[Cm-crew] [NoviGlob][set 18] Jimi Hendrix dies from an overd…

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Lähettäjä: schizo-mobile
Aihe: [Cm-crew] [NoviGlob][set 18] Jimi Hendrix dies from an overdose, 1970

==== PISA aggressione a Critical Mass - comunicato solidale ====
[Italy imc] 2005-09-17

Venerdì 9 settembre, mentre stava attacchinando in Borgo Stretto una
locandina della Critical Mass anti Frecce Tricolori della giornata
successiva, un attivista di Critical Mass Pisa è stato aggredito alle
spalle da un esagitato...


[uk.indymedia.org Video] 2005-09-14

Short version of today's Critical Mass, starting from Bank Station and
ending up on the Silvertown Way Bridge.


==== DSEi related photos ====
[uk.indymedia.org] 14-09-2005

Photos from last night and this morning, including the start of this
mornings critical mass


==== DSEI CRITICAL MASS REPORT AND PICS (1st part of 2) ====
[uk.indymedia.org] 15-09-2005

1st part of a two part report on today's day of action at dsei
included a critical mass ride from the city to the excel centre, with
very successful reclaim the streets moments throughout, and a chance
to harangue delegates on several occasions


==== Milano - La notte bianca delle bici. Più di ventimila in centro ====
[Italy imc] 17-09-2005

I ciclisti «padroni» di corso Buenos Aires chiuso al traffico. Negozi
aperti e sfide tra campioni: via ai dieci giorni dei biker...


==== Milano in bici, Matteoli sbanda ====
[Italy imc] 18-09-2005

Il ministro alla fiera del ciclo: no alle domeniche a piedi.


==== Notes on Social Architectures as Art Forms by Sal Randolph ====
[del.icio.us/tag/psychogeography] 2005-09-16

The idea of an art made from the social, from people participating in
social interactions, descends from the Dadaists, revolutionaries, and
utopians, infusing various strands of artmaking in the 50's and 60's
including John Cage's Black Mountain events, Alan Kaprow's happenings,
Fluxus, Gutai, the Situationist International, conceptual, body and
performance art, and the work of Joseph Beuys, who crowned the swell
by coining the term "social sculpture."


==== Glowlab and Open interactive Psychogeography festival ====
[del.icio.us/tag/psychogeography] 2005-09-16

Glowlab, a Brooklyn-based psychogeography network presents Open Lab at
Art Interactive. During this festival and exhibition curated by
Christina Ray, more than twenty artists will research the effects of
the urban environment on emotion and behavior by leading a series of
public events...


==== AVD & Work Bikes ====
[Treehugger] 2005-09-15

Here be yet another pedal-powered cargo hauler. This one has the
strange distinction of being hailed by Ford as the future of vehicle
design. Work that one out! Originally made by the same company that
fabricates that cool looking three-wheeler: the Windcheetah...


==== Bicycle for space training ====
[we make money not art] 2005-09-15

The National Space Biomedical Research Institute is exploring the
concept of a bike-like centrifuge to be used by astronauts for
inflight resistance-training exercise...


==== Long blonde babe Autumn Westin on a bike ride ====
[The Sex Blog] 2005-09-XXX


