[movimenti.bicocca] Social Movements and Political Violence …

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Autor: Tommaso Vitale
Temat: [movimenti.bicocca] Social Movements and Political Violence in Europe
> European University Institute
> Department of Political and Social Sciences/ Department of History and
> Civilization
> Social Movements and Political Violence in Europe: Contemporary
> Debates and Historical Developments
> Donatella Della Porta and Heinz-Gerhard Haupt
> (register with: Eva Breivik eva.breivik@???)
> Tuesdays, 15-17 h.
> Badia Fiesolana: Seminar room 2
> This interdisciplinary seminar will address some of the central
> concepts of sociological and historical research on social movements,
> focusing on collective repertoires of action. The ten sessions are
> dedicated to different historical forms of political violence, but
> will also refer to different concepts and approaches in the research
> on social movements. In particular, we shall discuss the social and
> political context that moves movements? strategic choices, their
> ideological and organizational resources, as well as the activists
> values and motivations. Each session will be opened by an introductory
> talk, followed by an open discussion which will move from the
> assigned readings. Particular attention will be paid to the methods
> available in research on social movements and political violence.
> Session 1. October 12:
> Social movements: state of the art and research agenda
> Donatella Della Porta and Heinz-Gerhard Haupt
> This introductory session will be devoted to the main approaches in
> the study of social movements. The sociological approaches to
> movements and movements? repertoires (collective behaviour; resource
> mobilization; new social movement, political opportunities) will be
> presented and illustrated with historical examples.
> Readings:
> Della Porta, Donatella and Mario Diani (eds.), Social Movements,
> Oxford, Blackwell, 1999, chapter 1.
> Tilly, Charles, Social Movements as Politics, in Charles Tilly,
> Social Movements, 1768-2004, Boulder, Paradigm Publishers, 2004, pp.
> 1-15.
> Session 2. October 19:
> Political violence: approaches, debates and research agenda
> Donatella Della Porta and Heinz-Gerhard Haupt
> This session will be devoted to the development of unconventional
> forms of political participation. Some main approaches to political
> violence shall be critically analysed: from macro-sociological
> approaches, focusing on the political and social systems, to
> ?meso?-organizational approaches, singling out some characteristics of
> violent groups , and ?micro?-approaches, discussing militants?
> identities and careers.
> Readings:
> Merkl, Peter H., Approaches to the Study of Political Violence, in
> Peter H. Merkl (eds.), Political Violence and Terror. Motifs and
> Motivations, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1986, pp.
> 19-58.
> Mayer, Arno J., Violence, in: Arno J. Mayer, Furies. Violence and
> Terror in the French and Russian revolutions, Princeton 2ooo,71-92.
> Della Porta, Donatella and Mario Diani (eds.), Social Movements,
> Oxford, Blackwell, 1999, chapter 7.
> Additional readings:
> Eckstein, Harry. 1980. "Theoretical Approaches to Explaining
> Collective Political Violence." In Ted R. Gurr, ed. Handbook of
> Political Conflict. New York: Free Press:135-66.
> Session 3. October 26:
> Political violence as ?bargaining by riots?
> Heinz-Gerhard Haupt
> This session will compare riots in various historical periods. Part of
> a pre-modern action repertoire, food riots have developed also in
> recent time (for instance, against the politics of global adjustment)
> as a form of pressure on specific aims.
> Readings:
> Tilly, Charles, From Mobilization to Revolution, Reading,
> Addison-Wesley, 1978, chapter 6 and 7.
> Eric Hobsbawm, The machine breakers, in: Past and Present 1,1952,57-70.
> Additional readings:
> Gamson, William A. 1975. The Strategy of Social Protest. Homewood,
> Ill.: Dorsey.
> Walton, John and David Seddon, 1994, Free Markets and Food Riots. The
> politics of Global Adjustment, Oxford, Blackwell, pp. 23-54
> Piven, F. Fox, and Richard Cloward. 1977. Poor People Movements. When
> They Succeed, How They Fail. New York: Vintage.
> Session 4. WEDNESDAY November 3 NB! Note different day!! Same
> time/place
> Protest policing and political violence
> Donatella Della Porta and Herbert Reiter (Florence)
> Political repression is a variable often used by historians and
> sociologists to explain revolutions as well as less dramatic forms of
> political contention. In this session, we shall present causes and
> effects of different strategies of protest policing, looking at
> different historical periods (from post-war Italy to the global
> justice movement of the years 2000).
> Readings:
> Della Porta, Donatella and Herbert Reiter, The Policing of Protest in
> Western Democracies, in Donatella Della Porta and Herbert Reiter
> (eds.), The Policing of Protest, Minneapolis, Minnesota University
> Press, 1998, pp. 1-32 (Introduction) and pp. 228-52 (Chapter 10).
> Reiter, Herbert, Police and Public Order in Italy, 1944-1948: The Case
> of Florence, in Donatella Della Porta and Herbert Reiter (eds.), The
> Policing of Protest, Minneapolis, Minnesota University Press, 1998,
> pp. 143-165.
> Additional readings:
> della Porta, Donatella and Herbert Reiter, Polizia e protesta,
> Bologna, Il Mulino, 2004.
> Session 5. November 9:
> Dynamics of political violence: the fascist violence in the inner war
> period
> Sven Reichardt ( Konstanz)
> Right-wing violence (from Nazi-period to contemporary racism) has been
> often interpreted as an effect of social deprivation. Different
> historical examples will be used to discuss the interaction of social
> strains and political dynamics in the evolution of political violence
> from the extreme Right.
> Readings:
> Richard Bessel, Political Violence and the Rise of Nazism. The Storm
> Troopers in Eastern Germany, 1925-1934, Yale 1984, chap.
> Heitmeyer, Wilhelm, Right-wing Extremist Violence, in Wilhelm
> Heitmeyer and John Hagan (eds), International Handbook of Violence
> Research, Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2003, pp. 399-436 (also in German:
> Internationales Handbuch der Gewaltforschung, Westdeutscher Verlag)
> Additional readings:
> Bjorgo, Tore (ed.), Terror from the Extreme Right, London, Frank Cass,
> 1995
> Session 6. November 16:
> Dynamics of escalation: patterns of radicalization in political
> activism
> Donatella Della Porta and Heinz-Gerhard Haupt
> Social movement studies stressed the role of the activists? framing
> activities in the ?social construction? of the external reality. In
> this session, we will analyse the collective history of the ?68
> movement in various European countries on the basis of life histories
> of militants.
> Readings:
> Della Porta, Donatella, Social Movements, Political Violence and the
> State, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1995, chapters 6 and 7.
> Additional readings
> Fraser, Ronald, ed., 1968. A Student Generation in Revolt. New York,
> Pantheon Books, 1988.
> Passerini, Luisa, Autoritratto di gruppo, Firenze, Giunti, 1988.
> Session 7. November 23:
> From movement organizations to underground sects: organizational
> dynamics and terrorism in the 1970s
> Donatella Della Porta and Heinz-Gerhard Haupt
> Research on social movements has stressed the role of organizations in
> mobilizing resources and making strategic choices. This session will
> focus on the organizational dynamics that lead political groups in the
> underground, with particular attention to left-wing political
> terrorism in Italy and Germany, but also USA and Japan.
> Readings:
> Della Porta, Donatella, Social Movements, Political Violence and the
> State, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1995, chapters 4 and 5.
> Additional readings:
> Baeyer-Katte, Wanda von, Dieter Claessens, Hubert Feger, and Friedhelm
> Neidhardt, Gruppenprozesse. Opladen: Westdeutscher, 1982.
> Session 8. November 30:
> Ethnic and religious movements and political violence
> Donatella dellt Porta and Heinz-Gerhard Haupt
> Ethnic identities are based on ?imagined community?. The role of
> national myths will be discussed in this session as a basis for the
> politicization of territorial cleavages, but also for the escalation
> of some conflicts around ethnic and religious identities. Research on
> the Basque and Irish cases will be taken as a point of departure for
> our analysis.
> Readings:
> Waldmann, Peter, Ethnic and Sociorevolutionary Terrorism: A Comparison
> of Structure, in Donatella Della Porta (ed.), Social Movements and
> Violence: Participation in Underground Organizations, Greenwich, JAI
> Press, 1992, pp. 237-254.
> Bergmann, Werner et.al.,,Introduction, in: C.Hoffmann et.al. (eds.),
> Exclusionary violence. Antisemitic Riots in Modern German History, Ann
> Arbor 2002, 1- 21
> Bergmann, Werner, Exclusionary Riots: Some Theoretical Considerations,
> in: ibd., 161-183
> Additional readings:
> White, Robert W., Provisional Irish Republicans. An Oral and
> Interpretative History, Westport, Greenwood Press, 1993.
> Wieviorka, Michel, Société et terrorisme, Paris, Fayard, 1988 (also
> available in English, The Making of Terrorism, Chicago, the University
> of Chicago Press).
> Session 9. December 7
> Violence, non-violence and the global justice movement
> Donatella Della Porta
> Contemporary movements are mainly non-violent, relying however upon
> various forms of direct action (including civil disobedience). In this
> session, we shall explain the innovation in the repertoire and
> communication strategy of the global justice movement, by looking in
> particular at the development of alternative ?public spheres?. The use
> of Internet will be discussed in this context.
> Readings:
> Della Porta, Donatella et al, No Global, New Global, Minneapolis,
> Minnesota University Press, forthcoming, chapters 1 and 4.
> Chickering, Roger, Imperial Germany and a World without War: The Peace
> Movement and German Society, 1892-18914, Princeton 1975, chap.
> Additional readings:
> Jordan, Tim, Activism! Direct Action, Hacktivism and the Future of
> Society, London, Reaktion Books, 2002 (also available in Italian,
> Elèuthera editrice, 2003).
> Session 10. December 14
> Research agenda for political violence and social movements
> The concluding session will bring together, with the help of invited
> speakers, the various streams of studies discussed during the seminar,
> designing an interdisciplinary agenda for future research.
> Readings:
> Della Porta, Donatella, Social Movements, Political Violence and the
> State, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1995, chapter 8.
> Additional readings:
> Della Porta, Donatella and Sidney Tarrow (eds.), Transnational
> Movements and Global Activism, Rowman and Littlefield, 2004,
> forthcoming.
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