[Hackmeeting] [darkveggy@squat.net: [Connect] "an anargeek m…


著者: void
題目: [Hackmeeting] [darkveggy@squat.net: [Connect] "an anargeek manifesto" v1.0b]
finitela col chiamarci compagni, radicali, militanti
chiamateci anargeek
(i riferimenti al flame della morte sono puramente casuali)

----- Forwarded message from darkveggy <darkveggy@???> -----

> Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 19:48:53 +0200
> From: darkveggy <darkveggy@???>
> Subject: [Connect] "an anargeek manifesto" v1.0b
> To: connect@???, thk@???, tech@???,
>     hub@???
> Cc: 
> User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.6+20040818i

> ···························
> ·· a n · a n a r g e e k ··
> ······ m a n i f e s t o ··
> ·············· v 1 . 0 b ··
> ···························
> · a n a r g e e k . n e t ·
> ···························
> I am an anargeek. An anarchogeek. An anarchist and a geek, among others.
>                  · · ·

> I'm a geek, because I can be considered part of those who like to use,
> understand and alter those weird machines we call computers.
> I'm a geek, then, because I am curious about the way they function. I
> wonder about what to do with their programs. And I feel excited,
> sometimes, by some of those uses that have not yet been explored or
> thought of.
> I'm a geek, because these machines are part of my daily life. I use them
> as clocks, as sound devices, as libraries, as typewriters, as coffee
> machines, as phones or memorandums. But on top of all, they're wide
> playgrounds. A support for communication, discoveries, creativity.
> I'm a geek, also because I have embedded digital communication at some
> point. Almost everyday, if not many times a day, I do read my e-mail,
> administrate some Internet servers, look after the network I'm sharing,
> inform myself, learn and exchange through forums, mailing-lists and
> miscellaneous websites, chat and meet through IRC.
> I'm a geek, still, because I like the term. It has first been an insult.
> But then, it's been reclaimed by those it mentions, turned positive and
> set the roots for a community, as some other "cultural minorities" did.
>                  · · ·

> I'm an anarchist, because I reject a society that's based upon
> domination. I'm convinced that self-empowerment and mutual respect are
> not only possible together and desirable, but that they can be achieved
> through equality, solidarity and self-management.
> I'm an anarchist, then, because I am outraged by those social structures
> which cause mass exploitation, sufferings and deaths on a permanent
> basis. I want to contribute in putting this system down, by
> participating in social struggles and being involved in radical
> grassroots collectives.
> I'm an anarchist, because I see my daily life as an opportunity to
> experiment my principles. I'm willing to break with social norms, by
> refusing calls to consumption and competition; reject alienation, by
> deconstructing oppressive & dominant behaviours, by developing
> collective & egalitarian alternatives.
> I'm an anarchist, also because I tend to feel skeptical towards
> "official" information, I want to be critical towards mainstream and
> institutionnal media, since they format our vision with omissions, lies
> and misinformation. Rejecting self-proclaimed objectivity, I'm seeking
> for other means of informing and educating myself, for alternative tools
> to generate and spread the news.
> I'm an anarchist, still, because I stand against the paranoia that
> seizes society, thanks to the manipulation of peoples' fears. I refuse
> the criminalisation, personal data collection and repression processes
> which are being launched by authorities against the poor, lower class
> and activists. Needless to say we have to resist.
>                  · · ·

> I'm an anargeek, because I'm willing to bring together technological
> creativity and computer know-how with ethical considerations and
> political practices. While thought provides practice with meaning and
> direction, practice enhances thought and offers ideas a concrete
> expression.
> I'm an anargeek, then, because I wish to live in a society based upon
> self-determination, free cooperation and collective intelligence. Thus I
> endorse the free software movement, which comes as the result of the
> worldwide volunteer collaboration of thousands, allowing anyone not only
> to share and understand, but also to modify and distribute computer
> programs.
> I'm an anargeek, because I refuse to be enslaved by either a political
> system or a computer system. While states impose laws upon citizens,
> proprietary software force standards upon users. While authorities
> prevent agitation through repression, the companies attempt to kill
> alternatives through patents. I want to be able to self-manage my life,
> just as I want to be able to understand, modify or create the tools I
> use.
> I'm an anargeek, also because I want to resist the never-ending
> consumption enforced by capitalism, that keeps on producing goods,
> throwing away and wasting resources, while manipulating peoples' minds,
> always. I recycle hardware that's considered obsolete, re-animate it
> with spare parts, liberate it with free software. I like reaching the
> limits of out-dated machines, creating rather than consuming, in an
> attempt to mix imagination and politics altogether.
> I'm an anargeek, because I feel the need to disrupt some attitudes that
> stick to the communities I'm involved with. I wish the radical-left
> political and alternative computer cultures to get to know each other
> for a number of reasons: it is essential to challenge the strong sexist
> culture that lies within geekism and to critically assess the high
> specialisation that goes with computer science, as it is necessary to
> have militant movements understand digital potentials.
> I'm an anargeek, also because computing happens to be an excellent
> medium for producing and spreading independent information. So do I
> participate to counter-information networks such as Indymedia: an
> autonomous media that is spread around the world and open to all, that
> breaks the borders between actors/spectators/journalists and raises
> issues mainstream media cautiously ignore or disinform about.
> I'm an anargeek, still, because if computers do facilitate social
> control and domination, I do believe they can also be used as
> instruments of self-empowerment, communication and sedition. Since
> knowledge is more useful when shared rather than kept to oneself, I
> participate in skill-sharing workshops, or get involved in setting up
> collective non-commercial tools and "services" such as autonomous
> servers, free Internet access points, websites or hardware solidarity
> projects...
>                  · · ·

> This "manifesto" does not aim at speaking up for you. You're free to
> partly adopt it, fully endorse it, totally reject it. And because
> there's just as many anargeeks as individuals, I encourage everyone to
> write and execute her/his manifesto, experiment his/her ideas, draw her
> graffiti or his ASCII!
> Starification, leadership and passivity? No thanks! Everyone can invent
> and re-program him/herself!
>                             December 2002,
>                                darkveggy@???

>                         English translation by
>                          darkveggy, June 2004.

>                                  · · ·

> Translation note: "anargeek" stands for "anarchogeek". While "anargeek"
> is not very verbose in English, it instantly makes sense in French,
> provided the reader knows about the terms "anarchist" and "geek" ("anar"
> being short for "anarchist"). Since "anarchogeek" is already known as a
> blog (rabble's, from Indymedia - http://anarchogeek.com/), "anargeek"
> was kept.
> Copylefted with the Creative Commons Atribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
> 2.0 license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/).
> --
> d a r k v e g g y - gnupg key @ https://squat.net/darkveggy/gpg.asc

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