[Cm-crew] [NoviGlob][set 11] Terrorists destroy World Trade …

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==== Milwaukee Police Attack ====
[critical-mass at Yahoo! Groups] 2005-08-19

Here are a couple of links about the July Critical Mass in Milwaukee.
We were attacked by the police in the midst of one of our cities
highest murder rates in the last decade. We have legal support for
our Sept. 21 court date, and we are all going to ride to court


==== All bikes are go ! ====
[UK Indymedia Newswire] 2005-09-07

"Those who wish to control their own lives and move beyond existence
as mere clients and consumers - those people ride a bike." - Wolfgang
Sachs, For the Love of the Automobile

This month is full of bike related events with meetings, bikerides and
film screenings. Time to get on yer bike !


==== Pedali nella notte: ultimo appuntamento ====
[il.Quotidiano.it] 2005-09-08

ASCOLI PICENO - Appello al Sindaco Celani: incentivare l'uso urbano
della bicicletta negli spostamenti sistematici "casa-scuola" e

Si concludono venerdì 9 settembre le passeggiate notturne in
bicicletta promosse dall'associazione FIAB - Amici della Bicicletta di
Ascoli Piceno.

I "Pedali nella notte" hanno tenuto compagnia ogni venerdi sera, da
fine luglio, a grandi e piccini che si sono ritrovati sempre più
numerosi al consueto appuntamento delle 21.30 a Piazza Arringo.

Centro storico, Campo Parignano, Porta Maggiore, Porta Cappuccina sono
state "invase" per una notte, dal lungo corteo di biciclette...


==== Porcolonga d'Autunno, pedalando fra Po e Culatello ====
[EMILIANET] 2005-09-08

Nel territorio di Verdi e Guareschi domenica 18 settembre 10 itinerari
in bici e in barca sul Po. Soste golose e visite ai monumenti.
Per l'occasione dieci Comuni inaugurano il noleggio di biciclette

PARMA (8 set. 2005) - La Porcolonga d'Autunno è una passeggiata in
bicicletta organizzata per domenica 18 settembre dalla Strada del
Culatello di Zibello con l'assistenza di guide professionali della
Uisp. Si tiene nella zona, compresa fra Parma e il Po, definita "bassa
parmense", che ha una grande valenza enogastronomica...


==== Incidenti mortali in bicicletta - L'Italia è prima in Europa ====
[Quotidiano Nazionale.it] 2005-09-01


==== Future Factories Light Bikes ====
[Treehugger] 2005-09-11

Tooling around London during the upcoming London Design Festival:
Light Bikes, designed by Lionel Theodore Dean of Future
Factories. "Taking to the streets after dusk, Light Bikes will
accompany visitors to and from the major activities, linking major
evening events...


==== An Interview with the Inventor of Brompton Bike ====
[Treehugger] 2005-09-09

...Ritchie, 58, is more than just another cyclist. He is a
self-confessed obsessive, someone who has devoted the past 30 years of
his life to building the best portable bicycle in the world, a machine
that is fun and efficient to ride but can be quickly folded into a
package smaller than an average suitcase, carried up and down stairs,
tucked behind a train seat or secreted under a desk.


==== The Urban Lottery ====
[Space and Culture] 2005-09-09

**The Urban Lottery: A Game to Think Through the City**

"The game consists of a journey through a series of images, concepts
and words that have different meanings for contemporary urban

The Urban Lottery invites you on a never-ending adventure-to think
through the city and to think about yourself in relation to the city
that you inhabit. It does not matter what city you live in. What
matters are the ways in which you explore, discover and understand
that city and your relationship to it. Most important, however, are
the ways in which you become involved and participate in building a
better, more democratic city in which there is room for all."


