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Szerző: Giovanna Caviglione
Tárgy: [NuovoLaboratorio] dal sito di al jazeera
mordechai vanunu, lo scienziato ebraico da poco liberato dopo 18 anni di
prigionia, è stato nuovamente arrestato ieri. aveva rivelato che gli
israeliani stavano costruendo la bomba atomica e quindi il mossad lo aveva
rapito a roma e poi processato e condannato in israele. libero da qualche
mese è di nuovo accusato di cose simili e più in generale, altre sue
dichiarazioni molto nette su israele non sono piaciute.
israele ha sicuramente tante belle armi atomiche ma non si deve
sapere...anzi si sa ma non si deve dire perchè è "l'unico stato democratico
del medio oriente".
non ho tempo ora di tradurlo. se potrò lo farò domani.
giovanna caviglione

Nuke whistleblower Vanunu arrested in Jerusalem
11/11/2004 10:00:00 AM GMT

Vanunu is widely admired by anti-nuclear activists all over the world

The Israeli authorities have arrested nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu
on Thursday for leaking the country¹s nuclear secrets, seven months after he
completed an 18-year prison term for treason.

Vanunu is accused of revealing "secret information to foreigners" and of
having violated the restrictions the Israeli security services have imposed
on him after his release from prison, police said.

Vanunu, 50,  was bundled into an car at the Jerusalem church which has been
his home since he left jail in April. Vanunu was barred from travelling to
foreign countries or speaking to foreign media.

"He (Vanunu) is suspected of passing classified information to unauthorized
parties," police spokesman Gil Kleiman said. "He is also suspected of
violating the terms of his release."

Vanunu's lawyers and family couldn¹t be reached for immediate comment.

Kleiman said Vanunu would be charged at a court hearing expected on Friday.

Vanunu is widely admired by anti-nuclear activists all over the world and
has been repeatedly nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

In 1986 Mossad agents kidnapped Vanunu in Rome and put him in jail for
revealing information about Israel's Dimona atomic reactor to a British
newspaper. His revelations to the Sunday Times showed that Israel had
amassed between 100 and 200 nuclear weapons.

In July, the Supreme Court rejected an appeal by Vanunu to be given the
permission to leave Israel before the year-long ban expires.

Vanunu has denied having new information on Dimona¹s reactor, yet he pledged
to continue his campaign calling for nuclear disarmament.

Ever since Vanunu was released from jail, he has been criticizing Israel¹s
foreign policies in interviews to several news agencies.

Feeling that he was threatened by Israel, Vanunu appealed to Sweden last
month to get political asylum, but he failed.

"I don't like Israel. I don't want to live in Israel. I want to be free and
to leave Israel," he said in July.

Vanunu¹s supporters fear for his safety in Israel, where most people view
him a traitor.

In an interview broadcast by the BBC in June, Vanunu said he exposed secrets
about Dimona¹s reactor to save Israel from a "new holocaust."

He also questioned the Jewish state's right to exist.

Although Israel has never admitted it is producing nuclear weapons, it is
widely believed to possess an arsenal of about 200 warheads.
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