[Badgirlz-list] urgent: sex workers' consultation in europe …

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Autor: Errata
Temat: [Badgirlz-list] urgent: sex workers' consultation in europe is closing


Dear supporter,

About a month or so ago the ICRSE (International
Committee on the Rights of
Sew Workers in Europe) sent you an invitation to
participate in a
consultation process where the goal was to learn from
as many sex workers
and sex worker organisations from across Europe about
your/their concerns
and the issues you/they are facing.

We have had tremendous positive feedback from many of
you. This email is to
remind you that the date for responses is coming up.
All contributions are
important to this process and all contributions will
be considered when we
are working on the second draft of the Declaration for
the Rights of Sex
Workers in Europe and Sex Worker Manifesto. The
deadline for submissions is
May 31, 2005.

We have tried very hard to find volunteers willing to
translate these
documents for us. If you would like to get a copy of
these documents in any
of the following languages:
English, Deutsche, Español, Français, Polski, Magyar,
Svensk, P??????,
Nederlands, Slovenský and Italiano, Czech.

please visit our website www.sexworkeurope.org where
you can download them
and find out more about the European Conference on Sex
Work, Human Rights,
Labour and Migration October 15-17, 2005 Brussels

We have also heard from some of you that the documents
are complicated. It
was not the intention to use the documents as
questionnaires for sex workers
but that the issues presented in the documents can be
used as topics in your
discussions with each other, with sex workers or on
your own. The documents
that you received also give you an idea about how they
will look in their
final form after we have included all your comments,
criticisms and ideas.

The most important thing that we ask you to focus on
is to contribute your
thoughts on the three main areas as described in the
consultation cover
letter. These are:
-          How the rights of sex workers are violated
in your area
-          What are the biggest problems facing sex
workers in your area
-          What changes are needed to make sex
worker's situation better in

You can contribute this information in any way you
wish, a letter, a report,
by adding your thoughts to the documents we sent you
or however you want to
get your ideas across.

The more information we get relating to these three
main areas the clearer a
picture we will have of the diversity of experiences
faced by sex workers
across Europe.

We cannot stress enough how important your
contributions are to this process
and to the future of sex worker's and human rights in
Europe! Please help us
to make sure sex worker's voices are heard.

Petra Timmerman and Marieke van Doorninck

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