(L) [Fwd: [LIBRE MUSIC] What about CC Non Commercial clause?…

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Autor: pinna
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Assunto: (L) [Fwd: [LIBRE MUSIC] What about CC Non Commercial clause? What about other licenses?]
AGNULA Libre Music ospita e diffonde oltre 500 brani di musica libera.
Dal sito muzik.agnula.org gli autori possono distribuire i loro brani
rilasciati sotto licenze libere che permettano riutilizzi commerciali.
In seguito a varie richieste, lo staff del progetto si sta ora
interrogando sull'opportunita' di ospitare anche brani rilasciati sotto
altre licenze, come le Creative Commons non commerciali e la Art Libre e
invita tutti gli interessati a esprimersi sulla questione.


-------- Original Message --------

From: Andrea Glorioso <sama@???>
To: users@???
Subject: [LIBRE MUSIC] What about CC Non Commercial clause? What about
other licenses?

Dear all,

now that the work on our server is being at last concluding (many
thanks again to Filippo Morelli, MIU-FT's system administrator, and to
the fine folks at the KTH Deparment of Speech, Music and Hearing for
their kind support) I would like to tackle a question which has been
lingering around for quite some time, regarding the licenses we allow
for our AGNULA Libre Music database.

As  many  of  you  are   aware, we currently  only   accept   the "non
commercial" versions of the Creative Commons licenses.  This is due to
various reasons which   I won't   dwelve   upon (for those who     are
interested, I suggest reading the paper I and Davide Fugazza presented
at LAC2005, available at [0]).

However, several people have  been approaching me and/or Davide asking
for an inclusion of the "Non Commercial"  option on AGNULA Libre Music
- i.e. allowing music licensed under a NC clause to be uploaded on our
database.    Plus, other  people  asked for  the   inclusion  of other
licenses, such as the Art Libre license. [1]

Since we must at least give the impression of being a democratic
project, I would like all of the readers of this list, *as well as*
all the other people which the readers of this list think might be
interested in providing their opinion on the subject, to stand up and
speak loudly (but politely - thanks) on whether they would like:

(a) the   "Non Commercial"  option for CC   licenses to  be allowed by
    AGNULA Libre Music

(b) other licenses (and if so, which licenses) to be allowed by AGNULA
    Libre Music

I would kindly ask all of you, as well as all the people you will
forward this e-mail to (please do! it is important that as many
persons as possible know about what we are doing here) to express
their opinion on the users@??? mailing list *and* to me

Let me stress: it is very important that I am kept in copy for all the
discussions, as my schedule is very tight and I'm not always able to
follow the very lively (thanks heaven!) users@ mailing list.

Of course, this is not meant to be a "scientific" analysis; rather a
very rough and informal poll, to understand whether there is an actual
desire for the Non Commercial option (and/or for other licenses) to be
included into our "offering".

Thanks for your help,

Andrea Glorioso             sama@???         +39 333 820 5723
        .:: Media Innovation Unit - Firenze Tecnologia ::.
          Conquering the world for fun and profit

[0] http://lac.zkm.de/papers/fugazza_glorioso.pdf

[1] http://artlibre.org/