Lähettäjä: Errata Päiväys: Vastaanottaja: badgirlz-list Aihe: [Badgirlz-list] Women's Bodies, Gender Analysis,
and Feminist Politics at the
> Call for Papers: Journal of International Women's
Studies-- Special > Issue: Women's Bodies, Gender Analysis, and Feminist Politics at the > Fórum Social Mundial
> Please submit your contribution to the editors no later than April
30, > 2006 following the guidelines posted on the JIWS's website at > www.bridgew.edu/JIWS.
> Since its inauguration in 2001, the World Social Forum (WSF) has
gained > increasing importance as a venue for strengthening alternatives to
the > neoliberal agenda for globalization. The WSF has been described as
both > a process and an event, following an agreed upon set of principles in > its planning and convening in order to foster new forms of
organization > and movement building. Nevertheless, this is an evolving, fluid > phenomenon as the World Social Forums have given rise to several > regional, local and thematic social forums. Many women and some > feminists have participated in various ways in these forums: as > organizers, workshop presenters, participants and malcontents. >
> Along with AWID's triennial global conferences, the WSF offers
women's > organizations predictably scheduled opportunities to network with > activists from distant locales and other sectors. However, the > experiences of women working in this expansive and sometimes > overwhelming environment have been uneven and contradictory, and the > roles played by gender analysis and feminist politics often
ambiguous. >
> For this special issue of the Journal of International Women's
Studies > we are seeking contributions in a range of genres from women who have > direct experience with organizing or attending one or more of the
World > Social Forums or regional/local forums organized under the auspices
and > according to the principles of the Fórum Social Mundial. >
> Submissions might include theoretical or analytical essays,
reflective > narratives, activity reports or evaluations, manifestos, press
releases, > posters or other ephemera. JIWS's intention is to collect materials > documenting the range of experiences and activities occurring under > the tent of the WSF so that feminist practice within the Social
Forums > can gain in effectiveness. We also believe it is important to begin
to > archive this activism as it happens.
> With the tri-partite polycentric forums planned for Caracas
(Venezuela), > Bamako (Mali), and Karachi (Pakistan) in January 2006, the first U.S. > Social Forum scheduled for Atlanta in 2007, the Social Forum process > is on the cusp of gaining new visibility in the US, an arena that has > been slow to recognize the importance of these strategic events. It > therefore, seems a precipitous juncture for gathering our thoughts
and > recollections about this evolving phenomenon.
> Please submit your contribution to the editors no later than April
30, > 2006 following the guidelines posted on the JIWS's website at > www.bridgew.edu/JIWS.
> From: Laura Roskos (roskos@???) Patricia Willis > (pwill06@???) Center for Women's Health and Human Rights, > Suffolk University, 8 Ashburton Place, Boston, MA 02108 >
> The Journal of International Women's Studies is an on-line, > open-access, peer reviewed journal that provides a forum for
scholars, > activists, and students to explore the relationship between feminist > theory and various forms of organizing. JIWS is currently indexed
with > the Library of Congress, the MLA International Bibliography, The > International Bibliography of Social Sciences, Elsevier Bibliographic > Databases, Ulrich's Periodicals, the Gale Group, and at > http://webster.bridgew.edu.
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