[Badgirlz-list] call for help & advice from Ladyfest-Romania

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Autor: Errata
Datum: 2005-03-25 20:08 -000
Betreff: [Badgirlz-list] call for help & advice from Ladyfest-Romania


I am sending below a message about the first Ladyfest
in Romania which
will be held May 20th-22nd in Timisoara. One of the
main problems in
organizing this festival is the raising of the funds
necessary to plan
and follow through the various events within the
program which is why
we would be happy to receive any sort of help with
fundraising or the
promotion of this festival. We are also looking for
participants, and
are open to any suggestions anyone might have to

Please get in touch with us if you are interested in
making donations,
participating, or have other advice.
Feel free to forwad this text

Thank you,
to contact us please email: ladyfest.romania@???
for more information about the festival:


20-22 May 2005

Ladyfest Timisoara will take place in May 2005 - the
first Romanian
festival dedicated to promoting women's contributions
to music, art
and film. The events will focus mostly on the projects
of Romanian
women and girls, but there will also be participants
from other
countries. The festival will stretch over three full
days, with
concerts, workshops, open mics, films and exhibitions
on the program.


Because even though 15 years have passed since "the
revolution" which
promised to change Romania, many things have remained
the same. It is
said that there is equality between women and men in
Romania, but this
statement seems like a joke when one takes into
consideration the real
situation that women find themselves in on a societal
level as well as
within their families. The mentality hasn't changed "a
woman's place
isn't next to the man" and we cannot hide behind
statements like "male
mentality is responsible for this situation." Women
have their share
of the blame.


"LADYFEST Timisoara" May 2005 is a non-profit festival
mostly by women, which aims to encourage the artistic
and political
talent of women in the fields of music, film, art and
education. The
various events that make up the program will focus on
women's and
girl's skills, but are open to everyone. "LADYFEST
Timisoara" May 2005
does not intend to promote a separatist attitude of
"girls versus
boys", but rather to help young women to have the
courage to follow
their creative instincts and to know that they can
count on the help
of the community for all their projects. "LADYFEST
Timisoara" May 2005
is important, also, for the health and stability of
the local scene.


MEN, of course, are invited to contribute to
organizing the festival �
we strongly encourage all initiatives - and to attend
the festival.

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