Bank.
>Nablus has been a focus of attention for months, with soldiers keeping a
>tight grip on the city, which is encircled by roadblocks.
>The Israeli military said troops entered Balata after receiving warnings
>that Al Aqsa and two other militant groups in and around the West Bank city
>of Nablus were planning attacks against Israelis. Before the raid, soldiers
>in the Nablus area seized four bomb belts, said Maj. Sharon Assman, an army
>officer in the area. Such belts are used in suicide bombings.
>On Thursday morning, dozens of jeeps patrolled Balata and sealed off the
>refugee camp of 18,000 people from adjacent Nablus. Balata is a stronghold
>of the Al Aqsa group, a violent offshoot of Abbas' Fatah Party.
>Al Aqsa fugitives have been moving from hideout to hideout since the army
>raid began.
>Fighting in Balata began at midmorning Thursday when one of the jeeps broke
>down on the outskirts of the camp. Several teens began throwing stones at
>the vehicle, witnesses said. Soldiers opened fire, killing a 19-year-old
>man. The Israeli military said soldiers fired at the man because he was
>holding a firebomb.
>In another area, Palestinians threw stones at a jeep and soldiers opened
>fire, hitting one man in the jaw, witnesses said.
>An AP photographer who heard the shots and rushed to the scene found the
>man lying on the ground, with blood gushing from a large hole in his jaw.
>Bystanders quickly bundled him into an ambulance, and hospital officials
>later reported he was in serious condition. The Israeli military said the
>man was targeted because he held a firebomb.
>Also, a 22-year-old man was shot and killed by a bullet to the chest while
>he was standing on his roof in Balata, witnesses said. The military said he
>was armed when he was shot and that he was an Al Aqsa fugitive.