[Hackmeeting] [Fwd: [Announce-whatthehack] Emergency WTH-new…

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Lähettäjä: -=mayhem=-
Aihe: [Hackmeeting] [Fwd: [Announce-whatthehack] Emergency WTH-newsflash: mayor wants to ban What The Hack !]
se solo i toni e gli atteggiamenti che usiamo qui fossero simili a

-------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: Rop Gonggrijp <rop@???>
> To: announce@???
> Subject: [Announce-whatthehack] Emergency WTH-newsflash: mayor wants
> to ban What The Hack !
> Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 08:52:40 +0200
> (You can help. Read on for details)
> We still find it hard to believe, but we have to accept the fact that it
> is true. The mayor of Boxtel, the municipality under which the location
> for 'What The Hack' resides, seems to be refusing a permit for our
> gathering, citing "grave fear that the organisation of this event will
> endanger law and order as well as public safety".
> Previous instances of this event have seen no incidents of any kind. We
> feel this matter needs public attention to get resolved, and we issued a
> press statement today.
> The letter (dutch): http://www.whatthehack.org/news/boxtelbrief
> A fairly literal (and by no means legally approved) translation would say:
>     Dear Sir, Madam,

>     I have received word that you intend to organize an event "What The
>     Hack" from July 28th 2005 through July 31st 2005 on Landgoed Velder
>     in Liempde.

>     In order to organize such an event, you will need to obtain a permit
>     ex art. 2.2.2. of Boxtel local ordinance 2004.

>     In light of the fact that there is grave fear that this event will
>     endanger law and order as well as public safety, I, in my capacity
>     as an authorized official,  am herewith informing you that I will
>     not issue such a permit.

>     A copy of this letter will be sent to the owners of the Landgoed
>     Velder estate.

>     I assume that I have sufficiently informed you.

>     Yours truly,

>     J.A.M. van Homelen

> We have since mobilised our legal team and communicated with the
> municipality some more. The entire exchange can be found here, and will
> be updated as more communication happens.
> We're preparing to take this matter to court, and we have strong reasons
> to believe this will not stand.
> What you can do
> We issued press releases in english, dutch and german. Maybe you have
> means at your disposal to get this matter some attention. Please forward
> the message to any and all journalists you know, both at the corporate
> and at the alternative media. Put it on your weblog. Talk about it on
> online forums. If you happen to live or work in Boxtel, talk to people
> and make sure they understand we're good people and that their mayor
> seems uninformed. Make sure people understand what we are and aren't all
> about.
> Keep watching this space for news: things should be moving at a fairly
> high pace for the next few days and weeks.
> What you probably shouldn't do
> Please remember that for now we assume this is all somehow a big
> mistake, and if anything, we want to charm the local community of
> Boxtel. We currently do not believe we have an actual disagreement. We
> believe instead that the mayor does not understand what kind of event
> What The Hack is. We do not want to be seen as radical or pushy. Maybe
> it's an oldfashioned or conservative notion, but we simply feel our
> community has a right to gather peacefully.
> Getting angry or even vindictive towards the mayor, the municipality or
> anyone else is always counter-productive.
> Refunds
> Have no fear: What The Hack will happen. Now what comes next hurts to
> say, but we'd rather say the unspeakable before anyone else does:
> Feel secure in the knowledge that in the extremely unlikely event that
>    1. we will not be allowed to gather near Boxtel
>    2. we cannot find another location

> all ticket fees paid to us will be refunded in full. Period.
> In fact: this is your chance to show that it takes more than misinformed
> public servants to scare you. Buy your ticket today!
> Smile
> Perhaps most importantly: Don't let all of this get you down: a good
> mood and a sense of humor have always been powerful weapons.
> _______________________________________________
> Announce-whatthehack mailing list
> Announce-whatthehack@???
> https://list.xs4all.nl/mailman/listinfo/announce-whatthehack

A condom is the glass slipper for our generation. You slip one on when
you meet a stranger. You "dance" all night, and then you throw it away.
The condom, I mean, not the stranger.
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