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Autor: Rosario Gallipoli
Asunto: [Lecce-sf] Fw: [aa-info] [uruknet.info] - [daily information from occupied iraq] - [newsletter 23 Jul 2005 - Part Two]

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From: "uruknet.info" <redazione@???>
To: "Gruppo aaa-info" <aa-info@???>
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2005 1:36 PM
Subject: [aa-info] [uruknet.info] - [daily information from occupied iraq] -
[newsletter 23 Jul 2005 - Part Two]

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>            www.uruknet.info

>     information from occupied iraq
>     informazione dall'iraq occupato
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------

> Capolavoro americano: le donne irachene sottomesse al Corano
> (AprileOnLine)
> ...Con l'ascesa al potere della forte comunità sciita (forte soprattutto

per i nuovi rapporti di vicinato con l'Iran ) la nuova Costituzione cancella
in un sol colpo la tradizione secolare della Mesopotamia e assesta un duro
colpo ai diritti della donna, che viene assoggettata alla legge coranica in
materia di matrimonio, divorzio e successioni e perde la quota di
rappresentanza obbligatoria in Parlamento. È quanto emerge da un capitolo
della "Magna Charta" redatta dalla Commissione costituente e pubblicato dal
"New York Times"...
> http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13963&s2=24
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> <i>Ospedale Centrale di Hadiza.</i><br>La strategia statunitense di

assalto agli ospedali: distruggere fino al punto che riparare risulti
> (Sabah Ali , www.resistenze.org)
> ...Arrivando all'Ospedale Centrale di Hadiza, alle 11 del mattino del

giorno 4 di questo mese, vedemmo una grande moltitudine di uomini che
gridavano: "Non c'è diritto, è ingiusto. Dio non può accettare una cosa
simile, e nemmeno l'umanità, dov'è il governo? Ci sono crimini
inaccettabili." Alcune donne piangevano amaramente. I corpi di due giovani
uomini, coperti di sangue, erano appena stati condotti dentro l'ospedale...
> http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13891&s2=24
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Lo scontro di civiltà
> (Chalmers Johnson, Nuovi Mondi Media)
> ...I sostenitori del presidente Bush hanno parlato in ogni momento della

sua guerra globale conto il terrorismo come di uno "scontro di civiltà". Ma
la civiltà che stiamo distruggendo in Iraq fa pare del nostro stesso
patrimonio. E fa anche parte dell'eredità del mondo. Prima della nostra
invasione dell'Afghanistam, condannammo i talebani perché avevano fatto
esplodere le monumentali statue buddiste del III secolo d.c. a Bamiyan nel
marzo 2001. Erano due gigantesche statue di immenso valore storico e la
barbarie della loro distruzione venne proclamata a grandi titoli e con
orrore nel nostro paese. Oggigiorno, il nostro stesso governo è responsabile
di crimini molto più gravi quando si tratta della distruzione di tutto un
universo di antichità...
> http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13911&s2=24
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> (IraqSolidaridad, www.resistenze.org)
> ...La tortura su civili è qualcosa di abituale da parte delle forze della

sicurezza collaborazionista, soprattutto per cercare di estorcere
informazioni dai familiari di presunti membri della Resistenza. Le vittime
sono, senza distinzione, uomini, donne e bambini. È una realtà tanto
diffusa, che perfino il "ministro" dei Diritti Umani o il portavoce del
primo "ministro" si sono visti obbligati a riconoscere "casi di detenuti
sottoposti a pressione", e centinaia di testimonianze di persone torturate
sono apparse in una serie di programmi televisivi in orario notturno...
> http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=13884&s2=24
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> (Comedonchisciotte.org)
> ...Riassumendo, il rapporto mostra davvero come - adesso, a poco più di

due anni dall'inizio dell'occupazione - gli ospedali siano in condizioni ben
peggiori di quelle in cui già erano nel periodo delle sanzioni contro
l'Iraq. La frase più comune che sentivo dai dottori, mentre lavoravo su
questo rapporto, era che 'Ora la nostra situazione è peggiore persino di
quando c'erano le sanzioni'. In breve, c'è una disastrosa mancanza di
medicinali, mancanza di equipaggiamento, mancanza di forniture, e
praticamente non c'è ricostruzione. Inoltre, un altro fattore da me
constatato è che prendere deliberatamente di mira ospedali, ambulanze e
personale medico da parte dell'esercito sembri essere divenuta una procedura
operativa standard...
> http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=14044&s2=24
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Pentagon Blocks Release of Abu Ghraib Images: Here's Why
> (Greg Mitchell, E & P)
> So what is shown on the 87 photographs and four videos from Abu Ghraib

prison that the Pentagon, in an eleventh hour move, blocked from release
this weekend? One clue: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told Congress last
year, after viewing a large cache of unreleased images: "I mean, I looked at
them last night, and they're hard to believe." They show acts "that can only
be described as blatantly sadistic, cruel and inhumane," he added. A
Republican Senator suggested the same day they contained scenes of "rape and
murder." No wonder Rumsfeld commented then, "If these are released to the
public, obviously it's going to make matters worse." Yesterday, news emerged
that lawyers for the Pentagon had refused to cooperate with a federal
judge's order to release dozens of unseen photographs and videos from Abu
Ghraib prison in Iraq by Saturday...
> http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=14037&s2=24
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 23 July 2005
> (Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board,

the Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org)
> ...In a dispatch posted at 12:15pm Mecca time Saturday, Mafkarat al-Islam

reported that a short while earlier US forces had arrested the wife of
Shaykh 'Abd al-Hadi al-'Umari, the commander of one of the largest
Resistance organizations in western Iraq. The Rawah correspondent for
Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US Marines stormed a house of the many "most
wanted" by them in the western area of the country - 'Abd al-Hadi
al-'Umari - arresting his wife and leaving a message there and with his
neighbors saying that if he wants to get her back safe and sound as she now
is, he would have to turn himself in to the US invader forces...
> http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=14036&s2=24
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Rovegate-let's pull the thread!
> (Jerry Mazza, Online Journal Contributing Writer)
> ...But if we do pull the thread long enough, we will unravel an organized

conspiracy to take America to war, illegally, unconstitutionally. Keep
pulling the thread and we see the emperor has no clothes, no defense. The
commander in chief gave a nod to this all. Yes, like his Republican
precursor, Richard Milhous Nixon, who was the hand, the force behind
Watergate, the burglars, the Plumbers, and the refusals to testify to the
Senate, to give up the tapes, the recorded plans to corrupt America's
government. So too it is Bush, albeit with his ventriloquist Cheney, who is
behind Rovegate, the thread to the grand plan to globalize the world through
perpetual war for oil and the power it brings...
> http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=14034&s2=24
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Linking Sharm el-Sheikh and London
> (Kurt Nimmo, Another day in the empire)
> "An Al-Qaeda-linked group claimed Saturday's deadly bombings in a Egyptian

resort as Osama bin Laden's network further spread its tentacles with
strikes on London, threats to European nations and kidnappings in Iraq,"
reports News 24. "The group, calling itself the Al-Qaeda Organization in the
Levant and Egypt, claimed in an Internet statement the bombings in the Red
Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh that killed at least 83 people, including
foreigners." No explanation provided why "al-Qaeda" (or al-CIA-duh) would
want to kill Muslims. But then the corporate media never bothers with such
obvious questions. As usual, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and Chechnya were
mentioned in the "internet statement" that will now be taken as gospel truth
while the idiocy of "al-Qaeda" killing fellow Muslims remains
> http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=14032&s2=24
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Evidence Luton CCTV Image is Fake
> (Fintan Dunne, BreakForNews.com)
> # The Haversack. A crude job, and it shows.
> # The Half Leg. How does this person walk at all?
> # The Iron Face. The bar should be behind. Is there a face?
> # The Bar Split. The two ends of the crossbar don't line up.
> # The Split Two. Same problem as above. Must be a twist in space.
> # The Face Blur. Face has been darkened and blurred -like the others...
> http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=14031&s2=24
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> <i>A Fiction</i><br>Baghdad: Barbarism and Civilization
> He was the <i>Daily Blare</i>'s reporter in Baghdad, Andy Rubber-Ali,

earnest, energetic and deeply embedded, who occasionally wandered off a good
hundred and fifty to two hundred meters from the "Bunker" to pick up 'human
interest' stories. Given the summer heat ­ over 48 degrees Celsius ­ he
decided to interview a municipal garbage man having lunch just outside the
"Bunker". "Hello, would you mind if I ask you a few questions?" Andy sat on
the bench next to the garbage man, wishing he had sniffed some eucalyptus
oil beforehand. "With or without the electric cattle prod?" the worker
replied as he bit into a chicken leg...
> http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=14029&s2=24
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Torture and Lies: Who is Accountable?
> (Katrina Vanden Heuvel, The Nation)
> Congressman Maurice Hinchey had the crowd of more than 900--packed into

New York's Ethical Culture Society's sweltering auditorium this beautiful
summer Saturday--on their feet (...) "Torture and Lies: Who is Accountable?"
was the question. Hinchey, who has represented a largely conservative
district in upstate New York since 1993, answered unflinchingly. "Never have
I seen such an unlawful Administration, one with such arrogance toward the
rule of law. Their activities are criminal"...
> http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=14028&s2=24
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> (Arab Media Watch)
> On July 22 the Sun's regular columnist Richard Littlejohn came perilously

close to inciting hatred against Muslims and Arabs. He justified ethnic
cleansing against the Palestinians and made fun of the suffering of millions
of Iraqis. On Israel and Palestine, Littlejohn's comments are so extreme
one would not expect to hear them from Israel's far-right (...) We urge you
all to complain to the Press Complaints Commission, to the Sun and to
> http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=14027&s2=24
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>                       www.uruknet.info

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