[movimenti.bicocca] Fwd: Bibliography on SSMM and politics

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Autor: Tommaso Vitale
Asunto: [movimenti.bicocca] Fwd: Bibliography on SSMM and politics

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> Da: Mayo FM <Lilaroja@???>
> Data: 29 novembre 2004 21:37:03 CET
> Oggetto: Bibliography on SSMM and politics
> Rispondere-A: International forum for discussion and information on
> social movements <SOCIAL-MOVEMENTS@???>
> Dear friend,
> We are working in charge of Transform! Italia* on a research about
> relationship between new social movements and politics.
> The birth of antiglobalization movement surely represented a
> foundamental event in the political scenary of last years and its
> development is influencing deeply forms and contents of traditional
> politics.
> Our ambition is to collect Italian and International web-literature
> about this complex phenomenon and to select the most interesting and
> significant documents in order to realize a web site and a book about
> this theme.
> We want to focus, in particolar, on some issues: ?glocal? nature of
> this movement; crisis of representative democracy in postfordistic era;
> structures and forms of organization adopted within the movements;
> relationship towards trade unions, parties and institutions; new ways
> of
> communication and struggle; space and forms of politics in the age of
> the permanent war; debate on no-violence; rising new social figures in
> present society.
> We would really appreciate your help and your participation in our
> research. This help and participation would mean giving us advices
> about
> websites, articles and publications that, in your opinion, are
> interesting and useful for our work. Moreover we would be very happy if
> you will donate us an already edited or inedited essay to be published
> on our web site or book.
> Thank you for your attention.
> Best regards
> Mauro Trotta
> Corrado Cristiano
> Giovanni Ricco
> Giorgio Zecca
> Marco Berlinguer
> * Transform! Italia is an Italian network of associations, magazines,
> researchers, activists, academics, publishers, concerned with the
> transformations and the trans-nationalization of the active politics.
> Transform! Italia is part of the European network Transform!, which
> officially was born the 2002 in Porto Alegre during the World Social
> Forum.
> Marco Berlinguer
> Transform! Italia
> Via di S. Ambrogio 4
> 00186 Roma
> Italy
> www.transform.it
> email: marco.berlinguer@???
> tel. +39 3357121431
> --
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