[Cpt] Amnesty UK - detenzione richiedenti asilo

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Autor: Robert Elliot
Temat: [Cpt] Amnesty UK - detenzione richiedenti asilo
vedi sotto un articolo (Guardian di oggi) su un rapporto di Amnesty inglese
sulla detenzione di richiedenti asilo politico
Rob Elliot

Amnesty challenges asylum detentions

Patrick Falby and agencies
Monday June 20, 2005

Britain's detention of asylum seekers is unjust and has led to mental
illness and suicide attempts, the human rights group Amnesty International
says in a report released today.

The report estimates that at least 25,000 people who sought asylum in
Britain were detained last year in jail-like conditions, even though in
many cases there was no apparent reason to hold them.

"This represents a very significant use of detention and immediately raises
the question of whether such prolific use of detention is in compliance
with international human rights law," the Amnesty report says.
The director of Amnesty International UK, Kate Allen, said the organisation
found that being held in detention with no release date in sight had led to
mental illness, self harm and suicide attempts.

"Seeking asylum is not a crime, it is a right. Thousands of people who have
done nothing wrong are being locked up in the UK," Ms Allen said. "The
lawfulness of the decision to detain someone should be reviewed
automatically by a court or similar independent body."

Asylum seekers faced a "lottery" over whether they were locked up, which
depended on the availability of beds in detention centres rather than on
"considerations of necessity, proportionality and appropriateness", the
report says.

The report challenges the British government to release figures for the
number of asylum seekers detained and to release evidence that those who
are locked up were likely to flee otherwise.

It also recommends the British government change rules on how detention is
imposed and ban the detention of elderly or sick people, torture survivors
and unaccompanied children.

A spokesman for the Home Office, speaking on condition of anonymity, said
the power to detain individuals was an essential part of protecting the
integrity and effectiveness of immigration controls.

The spokesman also said that the government was committed to ensuring that
those detained were "treated with humanity and dignity".
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