[Badgirlz-list] RAWA's Appeal 2005

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Author: Errata
Date: 2005-01-17 20:22 -000
Subject: [Badgirlz-list] RAWA's Appeal 2005

RAWA's Appeal

    Dear RAWA supporters,

    RAWA enters 2005 with a financial crisis, which
adversely affect tens of humanitarian projects which
are currently being run in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Due to significant downfall in the level of donations
over the past few months, RAWA may be forced to close
down many of its projects while they are still greatly
needed like before. That would be a painful decision
for us and have bitter ends for thousands of suffering
Afghan women and children. Therefore we appeal to all
of our supporters and well-wishers of Afghan women to
share their contribution in keeping the great
humanitarian task goes on.

    Our top priorities for 2005 are:

    1. Malalai Hospital (Pakistan): With the help of
the Afghan Women's Mission and donations received from
our supporters around the world, we re-opened Malalai
Hospital in Rawalpindi (Pakistan) in 2001. With 25
employees, the hospital provides free medical care to
over 250 Afghan refugee women and children everyday.
But due to lack of funds, we had no other option but
to scale down the hospital from January 2005.

    Since the announcement of this plan, we have
received tens of appeals and letters from the
destitute Afghan refugee families for whom MH has been
the only hope in medical sector over the past few
years. They are afraid that if the hospital is not
there, their ill children may die as they don't have
the available resources to go and pay for Pakistani

    Please view the below links for further


    2. Health Center in Farah: This is a clinic in
Farah, a western province of Afghanistan, which was
established in 2003. It has three medical specialists
that visit over 150 patients in a day. The whole Farah
province has only one small and ill-equipped state run
hospital. Since it establishment, this clinic has
turned into a reliable health center, where people are
coming from remote villages and making long queue to
get free treatment including medicine. Now it faces
budget problem, which may force the administration to
close it down if the required fund does not flow
through in the near future.

    The expenditures are listed in below table:

    NO     Detail of Expenses     Monthly US$     Annual Cost
    1     Staff Salary     $1,400     $16,800
    2     Fuel For transportation and generator     $300 
    3     Medicine     $4,800     $57,600
    4     Maintenance of ambulances and generator     $100 
    5     Miscellaneous     $1,458     $17,500
    6     Stationary     $60     $720
    7     Daily Food Expenses     $80     $960
    Grand Total     $8,198     $98,380

    Your contribution may be in any form; you can
either ship medicine, which are the bulk of the
expenses or send fund, which may not be necessarily
cover the whole budget. You can donate any amount and
that would add up to the entire budget. A very small
donation makes a difference.

    3. Literacy Courses for Women: Feeling the great
importance of education for women, RAWA launched a
massive educational campaign by establishing over 540
literacy courses across Afghanistan. This was in
response to increasingly promises made by thousands of
people across the world. But alas that didn't last for
a reasonable time, soon after Iraq issue was come into
focus, Afghanistan remained again forgotten. Hence, we
were forced to shut down many of them. This trend is
still intact, and we will further be forced to cancel
many of them if don't receive fund for them.

    Each literacy course teaches between 15 to 20
women and you girls. The expenditures of one literacy
course which is currently running in Afghanistan are:

    Detail     Monthly Costs     Annual Costs
    Teacher Salary     $40     $480
    Rent     $25     $300
    Stationary     $10     $120
    Miscellaneous     $9     $108
    Total     $84     $1,008

    You can sponsor one or more literacy courses and
can send your donation monthly (US$84) or annually
(US$1008). Your $84 can give education to 15-20 women
and girls each month.

    4. Orphanages: Over 350 children are currently
given parental care and being provided shelter and
education in 9 different RAWA orphanages in
Afghanistan and Pakistan. Some of these children are
not sponsored and their future are hugging in mid air.
They need your financial support to stay at orphanages
and continue their education.

    We have two levels of sponsorship: Full
Sponsorship and Partial-Sponsorship

    Full Sponsorship: Your sponsorship of just $46 a
month will help to provide a child with:

    - Food and nourishment
    - Clothes
    - Health Care
    - Life Skills
    - An opportunity to live in a safe environment
full of tolerance, love and respect
    - Education
    - School Supplies

    Partial Sponsorship: Your Sponsorship of just $33
a month will help to provide a child with:

    - Food and nourishment
    - Clothes
    - Health Care
    - Life Skills
    - An opportunity to live in a safe environment
full of tolerance, love and respect

    5. Schools: Likewise the above projects, RAWA
schools in Pakistan are in dire needs of financial
support. Hundreds of boys and girls are currently
enrolled in our schools in different cities of
Pakistan. These students can't attend Pakistani school
for many reasons, chiefly because of financial
problems and language problem. They need to continue
their education and that is possible if the schools
run by RAWA remain open.

    RAWA's schools admit students from class one to
class 12 and the expenditure of each school is listed

    No     Detail     Monthly Costs     Annual Costs
    1     Personnel Salary     $560     6,720
    2     House rent     $420     $5,042
    3     Electricity bill     $44     $524
    4     Gas bill     $54     $645
    5     Phone bill     $50     $605
    6     Miscellaneous     $34     $403
    Total         $1,162     $13,940

    For further information, you may contact Shaima
Saeed, RAWA Projects Coordinator at shaima@???
and CC your email to rawa@???.

    Funds (which are tax deductible to the extent of
the law.) should be sent through checks payable to
"IHC/Afghan Women's Mission" to the following address:

    The Afghan Women's Mission
    2460 N. Lake Ave. PMB 207
    Altadena, CA 91001

    For making online donations through credit card
visit the web site of the Afghan Women's Mission at

    We would like to thank you from the bottom of our
sorrowful heart for your support and sympathies with
your Afghan sisters.

    Kindest wishes,

    Saima Saeed

    Revolutionary Association of the Women of
Afghanistan (RAWA)
    Mailing Address: RAWA, P.O.Box 374, Quetta,
    Mobile: 0092-300-5541258
    Fax: 001-760-2819855
    E-mail: rawa@???
    Home Page: http://www.rawa.org
    Mirror site: http://www.rawa.us 

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