[Hackmeeting] Requiem...

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Lähettäjä: danz
Aihe: [Hackmeeting] Requiem...
LuX il 07/06/2005 16:59 ha scritto:
> ..e certo! altrimenti come faranno ad usare questi:
> http://www.zeusnews.it/index.php3?ar=stampa&cod=4161
> tra un po'?
> come diceva il buon vecchio Arbore:
> Meditate Gente.. Meditate..

In realta' vorrei rispondere a marc0, ma thunderbird e' impazzito, mi
OBBLIGA a replicare a *QUELLA* mail in HTML, non lo so, ODIO TUTTO.

Comunque, sulle FAQ di:
si legge che:

1) Was TCG formed to specify Digital Rights Management (DRM) technologies?
TCG specifications do not provide all the necessary technical elements
required for DRM. It is conceivable that developers could build their
own DRM solutions that would operate on systems with Trusted Platform
Modules, but TCG specifications alone are not DRM solutions.

2) Can the Trusted Platform Module control what software runs?
No. There is no ability to do this. The subsystem can only act as a
'slave' to higher level services and applications by storing and
reporting pre-runtime configuration information. Other applications
determine what is done with this information. At no time can the TCG
building blocks 'control' the system or report the status of
applications that are running.

Che ne pensate?

Hi, I'm a .signature virus! Copy me to your .signature file and
help me propagate, thanks!
-------------- parte successiva --------------
Un allegato non testuale è stato rimosso....
Nome:        signature.asc
Tipo:        application/pgp-signature
Dimensione:  264 bytes
Descrizione: OpenPGP digital signature
Url:         https://www.inventati.org/mailman/public/hackmeeting/attachments/20050608/5bd6af3a/signature-0001.bin