Inizio del messaggio inoltrato:
> Da: Hank Johnston <Hank.Johnston@???>
> Data: 01 febbraio 2005 20:45:24 CET
> Oggetto: Happy Birthday Mobilization
> Rispondere-A: International forum for discussion and information on
> social movements <SOCIAL-MOVEMENTS@???>
> Dear Social Movement Scholars: This year is the tenth anniversary
> volume of Mobilization. You may be interested that we are planning
> three special issues in 2005 to celebrate ten years of publication.
> The next issue (published in a few weeks) starts off with a
> double-thick collection of articles. I call it our VIP (very important
> perspectives), happy-birthday issue. It has ten cutting-edge articles
> by top European and American researchers (plus Dan Myers's book review
> section). I list the contents below.
> In June 2005 we plan a special focus issue on new perspectives on
> social movement organizations. Contributers are Francesca Polleta,
> John McCarthy, Deb Minkoff, Bob Edwards, Andy Andrews, Jackie Smith,
> and others. For the third issue in Octobe we tentatively have
> articles by David Meyer, Bert Klandermans, Dan Myers, and several
> other very strong research reports scheduled This one promises to be
> an important issue too.
> If you would like to receive issues, or would simply like more
> information, please send an email to Hank.Johnston@??? (not to
> the listserv) and we will personally contact you. Or you may visit the
> website at
> Best, Hank Johnston, editor
> Announcing Volume 10 (2005) § Ten Years of Cutting-Edge Research
> February 2005: Expanded VIP (Very Important Perspectives) Anniversary
> Issue No. 1
> Ten articles on:
> Paradigm
> McAdam, Sampson, Weffer, MacIndoe on The Distorting Lens of
> Theory
> Koopmans on Structure, Agency, and Social Movement Evolution
> Staggenborg and Taylor on What Ever Happened to the Women's
> Movement?
> Globalization
> Tarrow on The Dualities of Transnational Contention
> della Porta on Social Forums and Democracy in the Global
> Justice Movement
> Beyler and Kriesi on Transnational Protest and the Public
> Sphere
> Activism
> Blee and Currier on Character Building and Emerging Social
> Movements
> Ryan, Anatasio, and Jeffereys on Using Media Markets to Build
> Movement Opportunity
> Comparisons
> Giugni, Koopmans, Passy, and Statham on Comparing the Extreme
> Right's Opportunities
> Rucht on Comparing Media Resonance of London and Berlin Mayday
> Protests
> Hank Johnston, editor
> Mobilization: An International Journal
> San Diego State University
> San Diego, CA 92182-4423
> Fax: 619.594.2835
> Mobilization . . .
> a top-ten sociology journal based on its citation-impact index.
> -------------- parte successiva --------------
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