[Badgirlz-list] searching women__Fett

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Author: Errata
Date: 2005-01-13 14:20 -000
Subject: [Badgirlz-list] searching women__Fett
[NextGenderation] searching women

The Norwegian feminist magazine "Fett" are calling for
from women all over the world. They are doing an
enquete where they want
girls/women between 14-25 years to tell them how they
think their lifes will be
different from their mothers, when they "grow up".
Your answer can be
between 2-8 lines, and you have to send a picture of
yourself. They also need
to know your name, age, country/city and religion, in
addition to one word you
will choose to describe yourself. Send it all in
english to Ragnhild Fjellro on
email vous@??? The deadline is 24. january 2005.
Some of the answers will
be printed in "Fett". Picture size A5 (ca 18 x 15 cm)-
300 dpi. It might
be ok even a bit smaller.

If your answer are printed, you will get a copy of the

Please send this forward if you're not able to answer
the question yourself.

Best regards
Ragnhild Fjellro

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