[Badgirlz-list] DUBROVNIK, CROATIA May 23-27th, 2005

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Autor: Errata
Data: 2004-11-16 21:10 -000
Assumpte: [Badgirlz-list] DUBROVNIK, CROATIA May 23-27th, 2005
Feminist Critical Analysis: Be/longing and
Postgraduate course

May 23-27th, 2005

Belgrade Women's Studies Center, The Centre for
Women's Studies,
Zagreb, and Rutgers (State University of New Jersey)
Women's and
Gender Studies Department are pleased to announce
the 6th annual
postgraduate course in Feminist Critical
Analysis--Be/longing and
Citizenship. The course will be held at the
Inter-University Centre,
Dubrovnik (www.hr/iuc/) on May 23-27,2005. This
course will be
co-directed by Rada Boric, Center for Women s
Studies Zagreb,
Dasa Duhacek, Women s Studies Belgrade, Serbia and
Joanna Regulska Women's and Gender Studies
Deparment, Rutgers
As new forms of global and supranational governance
emerged, and
the transnational flows of people, goods, and
capital intensified,
citizenship, in which each citizen was given certain
rights and
obligations under the nation-state, has lost its
power. Thus the
focus on democratic, flexible, insurgent,
cosmopolitan, post-national
or multilayered aspects of citizenship are just few
of the current
discourses that attempt to determine citizenships'
meaning, content
and location. In recent decades, women's demands for
full political
participation have mobilized their legitimate legal
and political
inclusion in the category of Citizen. Current
aspirations toward
participation have laid claim to citizenship.
However, feminist
theorists and activists have criticized the
conceptual assumption
around the notion of Citizenship, arguing that it
reproduces the
boundary of public/private thereby
reproducing/reinforcing patriarchal

This course will explore the problematics of
citizenship as be/longing
and the ways in which the desire for citizenship is
interpolated in
and through be/longing. In keeping with the rigor
of feminist theory,
the course will not lose sight of the issues of
accountability and
responsibility which have, precisely through
feminist insights, been
brought to bear on the contemporary framework of
citizenship. It will
provide a framework for an in depth critical
engagement with both the
implicit and explicit assumptions of Citizenship.
In particular,
participants will have the opportunity to think
critically about the
broad sexual, gendered, national (etc.) implications
of the rhetorics
of Citizenship. Participants will rethink
citizenship (as well as
be/longing) in terms of the construction of gender
difference, state
practices that exclude particular groups of women,
and women's
symbolic role in national and local discourses.

The IUC courses are conducted at a postgraduate
level. All
postgraduate students interested in the topic may
apply for
attendance. The course will be limited to twenty
attendees. The
attendees should seek funds from their own
institutions to cover the
travel costs and accommodation. Limited competitive
funding is
available from the UIC for scholars from Albania,
Bosnia &
Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova,
Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.

Application Procedure
A short narrative explaining your interest in the
topic and your CV
(please include your current contact information at
the top of the CV)
should be submitted by e-mail to
jlmorgan@???, with IUC
Dubrovnik 2005 in the subject heading. Or by fax to
+ 1 732 932 1335.
The application deadline is December 1, 2005.

Contact Information:

Jennifer L. Morgan
Department of Women's and Gender Studies
Rutgers University
162 Ryders Lane
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Tel + 1 732 932 1151

Research Center in Gender Studies
"Euro-Balkan" Institute
"Partizanski odredi" 63
1000 Skopje
Republic of Macedonia
tel: + 389 2 3075570, ext. 103
fax: + 389 2 3075570, ext. 102
e-mail: rcgs@???

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