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(DIRE) - ROMA- I parlamentari dell'Unione e le associazioni
impegnate sul fronte dell'immigrazione daranno vita a "una sorta
di unita' di crisi" per presidiare l'emergenza sbarchi ed
espulsioni di massa, una struttura "capace di intervenire
tempestivamente a tutela dei diritti e contro le violazioni".
L'annuncia il presidente dell'Arci Paolo Beni, in una conferenza
stampa alla Camera: nei centri di prima accoglienza e nei Cpt-
accusa richiamando le pronunce di condanna in sede europea- "c'e'
una situazione gravissima di negazione dei diritti civili e
umani, il governo deve chiarire come si sta comportando e quali
intenzioni ha rispetto a questa situazione". In pratica, a
Lampedusa e negli altri luoghi di crisi- spiega Beni,
puntualizzando che nei prossimi giorni saranno meglio definite le
modalita' di intervento- saranno aperti "uffici appositi" con
operatori qualificati, avvocati e volontari, in "contatto
costante" con i parlamentari.
E alla conferenza stampa, a Montecitorio, numerosi sono i
parlamentari del centrosinistra presenti: i Verdi Mauro
Bulgarelli, Francesco Martone, Laura Cima e Tana De Zulueta; i
capigruppo del Pdci Pino Sgobio e Gianfranco Pagliarulo; il ds
Nuccio Jovene; Graziella Mascia, Elettra Deiana e Pietro Folena
del Prc; Antonello Falomi del Cantiere. Duri i toni di denuncia
contro i "respingimenti di massa" e la violazione dei diritti
degli immigrati: "A Crotone- testimonia Martone- mi e' stato
negato l'accesso al Cpt, e al centro di prima accoglienza non ho
avuto la possibilita' di parlare con nessun responsabile".
Bulgarelli parla di "schema di guerra" attuato dal governo: "Sono
riusciti a peggiorare addirittura la Bossi-Fini, una legge
incostituzionale che dall'Unione andra' abolita". Jovene rincara
la dose: "Ci troviamo in una sorta di 'comma 22', in teoria i
diritti esistono, in pratica si nega l'esercizio". Mascia taglia
corto: "Se l'accesso nei Cpt viene negato e' perche' hanno molto
da nascondere, Prodi l'ha detto: 'sono da chiudere'".
(Gis/ Dire)
15:04 18-05-05 tc
Roma, 18 mag. (Adnkronos) - ''L'emergenza relativa agli sbarchi
degli immigrati va progressivamente peggiorando: di fronte alla
gravita' della situazione abbiamo deciso di dar vita ad un'unita' di
crisi composta da parlamentari, associazioni, partiti, avvocati e
medici che interverra' nei luoghi di sbarco, di trattenimento e
reclusione dei migranti. L'unita' di crisi operera' per garantire la
tutela legale ed il rispetto dei diritti di ognuna delle persone,
impedendone ogni violazione''. Lo ha dichiarato Paolo Beni, presidente
nell'Arci, in occasione della presentazione della ''unita' di crisi
contro le espulsioni di massa'' tenutasi questa mattina a Roma presso
la sala stampa della Camera. Il progetto vede coinvolti numerosi
parlamentari di tutti i partiti dell'Unione.
''Il governo italiano, gia' richiamato dal Parlamento europeo
per le espulsioni collettive effettuate da Lampedusa, e' stato
nuovamente richiamato dalla Corte europea dei Diritti dell'uomo che ha
sospeso l'espulsione di undici emigranti presenti da settimane nel
centro di permanenza temporanea (Cpt) di Lampedusa. Ad oggi - prosegue
Beni - non si conoscono esattamente gli aspetti dell'accordo
italo-libico sugli immigrati respinti: esiste il sospetto che esistano
accordi non diffusi per smistare i profughi in paesi in cui non
vengono rispettati i diritti umani. Tutto cio' va contro la nostra
Costituzione ed i valori internazionali''. (segue)
18-MAG-05 16:04
(Adnkronos) - Mauro Bulgarelli, deputato dei Verdi, precisa che
''la questione degli immigrati e' affrontata in Italia con dei veri e
propri schemi di guerra, il Governo dovra' decidere se affrontare gli
immigrati senza considerarli come merce monetizzata da inserire nel
mondo del lavoro nero. L'unita' di crisi avra' il compito di
affrontare la questione dei diritti degli immigrati partendo dal
principio dell'inclusione: oggi esistono filiere di un nuovo
schiavismo cui il nostro paese e' allineato''.
Il senatore Gianfranco Pagliarulo (Pdci) punta l'attenzione
sull'accesso ai parlamentari nei centri di permanenza temporanea:
''Nei periodi in cui i centri sono quasi vuoti non vi e' nessuna
difficolta' all'accesso per noi parlamentari, come mi e' capitato
visitando in prima persona i centri di Caltanissetta e Lampedusa. E'
nei casi di emergenza - sottolinea Pagliarulo - che l'entrata dei
parlamentari diviene cosa assai complessa: chiediamo formalmente che
cessi questa discrezionalita' delle prefetture, anche per quanto
riguarda la scelta dell'accompagnatore del parlamentare''. (segue)
18-MAG-05 16:06
(Adnkronos) - Pagliarulo fa riferimento all'episodio in cui
venerdi scorso il senatore Francesco Martone (indipendente Prc),
accompagnato dall'avvocato Alessandra Ballerini, si e' recato al
centro di Crotone: ''Abbiamo incontrato notevoli difficolta'
nell'accesso, non possiamo permettere che qualcuno attraverso delle
procedure burocratiche ostacoli il diritto di informare i media e
sensibilizzare a certe questioni l'opinione pubblica''.
Sostiene l'unita' di crisi anche il senatore dei Ds Nuccio
Iovene, membro della Commissione straordinaria diritti umani:
''Continuano i respingimenti di massa di profughi e immigrati verso la
Libia nonostante i richiami a livello europeo abbiano ribadito cio'
che noi da tempo riferiamo in Parlamento, cioe' l'incostituzionalita'
delle azioni del Governo italiano che, agendo in questo modo, rende
anche impossibile l'attuazione del diritto d'asilo''. Concentrata
sulla questione del diritto d'asilo anche Graziella Marscia (Prc):
''la legge sta giacendo da giorni e giorni per una divisione
all'interno della maggioranza: pur essendo una legge criticabile, essa
costituirebbe almeno un piccolo passo avanti per il concetto del
ricorso giurisdizionale''.
18-MAG-05 16:10
(ANSA) - ROMA, 18 MAG - Parlamentari dell'opposizione e
volontari delle associazioni impegnate per i diritti umani hanno
dato vita ad un''unita' di crisi' contro le espulsioni di massa.
L'iniziativa - sara' operativa a breve - prevede presidi sulle
coste interessate agli sbarchi ed un centro operativo a
Lampedusa. L'obiettivo - hanno spiegato i promotori in un
incontro stampa a Montecitorio - e' quello di intervenire
tempestivamente, attivando le reti informative e di denuncia,
qualora si riscontrino violazioni dei diritti.
I parlamentari presenti all'incontro (Graziella Mascia, Prc;
Mauro Bulgarelli, Verdi; Francesco Martone, indipendente Prc;
Gianfranco Pagliarulo, Pdci; Nuccio Jovine, Ds) e il presidente
dell' Arci, Paolo Beni, hanno contestato ''la notizia dell'
ennesima espulsione di massa da Lampedusa verso la Libia'' di
lunedi' sera, ''sulla quale - hanno detto - non si riesce ad
avere alcuna precisa informazione ma che finora non e' stata
smentita dal ministero dell'interno''. Una notizia che arriva
dopo la recente presa di posizione della Corte europea di
Strasburgo contro l'Italia e sulla quale i parlamentari chiedono
al governo di riferire in parlamento.
''E' molto grave - ha detto Beni - che non si riesca ad avere
alcuna notizia. Non si sa nulla di che fine hanno fatto le
persone espulse finora, si parla di un'inquietante eventualita'
ed ossia che molte persone respinte possano essere morte nel
deserto''. Ma non solo: ''Non si riesce ancora a conoscere nel
dettaglio - ha aggiunto - l'accordo che l'Italia ha fatto con la
Libia. Si sospetta un accordo per smistare profughi in paesi in
stato di guerra o non rispettosi dei diritti umani. Il tutto in
violazione delle convenzioni internazionali''.
Critiche dal cartello dell''unita' di crisi' anche ai cpt ed
alla legge Bossi-Fini. Sui cpt contestano le ''restrizioni''
agli accessi dei parlamentari e delle associazioni e chiedono l'
abolizione della discrezionalita' per gli accessi affidati ai
Martone ha denunciato una vicenda di cui e' stato
protagonista avvenuta venerdi' scorso, 13 maggio, al cpt di
Crotone. Accompagnato dall'avvocato Alessandra Ballerini, quest'
ultima non e' stata fatta entrare. ''Ho parlato col prefetto e
mi ha detto che proprio un'ordinanza del giorno prima vietava l'
entrata di persone, seppure collaboratori di parlamentari, non
dotati di cartellino parlamentare. L'avvocato non l'aveva e non
e' stato fatto entrare. All'interno, accompagnato da un
funzionario di polizia, non ho avuto la possibilita' di parlare
con alcun responsabile del centro e chieste informazioni sull'
assistenza legale agli immigrati sono stato rimandato alla
questura di Crotone. In definitiva: sono entrato ma non ho
potuto svolgere il mio ruolo''. A suo avviso, non aver fatto
entrare un avvocato viola anche il diritto all'assistenza legale
degli immigrati che non possono avere informazioni e non possono
presentare richieste di asilo politico. L'episodio e' stato
giudicato ''strano'' anche da Giulio Lana, uno dei legali che ha
presentato il ricorso alla Corte di Strasburgo contro le
espulsioni di massa, presente alla conferenza stampa. A suo
avviso, c'e' stato il ''timore'' che entrando nel cpt l'avvocato
Ballerini (che si e' occupato del ricorso delle espulsioni)
avrebbe potuto raccogliere materiale per una nuova azione
giudiziaria contro il governo italiano.
18-MAG-05 15:55 NNNN
Ministers' Deputies
CM Documents
CM(2005)40 final 9 May 2005
925 Meeting, 4 May 2005
10 Legal questions
10.5 Ad hoc Committee of Experts on the Legal Aspects of Territorial Asylum, Refugees and Stateless Persons (CAHAR) -
Twenty guidelines on forced return1
The Committee of Ministers,
Recalling that, in accordance with Article 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights, member states shall secure to everyone within their jurisdiction the rights and freedoms defined in Section I of the Convention;
Recalling that everyone shall have the right to freedom of movement in accordance with Article 2 of Protocol No. 4 to the Convention;
Recalling that member states have the right, as a matter of well-established international law and subject to their treaty obligations, to control the entry and residence of aliens on their territory;
Considering that, in exercising this right, member states may find it necessary to forcibly return illegal residents within their territory;
Concerned about the risk of violations of fundamental rights and freedoms which may arise in the context of forced return;
Believing that guidelines not only bringing together the Council of Europe's standards and guiding principles applicable in this context, but also identifying best possible practices, could serve as a practical tool for use by both governments in the drafting of national laws and regulations on the subject and all those directly or indirectly involved in forced return operations;
Recalling that every person seeking international protection has the right for his or her application to be treated in a fair procedure in line with international law, which includes access to an effective remedy before a decision on the removal order is issued or is executed,
1. Adopts the attached guidelines and invites member states to ensure that they are widely disseminated amongst the national authorities responsible for the return of aliens.
2. Considers that in applying or referring to those guidelines the following elements must receive due consideration:
a. none of the guidelines imply any new obligations for Council of Europe member states. When the guidelines make use of the verb "shall" this indicates only that the obligatory character of the norms corresponds to already existing obligations of member states. In certain cases however, the guidelines go beyond the simple reiteration of existing binding norms. This is indicated by the use of the verb "should" to indicate where the guidelines constitute recommendations addressed to the member states. The guidelines also identify certain good practices, which appear to represent innovative and promising ways to reconcile a return policy with full respect for human rights. States are then "encouraged" to seek inspiration from these practices, which have been considered by the Committee of Ministers to be desirable;
b. nothing in the guidelines shall affect any provisions in national or international law which are more conducive to the protection of human rights. In particular, in so far as these guidelines refer to rights which are contained in the European Convention on Human Rights, their interpretation must comply with the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights;
c. the guidelines are without prejudice to member states' reservations to international instruments.
Chapter I - Voluntary return
Guideline 1. Promotion of voluntary return
The host state should take measures to promote voluntary returns, which should be preferred to forced returns. It should regularly evaluate and improve, if necessary, the programmes which it has implemented to that effect.
Chapter II - The removal order
Guideline 2. Adoption of the removal order
Removal orders shall only be issued in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with the law.
1. A removal order shall only be issued where the authorities of the host state have considered all relevant information that is readily available to them, and are satisfied, as far as can reasonably be expected, that compliance with, or enforcement of, the order, will not expose the person facing return to:
a. a real risk of being executed, or exposed to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;
b. a real risk of being killed or subjected to inhuman or degrading treatment by non-state actors, if the authorities of the state of return, parties or organisations controlling the state or a substantial part of the territory of the state, including international organisations, are unable or unwilling to provide appropriate and effective protection; or
c. other situations which would, under international law or national legislation, justify the granting of international protection.
2. The removal order shall only be issued after the authorities of the host state, having considered all relevant information readily available to them, are satisfied that the possible interference with the returnee's right to respect for family and/or private life is, in particular, proportionate and in pursuance of a legitimate aim.
3. If the state of return is not the state of origin, the removal order should only be issued if the authorities of the host state are satisfied, as far as can reasonably be expected, that the state to which the person is returned will not expel him or her to a third state where he or she would be exposed to a real risk mentioned in paragraph 1, sub-paragraph a. and b. or other situations mentioned in paragraph 1, sub-paragraph c.
4. In making the above assessment with regard to the situation in the country of return, the authorities of the host state should consult available sources of information, including non-governmental sources of information, and they should consider any information provided by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
5. Before deciding to issue a removal order in respect of a separated child, assistance - in particular legal assistance - should be granted with due consideration given to the best interest of the child. Before removing such a child from its territory, the authorities of the host state should be satisfied that he/she will be returned to a member of his/her family, a nominated guardian or adequate reception facilities in the state of return.
6. The removal order should not be enforced if the authorities of the host state have determined that the state of return will refuse to readmit the returnee. If the returnee is not readmitted to the state of return, the host state should take him/her back.
Guideline 3. Prohibition of collective expulsion
A removal order shall only be issued on the basis of a reasonable and objective examination of the particular case of each individual person concerned, and it shall take into account the circumstances specific to each case. The collective expulsion of aliens is prohibited.
Guideline 4. Notification of the removal order
1. The removal order should be addressed in writing to the individual concerned either directly or through his/her authorised representative. If necessary, the addressee should be provided with an explanation of the order in a language he/she understands. The removal order shall indicate:
- the legal and factual grounds on which it is based;
- the remedies available, whether or not they have a suspensive effect, and the deadlines within which such remedies can be exercised.
2. Moreover, the authorities of the host state are encouraged to indicate:
- the bodies from whom further information may be obtained concerning the execution of the removal order;
- the consequences of non-compliance with the removal order.
Guideline 5. Remedy against the removal order
1. In the removal order, or in the process leading to the removal order, the subject of the removal order shall be afforded an effective remedy before a competent authority or body composed of members who are impartial and who enjoy safeguards of independence. The competent authority or body shall have the power to review the removal order, including the possibility of temporarily suspending its execution.
2. The remedy shall offer the required procedural guarantees and present the following characteristics:
- the time-limits for exercising the remedy shall not be unreasonably short;
- the remedy shall be accessible, which implies in particular that, where the subject of the removal order does not have sufficient means to pay for necessary legal assistance, he/she should be given it free of charge, in accordance with the relevant national rules regarding legal aid;
- where the returnee claims that the removal will result in a violation of his or her human rights as set out in guideline 2.1, the remedy shall provide rigorous scrutiny of such a claim.
3. The exercise of the remedy should have a suspensive effect when the returnee has an arguable claim that he or she would be subjected to treatment contrary to his or her human rights as set out in guideline 2.1.
Chapter III - Detention pending removal
Guideline 6. Conditions under which detention may be ordered
1. A person may only be deprived of his/her liberty, with a view to ensuring that a removal order will be executed, if this is in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law and if, after a careful examination of the necessity of deprivation of liberty in each individual case, the authorities of the host state have concluded that compliance with the removal order cannot be ensured as effectively by resorting to non-custodial measures such as supervision systems, the requirement to report regularly to the authorities, bail or other guarantee systems.
2. The person detained shall be informed promptly, in a language which he/she understands, of the legal and factual reasons for his/her detention, and the possible remedies; he/she should be given the immediate possibility of contacting a lawyer, a doctor, and a person of his/her own choice to inform that person about his/her situation.
Guideline 7. Obligation to release where the removal arrangements are halted
Detention pending removal shall be justified only for as long as removal arrangements are in progress. If such arrangements are not executed with due diligence the detention will cease to be permissible.
Guideline 8. Length of detention
1. Any detention pending removal shall be for as short a period as possible.
2. In every case, the need to detain an individual shall be reviewed at reasonable intervals of time. In the case of prolonged detention periods, such reviews should be subject to the supervision of a judicial authority.
Guideline 9. Judicial remedy against detention
1. A person arrested and/or detained for the purposes of ensuring his/her removal from the national territory shall be entitled to take proceedings by which the lawfulness of his/her detention shall be decided speedily by a court and, subject to any appeal, he/she shall be released immediately if the detention is not lawful.
2. This remedy shall be readily accessible and effective and legal aid should be provided for in accordance with national legislation.
Guideline 10. Conditions of detention pending removal
1. Persons detained pending removal should normally be accommodated within the shortest possible time in facilities specifically designated for that purpose, offering material conditions and a regime appropriate to their legal situation and staffed by suitably qualified personnel.
2. Such facilities should provide accommodation which is adequately furnished, clean and in a good state of repair, and which offers sufficient living space for the numbers involved. In addition, care should be taken in the design and layout of the premises to avoid, as far as possible, any impression of a "carceral" environment. Organised activities should include outdoor exercise, access to a day room and to radio/television and newspapers/magazines, as well as other appropriate means of recreation.
3. Staff in such facilities should be carefully selected and receive appropriate training. Member states are encouraged to provide the staff concerned, as far as possible, with training that would not only equip them with interpersonal communication skills but also familiarise them with the different cultures of the detainees. Preferably, some of the staff should have relevant language skills and should be able to recognise possible symptoms of stress reactions displayed by detained persons and take appropriate action. When necessary, staff should also be able to draw on outside support, in particular medical and social support.
4. Persons detained pending their removal from the territory should not normally be held together with ordinary prisoners, whether convicted or on remand. Men and women should be separated from the opposite sex if they so wish; however, the principle of the unity of the family should be respected and families should therefore be accommodated accordingly.
5. National authorities should ensure that the persons detained in these facilities have access to lawyers, doctors, non-governmental organisations, members of their families, and the UNHCR, and that they are able to communicate with the outside world, in accordance with the relevant national regulations. Moreover, the functioning of these facilities should be regularly monitored, including by recognised independent monitors.
6. Detainees shall have the right to file complaints for alleged instances of ill-treatment or for failure to protect them from violence by other detainees. Complainants and witnesses shall be protected against any ill-treatment or intimidation arising as a result of their complaint or of the evidence given to support it.
7. Detainees should be systematically provided with information which explains the rules applied in the facility and the procedure applicable to them and sets out their rights and obligations. This information should be available in the languages most commonly used by those concerned and, if necessary, recourse should be made to the services of an interpreter. Detainees should be informed of their entitlement to contact a lawyer of their choice, the competent diplomatic representation of their country, international organisations such as the UNHCR and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and non-governmental organisations. Assistance should be provided in this regard.
Guideline 11. Children and families
1. Children shall only be detained as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time.
2. Families detained pending removal should be provided with separate accommodation guaranteeing adequate privacy.
3. Children, whether in detention facilities or not, have a right to education and a right to leisure, including a right to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to their age. The provision of education could be subject to the length of their stay.
4. Separated children should be provided with accommodation in institutions provided with the personnel and facilities which take into account the needs of persons of their age.
5. The best interest of the child shall be a primary consideration in the context of the detention of children pending removal.
Chapter IV - Readmission
Guideline 12. Cooperation between states
1. The host state and the state of return shall cooperate in order to facilitate the return of foreigners who are found to be staying illegally in the host state.
2. In carrying out such cooperation, the host state and the state of return shall respect the restrictions imposed on the processing of personal data relating to the reasons for which a person is being returned. The state of origin is under the same obligation where its authorities are contacted with a view to establishing the identity, the nationality or place of residence of the returnee.
3. The restrictions imposed on the processing of such personal data are without prejudice to any exchange of information which may take place in the context of judicial or police cooperation, where the necessary safeguards are provided.
4. The host state shall exercise due diligence to ensure that the exchange of information between its authorities and the authorities of the state of return will not put the returnee, or his/her relatives, in danger upon return. In particular, the host state should not share information relating to the asylum application.
Guideline 13. States' obligations
1. The state of origin shall respect its obligation under international law to readmit its own nationals without formalities, delays or obstacles, and cooperate with the host state in determining the nationality of the returnee in order to permit his/her return. The same obligation is imposed on states of return where they are bound by a readmission agreement and are, in application thereof, requested to readmit persons illegally residing on the territory of the host (requesting) state.
2. When requested by the host state to deliver documents to facilitate return, the authorities of the state of origin or of the state of return should not enquire about the reasons for the return or the circumstances which led the authorities of the host state to make such a request and should not require the consent of the returnee to return to the state of origin.
3. The state of origin or the state of return should take into account the principle of family unity, in particular in relation to the admission of family members of the returnees not possessing its nationality.
4. The state of origin or the state of return shall refrain from applying any sanctions against returnees:
- on account of their having filed asylum applications or sought other forms of protection in another country;
- on account of their having committed offences in another country for which they have been finally convicted or acquitted in accordance with the law and penal procedure of each country; or
- on account of their having illegally entered into, or remained in, the host state.
Guideline 14. Statelessness
The state of origin shall not arbitrarily deprive the person concerned of its nationality, in particular where this would lead to a situation of statelessness. Nor shall the state of origin permit the renunciation of nationality when this may lead, for the person possessing this state's nationality, to a situation of statelessness which could then be used to prevent his or her return.
Chapter V - Forced removals
Guideline 15. Cooperation with returnees
1. In order to limit the use of force, host states should seek the cooperation of returnees at all stages of the removal process to comply with their obligations to leave the country.
2. In particular, where the returnee is detained pending his/her removal, he/she should as far as possible be given information in advance about the removal arrangements and the information given to the authorities of the state of return. He/she should be given an opportunity to prepare that return, in particular by making the necessary contacts both in the host state and in the state of return, and if necessary, to retrieve his/her personal belongings which will facilitate his/her return in dignity.
Guideline 16. Fitness for travel and medical examination
1. Persons shall not be removed as long as they are medically unfit to travel.
2. Member states are encouraged to perform a medical examination prior to removal on all returnees either where they have a known medical disposition or where medical treatment is required, or where the use of restraint techniques is foreseen.
3. A medical examination should be offered to persons who have been the subject of a removal operation which has been interrupted due to their resistance in cases where force had to be used by the escorts.
4. Host states are encouraged to have "fit-to-fly" declarations issued in cases of removal by air.
Guideline 17. Dignity and safety
While respecting the dignity of the returnee, the safety of the other passengers, of the crew members and of the returnee himself/herself shall be paramount in the removal process. The remo
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