[Cm-crew] [NoviGlob] Notizie da NessunLuogo [Il Giorno Dopo …

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Auteur: schizo-mobile
Sujet: [Cm-crew] [NoviGlob] Notizie da NessunLuogo [Il Giorno Dopo la Phesta dei Babbi]

> International Bicycle Design Competition
> [Treehugger]

Still more on two wheels: the 9th Annual International Bicycle Design
Competition results were recently unveiled in Taipei. Some neat bikes
from around the world...


> 3/20: Permaculture Bike Tour, Karl Linn Memorial
> [SF Bay Area Independent Media Center]

The East Bay Permaculture Guild
presents a
Permaculture Bike Tour
in memory of Karl Linn


> Derby G8 Critical Mass / Mass Arrest?
> [UK Indymedia Newswire]

Were these arrests legal under section 14 ?
Can you ride a bike and protest at the same time?


> Derby arrested released on bail
> [UK Indymedia Newswire]

10 cyclists arrested on the Critical Mass bike ride yesterday morning
were released on bail last night, pending further investigation and
consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service...


> Pedal & Power
> [Treehugger]

You are speeding along on your bike, feeling good about the exercise
and the total lack of emissions, when your reverie is broken by the
jazzy hum of your cellphone's tune. Do you fumble through your pockets
in a...


> [Mother Earth News]

... so MOTHER's research staff decided to cut a few corners and design
an affordable recumbent bike that could be put together using a
combination of standard ...


> A Pasquetta la bici in treno e' gratis
> [ecoblog.it]

... Lunedi di pasqua, 28 marzo, in occasione della quinta edizione
della giornata nazionale "bicintreno", chiunque potra' trasportare in
treno al seguito la propria bicicletta senza pagare il biglietto
supplemento bici...


> In lui Fluida confida
> [Fluida]

Al giovanotto che vedete qui sotto sono affidate le speranze di Fluida
di poter far uscire dalla Intranet di eXtrapola il simpatico progetto
bike2work. Lanciato oltre un anno fa all'interno di questa azienda
cattolichina, si propone di incentivare l'uso di mezzi alternativi
all'auto nei tragitti casa-lavoro.
Il meccanismo e' molto semplice...


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