[movimenti.bicocca] call x papers: New Developments in Polit…

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Autor: Tommaso Vitale
Asunto: [movimenti.bicocca] call x papers: New Developments in Political Sociology

european consortium for political research

3rd ECPR Conference - Budapest - Academic Programme/Section List


Section Number: 24 Title: New Developments in Political Sociology

Section Chair(s)


Daniel GAXIE  




Départment de Science Politique 17 rue de la Sorbonne 75231 PARIS
Cedex 05 France 







Section Outline:

Distinctions are often drawn between sociology of politics, political
sociology, and political science. In the political science field,
scholars sometimes define themselves as sociologists or political
sociologists. We currently speak of sociological concepts, hypotheses,
and problematic. But what is a sociological approach to politics? What
are the theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions of
sociology to the study of politics? Scholars involved in this project
are interested in the discussion of the most recent developments of the
interactions between sociology and political science. Do founding
fathers (Durkheim, Marx, Pareto, Weber) and sociological traditions
(structuralism, interactionism, ethnomethodology, constructivism, frame
analysis, historical sociology) still influence current political
science? How contemporary sociologists' works (Becker, Bourdieu, Elias,
Garfinkel, Giddens, Goffman, or others) are used in political science
research? What has been drawn from current sociological methodologies
(analysis of correspondence, in depth interviews) and empirical
sociological studies?

Two types of panels - empirical and theoretical - would be organized
within the section. A first type aims at assessing uses of sociological
tools for the analysis of various political subjects. Henrik Bang
(University of Copenhagen) is willing to convene a panel on The
Political Sociology of Governance . Olivier Fillieule (University of
Lausanne) would chair a panel on The Sociology of Collective Action.
Daniel Gaxie (University of Paris) and Alfredo Joignant (University of
Chile in Santiago) plan to discuss some results of Sociological
Approaches to the Study of Voting Behavior. Alfio Mastropaolo
(University of Turin) would like to focus on The Democratic Common
Sense, notably on the understanding of what ordinary citizens mean by
Democracy. Two German colleagues have been asked to organize panels on
sociological approaches of respectively Political Parties and Political
Elites . If people demonstrate their interest, Jean-Yves Dormagen
(University of Paris) is ready to chair a panel on Historical Sociology
of Politics, with possible contributions on subjects like
transformations in elections and electoral practices, the construction
of the State, and changes in collective actions and social movements.
Other ideas in the same vein would be welcome.

Theoretical panels would focus on a given sociologist or on a
sociological tradition. Erik Neveu (Political Studies Institute of
Rennes) and David Swartz (Boston University) would invite papers that
offer illustrations and explore the advantages and limitations of uses
of Pierre Bourdieu's sociological tools for the analysis of politics.
Niilo Kauppi (University of Helsinki) proposes to hold a panel on the
uses of constructivist approaches by political scientists (from the
classical topic of the construction of social problems to more recent
constructivist analyses of European Union institutions and
international relations). This section on New Developments in Political
Sociology would welcome colleagues wishing to question the relevance or
the influence of other national or international tradition of
mobilization of sociological works in political science research (i. e.
Norbert Elias in the Netherlands and France, or Anthony Giddens in the
United Kingdom).

This section aims at opening new prospects of research intermingling
theoretical, methodological, and empirical resources of sociology and
political science. It could also be a first step in the creation of a
standing group on political sociology.

Tommaso Vitale

Dipartimento di Sociologia e della Ricerca Sociale

Università di Milano Bicocca

via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8

20126 Milano

tel: ++39.02 6448 7538

fax: ++39.02 6448 7561

home: ++39.02 36555384
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