[Badgirlz-list] news from palestina

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Autor: Errata
Asunto: [Badgirlz-list] news from palestina
la situazione e' una merda come al solito, vi allego
una lettera
di sostegno allo sciopero dei detenuti iniziato 5
giorni fa nelle
carceri israeliane. anche per questi ci sono molte
proteste in giro
si stanno muovendo tutti.
fate girare la mail.




Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon    Minister of Defense,
Shaul Mofaz 

Office of the Prime Minister    Ministry of Defense,
37 Kaplan St.

3 Kaplan St. PO Box 187     Tel Aviv 61909, Israel  

Jerusalem 91919, Israel     

Minister of Justice, Yosef Lapid    Minister of
Interior Security

Ministry of Justice     Tzahi Haneghi

29 Salah al-Din St.      Kiryat Hamemshala, POB 18182

Jerusalem 91010, Israel     Jerusalem 91181

We, the undersigned international NGOs and
associations involved in development and co-operation,
and operating for the achievement of a just and
sustainable peace between Israeli and Palestinian
peoples, join the protest raised by the Palestinian
political prisoners in Israel in hunger strike since
August 15th, 2004 against the gross violations of
their rights and the harsh conditions under which they
are being detained in the Israeli prisons.

Some of the conditions that the prisoners are
protesting against include:

      * Arbitrary and indiscriminate beating of
prisoners in their cells, in prison courtyards and
during transportation to and from prisons.

      * Arbitrary and indiscriminate firing of tear
gas into prisoner’s cells and prison courtyards and
intimidation of prisoners by guards entering their
cells with guns. 

      * Humiliating strip searches of prisoners in
full view of other prisoners and guards each time they
enter or exit their cells

      * Subjecting prisoners to solitary confinement
for excessive periods of time, for months and even

      * Arbitrary imposition of financial penalties on
prisoners for minor infractions, arbitrary revocation
of visitation rights and extended confinement to cells
as punishment for minor infractions such as singing or
speaking too loudly

      * Confining children with adult prisoners and
political prisoners with criminals 

      * Withholding or delaying medical treatment and
the provision of medication to sick detainees

      * Severely restricting the category of family
members entitled to visit prisoners thus denying
visitation rights to other close family members

      * Arbitrary denial of travel permits to family
members of prisoners living in the West Bank or Gaza
so that they cannot travel to prisons to see their

      * Imposing conditions on travel for family
members and obstacles that result in travel of a few
hours being prolonged to 16 or 17 hours for a
45-minute visit

      * Conducting humiliating strip searches of
visiting family members even though they are usually
separated from the prisoners by a full glass barrier
as well as a wire mesh barrier.

      * Providing such poor visitation facilities that
prisoners find it difficult to see or hear their loved

      * Maintaining prisoners on near starvation diets
that are insufficient to sustain health.

      * Applying rules concerning items that prisoners
may receive from their families arbitrarily and
inconsistently, on the whim of the guards, with each

      * Withdrawing studying privileges that in the
past allowed prisoners to continue their high school
or university studies through correspondence courses  

The treatment of Palestinian prisoners in Israel
violates both international and Israeli laws, as well
as rules governing the administration of Israeli
prisons. In addition it violates what contained in the
Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or
Degrading Treatments or Punishments signed by Israel
on October, 22nd 1986 and ratified on October, 3rd
1991, as well as the Universal Declaration of Human

We express our indignation and worries for the
conditions in which the Palestinian political
prisoners are kept, and ask the Israeli government to
stop immediately the harsh treatment they undergo, and
to respect the international human rights norms.

Jerusalem, August 20th 2004

Lista provvisoria delle firmatarie

CRIC – Centro Regionale d'Intervento per la
Cooperazione (Italy)

GVC – Gruppo di Volontariato Civile (Italy)

CISS – Cooperazione Internazionale Sud-Sud (Italy)

Movimondo (Italy)

Terres des Hommes (Italy)

ARCI (Italy)

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