Szerző: Ernesto d'Albergo Dátum: Tárgy: [movimenti.bicocca] x polislombardia: granada
Caro Tommaso,
a Roma stiamo facendo una ricerchina su esperienze partecipative a Roma e stiamo considerando l'idea di presentare un paper nel workshop 19 a Granada, ma ancora non siamo certi. Su cosa hai lavorato tu ?
A presto
Ernesto d'Albergo
> ==========================
> Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2004 12:01:29 +0200
> From: Tommaso Vitale <tommaso.vitale@???>
> To: ML movimenti Bicocca <movimenti.bicocca@???>
> Subject: [movimenti.bicocca] x polislombardia: granada
> ==========================
> carissimi:
> si avvicina la scadenza per l'ecpr joint session di granada
> > 1 dicembre per l'abstract
> metà aprile la joint session
> con moltissimi panel di nostro interesse, tra cui
> Local Participation in Different Contexts e Comparing Environmental
> Movements...
> chi pensa di andare? io presentare qualcosa al panel sulla
> partecipazione locale, ho già qualcosa di pronto, ma volendo
> mi
> piacerebbe anche preparare un lavoro comparativo nuovo, se qualcuno
> ha
> voglia di lavorarci insieme...
> anche sugli aspetti logistici, sarebbe bello riuscire a coordinarsi
> un
> poco fra di noi...
> alla prima riunione di PolisLombardia troviamo magari il tempo
> di
> parlarne un attimo?
> a proposito: dobbiamo vederci rapidamente per fare il punto sulla
> collana, e per fissare i primi seminari. Riunione lunga, perciò
> Propongo qualche data:
> lun 4 h 16.30
> giov 7 h 16.30
> merc 13 h 16.30
> giov 14 h 16.30
> che ne dite?
> Prima della riunione riusciamo a far circolare i nuovi indici
> dei libri?
> ciao
> tom
> Local Participation in Different Contexts
> Directors:
> Angelika Vetter, University of Stuttgart, Department of Sociology
> and
> Political Science, Breitscheidstrasse 2, D-70174 Stuttgart, Germany
> Tel: +[49] 711 121 3426; Fax: +[49] 711 121 2333; Email:
> angelika.vetter@???
> Henk van der Kolk, University of Twente, School of Business,
> Public
> Administration and Technology, Chair: Political Science, P.O.Box
> 217,
> NL-7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
> Tel: +[31] 53 489 3281; Email: H.vanderKolk@???
> Long outline
> The aim of the workshop is to investigate (changes in) local
> political
> participation in different institutional and political contexts.
> In the
> past decades, major changes have taken place all over Europe
> with
> regard to citizen integration into local politics. First, we
> want to
> look more closely at old and new opportunity structures of local
> political participation and their use in practice, in order to
> get a
> picture of actual trends shaping today's participation in local
> politics. The focus, however, will be the investigation of contexts
> affecting local political behaviour. Although participation is
> often
> explained by individual characteristics, it also varies according
> to
> differences in the institutional and political context - such
> as the
> size of a community, institutional arrangements or the opportunity
> structures given. The context can directly affect the gains and
> the
> losses of the individual participatory act. Additionally, it
> can
> indirectly change the relationship between individual characteristics
> and participation. We therefore want to look especially at macro
> determinants of local participation.
> Studying context effects upon local participation from a comparative
> (and hopefully international) perspective additionally offers
> a problem
> solution to studies of national political participation. The
> number of
> available cases can be easily extended, thereby increasing the
> political and institutional variations in contexts, which again
> helps
> to understand of how participation works.
> The workshop is open to all researchers studying local political
> participation empirically, although they may come from different
> research traditions. Comparative approaches are especially welcome
> -
> taking into account the contexts where the participation takes
> place.
> 27. Comparing Environmental Movements in the North and South
> Brian Doherty, University of Keele, School of Politics, International
> Relations and the Environment, Keele, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK
> Tel: +[44] 1782 584 177; Fax: +[44] 1782 583 592; Email:
> b.j.a.doherty@???
> Timothy Doyle, University of Adelaide, Geographical and Environmental
> Studies, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 5005
> Tel: +[61] 8 8303 4489; Email: timothy.doyle@???
> Long outline
> As the politics of the environment have become increasingly intertwined
> with issues of social justice, globalization and development,
> environmental groups and organizations have also broadened their
> agendas and sought to strengthen ties with allies in other countries,
> often crossing the North-South divide. The major aim of this
> workshop
> is to compare majority and minority world environmental groups
> through
> a mix of case studies, comparative analysis and theoretical work.
> Themes to be explored include: the relationships between majority
> and
> minority world environmental groups in trans-national networks
> and
> joint campaigns, possible colonization of Southern groups by
> Northern
> organizations; Southern influences on Northern agendas; examination
> of
> the networks between environmental groups within the majority
> world;
> comparative models for explaining Northern and Southern environment
> movements; the applicability of existing social movement theory
> to
> Southern environmental movements; whether there is there a distinct
> Southern environmentalism; the prospects for a global environmental
> movement and the implications of increased North-South interaction
> for
> the strategy of environmental organizations; whether globalisation
> frameworks help in explaining North-South environmentalisms;
> and
> whether green political thought is challenged by Southern
> environmentalism.
> carissimi:
> si avvicina la scadenza per l'ecpr joint session di granada
> >
> 1 dicembre per l'abstract
> metà aprile la joint session
> con moltissimi panel di nostro interesse, tra cui
> Local Participation in Different Contexts e Comparing Environmental
> Movements...
> chi pensa di andare? io presentare qualcosa al panel sulla
> partecipazione locale, ho già qualcosa di pronto, ma volendo
> mi
> piacerebbe anche preparare un lavoro comparativo nuovo, se qualcuno
> ha
> voglia di lavorarci insieme...
> anche sugli aspetti logistici, sarebbe bello riuscire a coordinarsi
> un
> poco fra di noi...
> alla prima riunione di PolisLombardia troviamo magari il tempo
> di
> parlarne un attimo?
> a proposito: dobbiamo vederci rapidamente per fare il punto sulla
> collana, e per fissare i primi seminari. Riunione lunga, perciò
> Propongo qualche data:
> lun 4 h 16.30
> giov 7 h 16.30
> merc 13 h 16.30
> giov 14 h 16.30
> che ne dite?
> Prima della riunione riusciamo a far circolare i nuovi indici
> dei
> libri?
> ciao
> tom