Inizio del messaggio inoltrato:
> Da: Iosif Botetzagias <iosif_botetzagias@???>
> Data: 15 febbraio 2005 12:49:09 CET
> Oggetto: ECPR 2005 Panel on Social Movements CFP
> Rispondere-A: Iosif Botetzagias <iosif_botetzagias@???>
> Apologies for any cross-posting
> --------------------------------------------------------
> ECPR Conference 2005, Budapest, 8-10 September 2005
> Section 16: Europeanisation, Governance and Political Changes:
> Empirical Investigation and Theoretical Reflections
> Panel 16-2: Social movements against globalisation and/or war:
> europeanized movements?
> Over the last years we have witnessed the emergence of social
> movements which are (or seems to be) trans-national: the movements
> against neo-liberal globalisation (or for alter-globalisation) and the
> anti-war movements are the two most prominent examples.
> The panel aims to deal with a number of theoretical questions
> concerning the emergence and structuring of these movements. To name
> but a few:
> Issues of identity
> Issues of trans-national co-operation (both at the European and
> the international level)
> Issues of resource mobilisation and organisation (both at the
> national and the international level)
> Issues of individual participation and frame alignment
> Issues of networking
> Use of the internet and the Web
> We welcome both theoretical and/or empirical research papers as well
> as comparative and/or national case studies primarily along the
> previous lines yet papers with other research approaches are also
> welcomed and would be considered.
> Deadline for Abstracts: 1 March 2005
> section_list.aspx
> For further information and submission of papers, please contact the
> panels chairs:
> Dr. Massimiliano ANDRETTA; FIRENZE, Università degli studi di,
> andretta@???
> Dr. Iosif BOTETZAGIAS; Technological Institute of the Ionian
> Islands, iosif@???
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