[movimenti.bicocca] RC21 RTN Conference Paris 30 June 2 July…

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Szerző: Tommaso Vitale
Tárgy: [movimenti.bicocca] RC21 RTN Conference Paris 30 June 2 July 2005

Inizio del messaggio inoltrato:

> Da: "Yuri Kazepov" <yuri.kazepov@???>
> Data: 20 febbraio 2005 7:22:42 CET
> A: yuri.kazepov@???
> Oggetto: RC21 RTN Conference Paris 30 June 2 July 2005
> Rispondere-A: yuri.kazepov@???
> C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S
> Dear Colleagues and RC21 Members (sorry for cross- posting)
> Let us first apologise for the long silence regarding the Paris 
> conference. Only now the local organisers were able to solve some 
> organisational and logistical issues. We are therefore pleased to 
> confirm that, as announced, the conference will take place in:
> Paris, from June 30th to July 2nd 2005
> and the conference is organised by Patrick Le Galès  and Edmond
> Preteceille. 
> The conference website is unfortunately still under construction,
> but  most of the information is already available. The address is:
> http://www.cevipof.msh-paris.fr/RC21/
> and you will find the list of available sessions under the link
> ?workshops?. 
> There, you will find also the e-mail addresses of the sessions? 
> organisers to whom, you are strongly encouraged to send your 
> abstracts. 
> The deadline for sending in your abstract is:
> March 15th, 2005.
> As soon as they will be available, we will provide additional info on
> our  RC21 website.
> We hope that despite this tight timing we will meet next June in
> Paris.
> Should you have any inquiry, please let us know or contact directly
> the conference organisers:
> Patrick Le Galès legales@???
> Edmond Preteceille edmond.preteceille@???
> Sincerely yours
> Hartmut Haeussermann and Yuri Kazepov
> ------------------------------------------------------
> NEW E-mail = yuri.kazepov@???
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Prof. Yuri Kazepov
> Institute of Sociology
> Deputy Head
> University of Urbino
> Via A. Saffi, 15
> 61029 Urbino (PU)
> Tel (39) 0722-305739 (direct) 
> Tel (39) 0722-305730 (secretary) 
> Fax (39) 0722-305731 
> Virtual Fax (39) 02-700449274
> http://www.shakti.uniurb.it/eurex
> http://www.shakti.uniurb.it/rc21
> New Book
> http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/book.asp?ref=1405121327

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