[movimenti.bicocca] Frontiers of sociology


著者: Tommaso Vitale
題目: [movimenti.bicocca] Frontiers of sociology

Frontiers of sociology

Frontiers of sociology

The 37th World Congress of the
International Institute of Sociology

Stockholm, Sweden, July, 5-9, 2005

The 37th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology
will take place in Stockholm, July 5-9, 2005. The IIS is proud of its
longstanding tradition of promoting discussions on the most crucial
theoretical issues of the day and on the practical uses of social
scientific knowledge. The Stockholm Congress will focus on the
Frontiers of Sociology. Some plenary sessions will focus on
cutting-edge research in sociology while others will focus on the
relationship between sociology and its neighbouring disciplines.

Plenary and semi-plenary speakers include: Andrew Abbott, Jeffrey C.
Alexander, Margaret Archer, Said Arjomand, Johann P. Arnason, Eliezer
Ben-Rafael, Jens Beckert, Thora Margareta Bertilsson, Roy Bhaskar, Fred
Block, Raymond Boudon, Craig Calhoun, José Casanova, Karen Cook, S.N.
Eisenstadt, Paula England, Ernst Fehr, David Freedman, John Goldthorpe,
Peter Gärdenfors, Nilüfer Göle, Ulf Hannerz, Peter Hedström, Gudmund
Hernes, Danièle Hervieu-Leger, Hans Joas, Jan O. Jonsson, Habibul Haque
Khundker, Donald N. Levine, Charles F. Manski, Karl Ulrich Mayer,
Renate Maynz, Ewa Morawska, Helga Nowotny, T.K. Oommen, Raymond Pawson,
Elisa Pereira Reis, Wlodek Rabinowicz, Neil J. Smelser, Michael Sobel,
Yasemin Soysal, Wolfgang Streeck, Piotr Sztompka, Lars Udéhn, Axel Van
den Berg, Loïc Wacquant, Peter Wagner, Peter Weingart and Björn

Calls for papers to participate in sessions are now posted on the
congress website.

The abstract submission deadline is January 15, 2005.

For information about the congress, please visit our website located
at: http://www.SCASSS.uu.se/iis2005.

We hope to see you in Stockholm!

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