[Badgirlz-list] New Feminist Magazine for Teens

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Autor: Errata
Temat: [Badgirlz-list] New Feminist Magazine for Teens

Subject: New Feminist Magazine for Teens
    Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 22:48:37 EST
    From: HowlingHarpies@???
      To: info@???


My name is Melody Berger, and I'm a senior majoring in
Women's Studies
at Temple U in Philadelphia. I'm starting a new
feminist magazine for
teens, and I was hoping that you might be able to
forward a couple of
the "contribute to our magazine" ads to any and all
interested parties!
(and perhaps post a couple in the non-cyber world?)

I've pasted a blurb about the magazine below, to give
you a sense of
where we're going with this! (and I'll send the two
ads in a separate




So, here's the concept: we're tentatively calling the
magazine "Howling
Harpies" and we're sporting a lovely, vintage pulp
fiction style cover
for each issue. (or finding a web designer who can
give that feel to 
entire website... I myself am not particularly
tech-savvy in this area)
Feminists will be depicted as these cartoonish,
exaggerated raving
lunaticsâEUR¦ terrorizing the mainstream nation with
words like
"heterosexist" and "paradigm." There will be all these
tongue in cheek
horrifying, sensationalistic quotes like: "They
insisted that sexism
still existed!!!"     "They pounced on random guys in
subways who 
them sweetheart!!!" (and perhaps an individual pulp
fiction cover for
each article)
Why in the world would we want to depict feminists in
this way? I think
a quote in Iris Marion Young's "The Scaling of Bodies"
really gets
across the feeling we're going for. As I read this
article, Young is
pointing out the uniquely frustrating ways in which
modern day
prejudices manifest themselves. Although it is no
longer accepted to
openly discriminate against groups on the basis of
prejudiced notions,
these notions exist at the murky level of the
unconsciousness and 
how we interact with all others in our everyday lives.
because there is a "discursive commitment to equality
for all"
(Young,124) the problems of racism, sexism,
heterosexism and the like
are listed as "solved" in the mainstream
consciousness.   If the
"letâEUR^(TM)s be nice to everyone" laws are on the
books, what are we 
feminists blabbing on and on about?
"When the more bold of us do complain of these mundane
signs of 
oppression, we are accused of being picky,
overreacting, making
something out of nothing, or of completely
misperceiving the situation.
The courage to bring to discursive consciousness
behavior and reactions
occurring at the level of practical consciousness is
met with denial 
powerful gestures of silencing, which can make
oppressed people feel
slightly crazy." (Young, 134)
So, basically "Howling Harpies" are all those who dare
to speak up in
class and question whether sexism is really a "dead"
issue when we've
never had a woman president, and female bodies are
used to sell beer.
I think it will appeal to a high school-college age
crowd. Philadelphia
NOW is interested, and I know that their endorsement
will help the
"Howling Harpies" cause a great deal.... but what I
really need are
writers, web designers, artists, cartoonists... yada
yada yada, who 
to work on this project!   (if this describes you, or
any of your
friends... please let me know!

UPDATE: we have over 100 people involved thus far...
and our first
publication is scheduled for March 8th. (featuring an
interview with
Bitch of former bitch and animal fame, an interview
with Liza
Featherstone: staff writer for The Nation and author
of the new book
Selling Women Short: The Landmark Battle for Worker's
Rights at
Wal-Mart, and an interview with Mikki Halpin, author
of the book: It's
Your World- If You Don't Like It, Change It:-) The
print version
should come out in May.

These are the (VERY VERY) tentative sections:

1)Note from the Editor: pretty self explanatory. I
introduce the
show a few notes from readersâEUR¦ address stuff that
readers brought
upâEUR¦ yada yada yada.

2)This month in feminism! (short, just gives a few
"this is what
happened in feminist history" moments juxtaposed with
a few "feminist
history that is happening as we speak" moments)

3)Feminist Warriors (an interview with a different
kickass high-profile
feminist each issue)

4) Howl (or maybe something not quite so alan
ginsburgy)~ the heart of
the magazine... personal narrative type articles about
anything. (within a feminist framework of course)
There can definitely
be some steady columns here. (ie. a diy crafts
section, a lgbt issues
section, a sexuality section, a reproductive health
section, a creative
writing section, yada yada yada)

5) Arts/Entertainment/Music Section

6)Section for reader-submitted poetry/artwork

7) Discussion Board: features an article, short story,
photo show, or
any type of feminist art yumminess every issue. After
this artwork has
been displayed for a couple of weeks on the Howling
Harpies site, we
will have a specific time and place for a discussion
board about said
piece.   (monitored by several howling harpies... and
if at all
possible, the creator of the artwork herself)

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