[movimenti.bicocca] MOBILIZATION

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Autore: Tommaso Vitale
Data: 2006-02-14 07:57 -000
To: ML movimenti Bicocca
Oggetto: [movimenti.bicocca] MOBILIZATION
> Also, in 2006, Mobilization begins quarterly publication, in March,
> June, September, and December. If you are interested in
> subscribing, you may contact me. I will send you an order form so
> we can get you on the mailing list before the publication date. The
> June Mobilization is a focus issue on state repression and social
> movements, guest editor, Jennifer Earl.
> The International Quarterly Review of Research in Social Movements,
> Protest, and Contentious Politics
> Volume 11 Number 1
>  When Do Leaders Matter? Hypotheses on Leadership Dynamics in  
> Social Movements
>        Sharon Erickson Nepstad and Clifford Bob

>  Explaining Social Movement Outcomes: Multiorganizational Fields  
> and Hate Crime Reporting
>         Rory McVeigh, Carl Neblett, and Sarah Shafiq

>  Between Globalism and Pragmatism: Attac in France, Germany, and  
> Sweden
>         Fredrik Uggla

> Constructing Political Opportunity: 1987—The Palestinian Year of  
> Discontent
>        Eitan Y. Alimi

>  Master Frames and Political Opportunities in Northern Ireland's  
> Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s
>        Lorenzo Bosi

> Islamic "New Social Movements"? Radical Islam, Al-Qaida, and Social  
> Movement Theory
>        Philip W. Sutton and Stephen Vertigans

> Book Review Section
>        Edited by Rachel Einwohner

> Hank Johnston, editor
> Mobilization: An International Journal
> San Diego State University
> San Diego, CA 92182-4423
> Fax: 858.673.8402 www.Mobilization.sdsu.edu
> Mobilization . . .
> a top-ten sociology journal based on its citation-impact index.