[Cerchio] Fwd: [tml] Sign-on Letter of Support for Political…

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Auteur: leonid
Sujet: [Cerchio] Fwd: [tml] Sign-on Letter of Support for Political Prisoner Jeff Luers
>Sign-on Letter of Support for Political Prisoner Jeff Luers
>This is a statement that was written by
>supporters of Oregon political prisoner Jeff
>"Free" Luers. If you're willing to endorse this
>statement, please contact
>breakthechains02@??? and be sure to
>include a brief self-description [for instance,
>you can mention what organizations you belong to
>or books you have authored]. The goal of the
>statement is draw attention to the case of Mr.
>Luers, and to positively affect his appeal. For
>more info on the case of Jeff "Free" Luers,
>visit www.freefreenow.org Questions, comments,
>or concerns may be addressed to
>To whom it may concern:
>Jeffrey Luers is a political prisoner serving a
>22 year prison sentence for actions that did not
>physically threaten, let alone harm anyone.
>Prior to his imprisonment, Mr. Luers was a very
>well-liked community activist in Eugene, Oregon.
>He was known to law enforcement because of his
>involvement with forest defense and anti-police
>brutality activism.
>Mr. Luers was arrested in June, 2000, after
>leaving the scene of a fire at a Romania car
>dealership in Eugene, Oregon. He was initially
>charged with three counts of First Degree arson
>for setting fire to three Sports Utility
>Vehicles [SUVs] at the car dealership, and later
>received additional charges of Attempted Arson
>and Conspiracy to Commit Arson at Tyree Oil
>Mr. Luers admits to having committed an act of
>property destruction at the Romania dealership.
>The stated purpose of this act was to bring
>attention to global warming and the increasing
>environmental crisis facing the world because of
>it. Mr. Luers took measures to make sure that no
>one would be injured as a result of his actions
>[an arson specialist and the Romania Night
>Watchman later confirmed at the trial this fire
>did not pose a threat to human beings]. He
>denies being involved in - or even knowing about
>- the attempted arson at the Tyree Oil Company.
>There was no physical evidence presented that
>tied him to the latter incident. Fingerprints
>found at the scene of the crime did not match
>Mr. Luersí or those of his co-defendant.
>During the course of his trial, statements were
>made by the police and prosecuting attorney that
>indicated it was Mr. Luers' political views on
>trial, not merely his actions. His defense
>successfully proved that evidence had been
>tampered with, officers had lied and that the
>prosecutor had manipulated evidence to get a
>legal search at his residence.
>The defense had the upper hand until the
>untimely death of Mr. Luersí lead attorney, Ken
>Morrow. This caused the judge to declare a
>mistrial leading to significant delays, allowing
>the prosecution to regroup and rethink their
>Perhaps most significantly, the judge threw out
>the testimony of Mr. Luersí expert witness
>merely because he disagreed with the stateís
>witnesses. The expert witness had done a more
>thorough investigation of the crime scenes
>(including taking photos of the burned vehicles
>that the police did not) than the Eugene Police
>Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
>and Firearms.
>In June of 2001, Mr. Luers was convicted of 11
>of 13 charges and sentenced to 22 years
>imprisonment. Under Oregonís Measure 11
>mandatory-minimum sentencing guidelines, he does
>not have the possibility of parole or early
>The length of this sentence is patently unjust,
>particularly when compared to those commonly
>given to people convicted of crimes against
>persons. For example, Manslaughter 1 carries a
>10 year sentence; Attempted Murder, only 7
>and-a-half years; Rape 1, 8 years and four
>months. Clearly, Jeffreyís sentence is vastly
>disproportionate to the crime of burning three
>vehicles. A research project sponsored by
>supporters of Mr. Luers and the Human Rights
>Commission of the City of Eugene revealed this
>disparity and prompted the Commission to sign a
>statement questioning the role Mr. Luers
>politics may have played in his sentence.
>Mr. Luers was given a sentence that would send
>the message to environmental and social justice
>activists that even a merely symbolic act of
>property destruction would now be equated with
>terrorism and punished more harshly than many
>crimes against persons. Since his imprisonment,
>Mr. Luers has been labeled by the FBI and
>corporate press as an ìeco-terrorist.î This
>label has been used by the Oregon Department of
>Corrections to justify placing Mr. Luers at
>Security Threat Group status ñ a designation
>typically reserved for white supremacists and
>gang members.
>During these difficult times, we must work
>diligently to ensure that the basic civil rights
>of everyone are equally protected and upheld. We
>cannot tolerate the criminalization of dissent
>or repression against activists, even if we may
>not agree with their tactics.
>Mr. Luers is a sincere young man, and has a
>tremendous amount to offer the community. We
>feel that it would be an injustice to keep him
>locked up during the most precious years of his
>life. He has stated that, if released, he would
>continue to be active in efforts to protect the
>environment, but would avoid activities that
>would lead him back to prison.
>In light of Mr. Luers stated political beliefs
>and the unusual length of his sentence, we
>recognize him as a political prisoner. We also
>support his appeal process, and call for a
>review of his sentence that would lead to a
>reduction in time served.
>Signed by [as of July 9, 2004]:
>    John Abrams-(San Francisco, CA)
>    Mumia Abu-Jamal-Author, Faith & Our Fathers; 
>journalist, and commentator (Waynesburg, PA)
>    Karen Adams - Teacher (Eugene, OR)
>    Mary Ainsworth-volunteer (Philadelphia, PA)
>    Ashanti Alston-Northeast Coordinator-Critical 
>Resistance. Former political prisoner. 
>(Brooklyn, NY)
>    Kirsten Anderberg-Reporter/Journalist, 
>Political Comedian, Activist, Street Performer, 
>Mother (Seattle, WA)
>    Christopher Anderson- Environmental activist. 
>Owner, Black Dog Sustainable Earthscapes 
>(Nashville, TN)
>    Marie Angel (Albany, CA)
>    Clara Arndt-Biologist for federal agencies 
>such as the Forest Service and US Geologic 
>Survey (Santa Cruz, CA)
>    Linda Averill-Delegate to King County Labor 
>Council for Amalgamated Transit Union 587 
>(Seattle, WA)
>    Douglas Baker - Television producer (New York City, NY)
>    Alice W. Ballard-Lawyer (Philadelphia, PA)
>    Ernesta Ballard-Retired Editor, Volunteer-WILPF
>    Iris Bar-Cartoonist, and member of Abnaa 
>elBalad (Sons of the Land) movement (Haifa, 
>    Yoav Bar-Community activist, member of Abnaa 
>elBalad (sons of the land) movement (Haifa, 
>    Dylan Barr - Worker, Iron Rail Bookstore (New Orleans, LA)
>    Jeanne Barr - Teacher (St. Petersburg, FL)
>    Sue Barnhart- Member, Eugene Springfield 
>Solidarity Network, Oregon PeaceWorks, and Taxes 
>for Peace Not War (Eugene, OR)
>    Lydia Bartholow- Prisoner-support activist (Eugene, OR)
>    Oona Beall- Journalist, Cascadia Media Collective (Eugene, OR)
>    Carolyn Becker-Physician (Katmah, NY)
>    Michael Becker-Lecturer in Political Science 
>at California State University (Fresno, CA)
>    Jeremy Bendik-Keymer-Assistant Professor, 
>Colorado College Department of Philosophy 
>(Denver, CO)
>    Aaron Berdanir-Student of Biological Sciences 
>at Beloit College (Beloit, WI)
>    Betty Best- ACTUP!SF (San Francisco, CA)
>    Dr. Steven Best-Associate Professor Chair, 
>Department of Philosophy at University of Texas 
>(El Paso, TX)
>    Nicole Beyries (Bay Area, CA)
>    Jello Biafra- Musician, spoken word artist, 
>and owner of Alternative Tentacles Records (San 
>Francisco, CA)
>    John Bilezikian-Physician (Scarsdale, NY)
>    Sophie Bilezikian-Physician/Writer (Scarsdale, NY)
>    Bill Blum-Author of Killing Hope: US Military 
>and CIA Interventions Since World War II 
>(Washington DC)
>    Dr. Peter Bohmer- Faculty in Political 
>Economy at Evergreen State College and a member 
>of the Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace 
>(Olympia, WA)
>    Jenni Bonds - Aspiring writer, photographer 
>and activist for peace and human rights (Austin, 
>    Dr. Ruben Botello-Founder, American Homeless Society (Eureka, CA)
>    Kelah Bott- Bay Area Animal Action (San Francisco, CA)
>    Luisa Brehm-Ethnologist and human rights activist (Lisbon, Portugal)
>    Rita Brown- Community Advisory Board member 
>for the Prison Activist Resource Center 
>(Berkeley, CA)
>    Sarie Bryson (Thousand Oaks, CA)
>    Gail M. Brown-Restaurant owner (Eugene, OR)
>    Daniel Burton-Rose-Co-Author of The Celling 
>of America: An Inside Look at the US Prison 
>Industry (Oakland, CA)
>    Regina Byrne- (Philadelphia, PA)
>    Carter Camp-Founder of the Oklahoma chapter 
>of the American Indian Movement (AIM), former 
>National Chairman of AIM, and Board Member of 
>the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee (Oklahoma 
>City, OK)
>    Chris Carrern (Berkeley, CA)
>    Eric Carson - (Eugene, OR)
>    Melton Cartes-(San Francisco, CA)
>    Cristiana Cavagnaro -Coordinator for Earth 
>Liberation Prisoners Support Network and No 
>Repression (Genoa, Italy)
>    Sebastian Chafe (Palo Alto, CA)
>    Salome Chasnoff-Founding director, Beyond 
>Media Education, Women's International 
>Information Project, media artist and educator 
>(Chicago, IL)
>    Darryl Cherney- Musician, environmentalist 
>activist, and successful litigant in a $4.4 
>million suit against the FBI and Oakland Police, 
>who attempted to falsely blame him and Judi Bari 
>for car-bombing themselves in 1990 (Oakland, CA)
>    Samir Chopra - Assistant Professor, 
>Department of Computer Science, Brooklyn College 
>(Brooklyn, NY)
>    Ward Churchill -Award winning author and 
>Professor of Ethnic Studies at University of 
>Colorado (Bolder, CO)
>    Terry Clancey- DAAA Collective (Riverbank, CA)
>    John P. Clark - Professor of Philosophy, 
>Loyola University (New Orleans, LA)
>    Lloyd Clarke-Tri-City Action for Peace (Bay City, MI)
>    Stefanie Collins-(Austin TX)
>    Marta Sanguesa Comaposada-Student of 
>Psychology at University of Barcelona 
>(Barcelona, Spain)
>    Natalie Comstock - Eugene PeaceWorks (Eugene, OR)
>    Sheldon Coope-(Pacifica, CA)
>    Chris Crass-Organizer with the Challenging 
>White Supremacy Workshop and author of 
>Collective Liberation On My Mind (San Francisco, 
>    Glenn Crespo- Black Identity (Antioch, CA)
>    John Paul Cupp- Co-Founder of Dignity Village Inc. (Portland, OR)
>    Vaden Dabney (San Francisco, CA)
>    Jennifer Dakini - Social science student (Eugene, OR)
>    Ken Davis-(San Francisco, CA)
>    Paulette D'auteil-Member, Jericho Movement to 
>Free Political Prisoners/Prisoners Of War in the 
>USA (New York City, NY)
>    Misia Denea-Youth advocate/activist (Philadelphia, PA)
>    Danielle Ni Dhighe- Prisoner Welfare Officer, 
>Irish Republican Socialist Committees of North 
>America (Tukwila, WA)
>    Arif Dirlik-Author and Professor of History 
>and Anthropology at the University of Oregon 
>(Eugene, OR)
>    Danny Dolinger-Environmental activist and folk musician (Eugene, OR)
>    Patriek Dooms-Protestants Social Center (Belgium)
>    Beverly Dove-(Berkeley, CA)
>    Misha Dunlap- 2nd year law 
>student.Environmental, animal rights and civil 
>liberties activist.(Eugene, Oregon)
>    Nora Dwyer- Irish Unity Committee (Houston, Texas)
>    Dr. Lauren Eastwood- Sociology Professor at 
>Syracuse University (Syracuse, NY)
>    Rob Eaton - (Eugene, OR)
>    Jain Elliott- Middle school English teacher, 
>Temple Beth Israel congregant, Eugene 
>Springfield Solidarity Network member, and 
>Oakridge Teacher's Association Co-president 
>(Eugene, OR)
>    Nathan Ellis - Poet and musician (Winchester, VA)
>    Rob Eshelman-Journalist and community organizer (San Francisco, CA)
>    Benjamin Evans-Member of Prairie Fire Organizing Committee (Chicago, IL)
>    Erin Evans- ACTUP!SF (San Francisco, CA)
>    Sara Falconer-Journalist and prisoner-support 
>organizer (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
>    Lane Farnham- Jericho Amnesty Movement (Los Angeles, CA)
>    Patrick Farr, Jr. - Martial artist (Eugene, OR)
>    Anne Feeney-Activst, songwriter, and former 
>President of the Pittsburgh Musicians' Union 
>(Pittsburgh, PA)
>    Jonah Fertig-teacher, artist and organizer 
>with the People's Free Space. (Portland, Maine)
>    Sean Flagherty (Brooklyn, NY)
>    Jim Fleming-Editor/Publisher, Autonomedia (New York, NY)
>    Tom Flint - Associate Editor of Seattle Gay 
>News; ACT UP Seattle co-founder; an ordained 
>Buddhist Monk and member of Buddhist Peace 
>Fellowship (Seattle, WA)
>    Isy Flynn-Women's self-defense instructor and 
>prisoner-support activist (Brighton, England)
>    Sherry Franzen - Philanthropist (Eugene, OR)
>    Victoria Fox (Dayton, Ohio)
>    Tom Gabel- Against Me! (Gainesville, FL)
>    Harold Galef-Physician (Scarsdale, NY)
>    Mario A. Garza - Volunteer with community 
>service and local animal shelter (Brownsville, 
>    Michael Garvin-President of the Warner Creek Company (Eugene, OR)
>    Dominic German - Rhizome Collective (Austin, TX)
>    Lyn Gerry-Radio Journalist and member of the 
>Board of Trustees of Ithaca Community Radio 
>(Ithaca, NY)
>    Brenton Gicker- Prisoner-support activist (Eugene, OR)
>    Janet Gicker- Antique dealer (Eugene, OR)
>    Randy Gicker-Registered Nurse (Eugene, OR)
>    Douglas Gilbert- DAAA Collective (Modesto, CA)
>    Chellis Glendinning-Award-winning author (Chimayo, NM)
>    Melanie Glover (Davis, CA)
>    Stan Goff- Veteran of Army Special Operations 
>(Delta Force, Rangers, and Special Forces) and 
>author of Hideous Dream (Raleigh, NC)
>    Christine Goffredo-Student at the University 
>of Central Florida and officer of the 
>Progressive Council (Orlando, FL)
>    Scott Gollwitzer-Public Interest 
>Environmental Attorney; formerly a criminal 
>defense attorney (Asheville, NC)
>    Rene Gonzalez-Cuban political prisoner (Edgefield, SC)
>    Samantha Grassi-Coordinator for Earth 
>Liberation Prisoners Support Network and No 
>Repression (Milan,Italy)
>    Dana Gray- Food Not Bombs, DAAA Collective (Modesto, CA)
>    Andrew Green - Electronics engineer, activist 
>and member of Amnesty International (Brisbane, 
>    Antonio Guerrero-Cuban political prisoner (Florence, CO)
>    Anthony Hall-Founding coordinator of 
>Globalization Studies at the University of 
>Lethbridge and author of The American Empire and 
>the Fourth World (Alberta, Canada)
>    Dustin Hall-(Albany, CA)
>    Eva Hall-(Santa Cruz, CA)
>    Kimber Hall (Oakland, CA)
>    Justin Hanley- DAAA Collective (Riverbank, CA)
>    Chris Hannah-Guitar player and vocalist for 
>political band Propaghandi (Winnipeg, Canada)
>    Clare Hanrahan-Writer and activist, author of 
>Jailed for Justice: A Woman's Guide to Federal 
>Prison Camp (Asheville, NC)
>    Bill Harbaugh-Associate Professor of 
>Economics at University of Oregon (Eugene, OR)
>    Carolyn Harper Knox, Ph.D.-Activist and academic (Eugene, OR)
>    Hilary Harper-Community radio worker, social 
>justice supporter, critical mass participant and 
>freelance media analyst (Melbourne, Australia)
>    Josh Harper, documentary film maker, Reclaim Media (Seattle, WA)
>    Len Harrison, media activist, Black Cat Media (San Francisco, CA)
>    David Hayden- No Compromise magazine (Santa Cruz, CA)
>    Peter Havlik- Activist, Student (Neenah, WI)
>    Wylie Hembree-(Scarsdale, NY)
>    Pete Hernanden-(Watsonville, CA)
>    Julie Herrada- Curator, Labadie Collection, University of Michigan
>    Steven Heslin - Independent videographer (Eugene, OR)
>    Gary Hicks-Community activist, poet and journalist (Boston, MA)
>    John "Splitting the Sky" Hill-Native American 
>author and activist; former political prisoner 
>(Chase, British Columbia, Canada)
>    Patrick Hogan-(San Francisco, CA)
>    Lisa Holroyd- Nottingham student, member of 
>The Socialist Party (Nottingham, England)
>    Andrea Hornbein-Coordinator for Boston Area 
>Leonard Peltier Support Group, Community Church 
>of Boston representative to Springfield Harm 
>Reduction Coalition (Springfield, MA)
>    Alexander Hosea - Concerned citizen (Tacoma, WA)
>    J. Todd Hutchins-Public interest 
>environmental lawyer; activist for social 
>justice and civil liberties (Nevada City, CA)
>    Lisa Igoe-Journalist, Cascadia Media Collective (Eugene, OR)
>    Pina Inga-Association for Proletariat Solidarity (Milan, Italy)
>    Robin Irish-Community activist, business owner (Eugene, OR)
>    Ron Jacobs-Author of The Way the Wind Blew: A 
>History of the Weather Underground, contributor 
>to Counterpunch, Clamor, Works In Progress, and 
>other journals (Burlington, VT)
>    Thomas P. Jacobs-(Scarsdale, NY)
>    Thomas James ñ Data surveyor and landscaper (Eugene, OR)
>    Derrick Jensen-Award winning author and 
>environmental activist (Crescent City, CA)
>    Mary Jessup-(San Francisco, CA)
>    Amanda Jobbins-(San Francisco, CA)
>    Emily Johnson - Women's Studies/History 
>student and grassroots activist (Edmonton, 
>Alberta, Canada)
>    Kyle Johnson (Alameda, CA)
>    James Johnston-Executive Director, Cascadia Wildlands Project (Eugene, OR)
>    Timothy Jones-Disabled Vietnam veteran, business owner (Eugene, OR)
>    Jack Cohen-Joppa-Co-editor of Nuclear Resister (Tucson, AZ)
>    Tracy Joscelyn- Activist, cook, mother, (Eugene, Oregon)
>    Andrew Kahn- Student and Founder of Proletariat Group (New York City, NY)
>    Ramsey Kanaan- AK Press Publishing (Oakland, CA)
>    Richard Kahn-PhD.c., Social Sciences and 
>Comparative Education at University of 
>California (Los Angeles, CA)
>    Bill Kapoun - Instructor at Indiana University (Bloomington, IN)
>    Haggai Katriel - Activist (Haifa, Palestine)
>    Dylan Kay-writer (Brooklyn, NY)
>    Darren Kelili- (Anitoch, CA)
>    OisÌn Kelly-Education Vice President of 
>University College Dublin Students' Union, and 
>member of the Socialist Party - Committee for a 
>Workers' International (Dublin, Ireland)
>    Travis Kerschen-Filmaker and member of the 
>Bill Hicks Resurrection Collective (Houston, TX)
>    Mike King (Oakland, CA)
>    Brian Klopotek - Assistant Professor of 
>Anthropology and Ethnic Studies at the 
>University of Oregon (Eugene, OR)
>    David Knapp- (San Francisco, CA)
>    Molly Koester (Palo Alto, CA)
>    Todd Kowalski-Bass player and vocalist for 
>political band Propaghandi (Winnipeg, Canada)
>    Joel Kovel, Author, "The Enemy of Nature" 
>Editor, Capitalism Nature Socialism; (Willow, NY)
>    Jessica Kozacik (Lafayette, CA)
>    Richard Kraus-Professor of Political Science 
>at the University of Oregon (Eugene, OR)
>    Daniel Kruse- Law student at University of 
>Oregon and organizer for Coalition Against 
>Environmental Racism (Eugene, OR)
>    Wey-Wey E. Kwok-Public interest medicare attorney (Junction, NJ)
>    Jason Lamb - Clown (Eugene, OR)
>    Susan Larsen- Worker Owner of Rainbow Grocery (San Francisco, CA)
>    Teishan Latner-International Concerned 
>Friends & Family of Mumia Abu-Jamal 
>(Philadelphia, PA)
>    Gregory Lewis-Cetrified Personal Trainer 
>(ACE) and Self-Defense Instructor. Member of the 
>Industrial Workers of the World (Seattle, WA)
>    Gerard Livernois- ACTUP!SF (San Francisco, CA)
>    Dianne Lobes-Psychologist, communication 
>activist and member of Women's Action for New 
>Directions (Eugene, OR)
>    Josh Loughlin-Campaign Coordinator for 
>Cascadia Wildlands Project (Eugene, OR)
>    Bernie Lieving-Member, Coalition for Prisoner's Rights (Santa Fe, NM)
>    Kristin Limrey-Asian Man Records (Bay Area, CA)
>    Andrea Lindsay- No Compromise magazine, (San Francisco, CA)
>    Sarah Lippek- public defense investigator (Brooklyn, NY)
>    Roger Lovejoy-Environmental and human rights activist (Plymouth, UK)
>    Jamie "Bork" Loughner-Founding member of 
>Miami Prisoner Solidarity Network, DC Justice 
>and Solidarity, DC Homes Not Jails (Washington 
>    Matt Lucas-(Santa Cruz, CA)
>    John Luers (Los Angeles, CA)
>    Judy Luers (Los Angeles, CA)
>    James Madnell (Berkeley, CA)
>    Patrick Magill- Justice of the Peace (New Zealand)
>    Alexander Malina-founder of Social Nerve 
>Magazine, author of the novel The Science of 
>Mass Destruction (2004, Zakat Press), translator 
>from Slavonic languages, journalist, social 
>activist. (New York, NY)
>    Claude Marks-Founder of the Freedom Archives (San Francisco, CA)
>    Hope Marston-Community activist involved with 
>groups such as the Pacific Green Party, Bill of 
>Rights Defense Committee, and various other 
>campaigns for peace, social justice and an end 
>to racism (Eugene, OR)
>    Melissa R. Matheney (Alameda, CA)
>    Nikolaus Matheis - Father and concerned citizen (Portland, OR)
>    Michael "Salim" McCarron, founder Autonomous 
>Collective. (San Francisco, CA)
>    Brian McCarvill-Prison activist (Salem, OR)
>    Joe W. McCaleb-Environmental attorney (Hendersonville, TN)
>    Shelbey McClendon (San Jose, CA)
>    Beverly McDonald - Graphic artist, mother, gardener (Eugene, OR)
>    Peter McLaren-Professor, Graduate School of 
>Education and Information Studies at University 
>of California (Los Angeles, CA)
>    Donald McMahon-(South Nyack, NY)
>    Ed Mead-Founder of Prison Art Inc. and former 
>editor of Prison Legal News (San Francisco, CA)
>    Rachel Meeropol - Civil rights attorney for 
>the Center for Constitutional Rights (New York, 
>    Susan E. Meisinzahl-Exectuive Assistant (Philadelphia, PA)
>    Bobbie Michaels - Animal Rights Activist and 
>co-founder of Committed To Animal 
>Protection-Education And Rescue (CAPER) 
>(Portland, Oregon)
>    Laura Middlebrooke-Graduate student at 
>California State University-Fullerton 
>(Fullerton, CA)
>    Scott Miksch-Coordinator for the Committee In 
>Solidarity with the Central American People 
>(Eugene, OR)
>    Arthur J. Miller- Co-coordinator for Tacoma 
>Leonard Peltier Support Group and a member of 
>Ship Builders Industrial Union 320 (Tacoma, WA)
>    Marc "Moth" Miller-North Coast Earth First! (Sacramento, CA)
>    Veronika Miller-(San Francisco, CA)
>    David Mitchell- Public School Teacher and 
>member of the Oregon Education Association 
>(Eugene, OR)
>    Sarah Mitteldarf-Student (Philadelphia, PA)
>    Yosef Moahe- Liberation Library (Santa Cruz, CA)
>    Noel Molland, Earth Liberation Prisoners 
>Support Network- Former political prisoner and 
>current ELP volunteer.
>    Alan Moore-Co-founder ABC No Rio; PhD art 
>history, independent scholar (New York, NY)
>    Michael Moore- ACTUP!SF (San Francisco, CA)
>    David Morse- Indymedia (Oakland, CA)
>    Peg Morton-Retired rural mental health 
>counselor and Quaker nonviolent activist for 
>peace and justice (Eugene, OR)
>    Chuck Munson-Coordinator, Alternative Media Project (Washington DC)
>    Kristy Anne Murray- Family/Alcohol & Drug Therapist (Eugene, OR)
>    Greg Nagle-Past President of Hoedads Cooperative (Eugene, OR)
>    Brian Nanagah-(Vacaville, CA)
>    Colin Neiburger- Activist (Miami, Florida)
>    Charlotte Nisser- Student (Eugene, OR)
>    Luma Nichol-Organizer for the Freedom 
>Socialist Party and chairperson for the United 
>Front Against Fascism (Seattle, WA)
>    Anthony J. Nocella, II-Co-founder of Center 
>on Animal Liberation Affairs and Institute for 
>Revolutionary Peacemaking and Education 
>(Syracuse, NY)
>    Gavin Norman-Student organizer for Melbourne 
>Indymedia (Melbourne, Australia)
>    Sean Nortz - Activist and poet (Red Bank, NJ)
>    Michael Novick-Founder of People Against Racist Terror (Los Angeles, CA)
>    Efia Nwangaza-National Co-Chair, Jericho 
>Movement to Free Political Prisoners/Prisoners 
>Of War in the USA (New York City, NY)
>    Christi Oates - Peace activist (Sebastian, FL)
>    John O'Bryan-TV writer (Los Angeles, CA)
>    Brian O'Connor - Activist and organizer for 
>"Justice for Mohamed Harkat" (North Bay, 
>Ontario, Canada)
>    Craig O'Hara-Member of AK Press Publishing 
>Collective and author of The Philosophy of Punk 
>(Davis, West Virginia)
>    Leigh Anne O'Kelley - Founder of Rescue Wishes (Taylors, SC)
>    Ann O' Neill-Irish community activist, former 
>Irish Political Prisoner (Belfast, Ireland)
>    Marianne O' Neill-(Bronx,NY)
>    Marco Pable (Merced, CA)
>    Greg Padron - (Eugene, OR)
>    Jim Page-Song writer, singer and independent recording artist (Seattle, WA)
>    Mike Palecek- Author, former federal prisoner 
>for peace, congressional candidate, newspaper 
>reporter (Sheldon, IA)
>    Hali Panneton-Human righs and environmental activist (Olympia, WA)
>    Christian Parenti-Author and PhD Research 
>Fellow, Center for Place, Culture & Politics at 
>the City University Of New York Graduate Center 
>(New York City, NY)
>    Michael Parenti-Award-winning author and lecturer (San Francisco, CA)
>    Mira Parker-(San Francisco, CA)
>    Kris Perneel- Advocate for political prisoners (Beernem, Belgium)
>    Kristen Peterson-Member, Coalition for Prisoner's Rights (Santa Fe, NM)
>    Jane Petro-(Scarsdale, NY)
>    Shannon Phillips- student (Philadelphia, PA)
>    Jeff Rawson - (Baltimore, MD)
>    Kate Rawson - (Baltimore, MD)
>    Amy Pincus Merwin-Audio and video producer, 
>InForm Productions and Radio (Eugene, OR)
>    Lukasz Pietraczuk - Student of linguistics (Warsaw, Poland)
>    Justin Poselenzny - Independent media activist (Portland, OR)
>    Kevin Purcell - Mechanic (Eugene, OR)
>    Carrie Ramsden ñ Concerned citizen (Batavia, IL)
>    Patsy Raney-Women's Program/Social Science 
>Professor at Lane Community College (Eugene, OR)
>    Gary Rath- (Pleasant Hill, CA)
>    Antti Rautiainen, Student of mathematics (Moscow, Russia)
>    Priya "Warcry" Reddy - Filmmaker/Writer/Organizer (New York, NY)
>    Rachael Reeves - (Eugene, OR)
>    Lauren Regan-Executive Director, Civil 
>Liberties Defense Center (Eugene, OR)
>    Ben Reed-(Guilford, CT)
>    Victorio Reyes-Author of the book The Rebirth 
>of Krazy Horse, Poems for the Struggle, director 
>of the Albany Social Justice Center and member 
>of the Jericho Movement (Albany, NY)
>    Debbie Richards - archivist and prisoner support activist (Boston, MA)
>    Chui Rico- Food Not Bombs (Monterey, CA)
>    Carmen Ripley, ND Naturopathic Physician, 
>Professor at Western States Chiropractice 
>College (Portland, Oregon)
>    Cheryl Rivers Hailey-Prisoner-support 
>activist and member of the Industrial Workers of 
>the World (Eugene, OR)
>    Brandon Rose- Vegan Outreach (San Jose, CA)
>    Cindy Rosin- arts educator and volunteer with 
>the Activism Center of Wetlands Preserve, (New 
>York, New York)
>    Olivia Rousset-Documentary Filmmaker (Sydney, Australia)
>    Eyal Rozenberg - Student of Computer Science, 
>active in the Pevzner 27 Infoshop Project 
>(Haifa, Palestine)
>    Mishaeda Rubin-(Scarsdale, NY)
>    Tomasz Sajewicz-Graduate of history faculty 
>at University of Bialystok (Bialystok, Poland)
>    Amir Sarkeshik- Black Identity (Antioch, CA)
>    Jordan Samolesky-Drummer and vocalist for 
>political band Propaghandi (Winnipeg, Canada)
>    Lawrence Sampson-Member of Leonard Peltier 
>Defense Committee Board of Directors and the 
>American Indian Movement (Cleveland, OH)
>    Annie Sartor-Organic Collective (San Diego, CA)
>    Larry Sawdy - Green Party and independent media activist (Erie, PA)
>    Livio Schiano di Cola-Student organizer for 
>Giovani Comunisti (Milan, Italy)
>    Laurie Schick - Educator, Ph.D. Candidate at 
>University of California (Los Angeles, CA)
>    Banka Schneider- Animal and Earth Activist, ACTUP!SF,(San Francisco, CA)
>    Deng Schutzer-Art teacher (Yonkers,NY)
>    Bernice Schutzer-Art consultant (Scarsdale, NY)
>    Jes™s Sep™lveda - Chilean poet. Author of The 
>Garden of Peculiarities and faculty member at 
>the University of Oregon (Eugene, OR)
>    Elizabeth Shane (New York)
>    Anne Sheridan-(Oakland, CA)
>    Rebecca Sipe (Monterey, CA)
>    Supos Sirikittikul- (San Francisco, CA)
>    Ariel Solomon- Bay Aread Animal Action (San Francisco, CA)
>    Anthony Vincent Silvaggio-Teacher, graduate 
>student, community activist, Cascadia Wildlands 
>Project Board of Directors.(Eugene, Oregon)
>    Paula Simon- Member of Education Not 
>Incarceration and Critical Resistance (Oakland, 
>    Melynda Sipp - Independent videographer (Portland, OR)
>    Anne Slater- Seattle Radical Women (Seattle, WA)
>    Christina "Chrystos" Smith- Native American 
>author and activist (Brainbridge Island, WA)
>    Janie Spooner-(Oakland, CA)
>    Marisa Sposaro- Anarchist Black Cross Melbourne (Melbourne, Australia)
>    tova stabin-Author, teacher, librarian, and political activist (Eugene, OR)
>    Dr. Amory Starr-Author of Naming the Enemy: 
>Anti-Corporate Movements Confront Globalization, 
>Professor of Sociology at Chapman University 
>(Fort Collins, CO)
>    Aubrey Stoch-(Scarsdale, NY)
>    Lauren Stower-Organizer for the Inmate Case 
>Management Program of Friends Outside (Santa 
>Cruz, CA)
>    Jared Stutts (Berkeley, CA)
>    Julie Tell (Berkeley, CA)
>    Janer Tfoncoso- Food Not Bombs (San Francisco, CA)
>    Alison Thorne-Socialist Alliance National Executive (Melbourne, Australia)
>    Hannah Torres-Mother (Eugene, OR)
>    Kazi Toure-former political prisoner (Boston, Massachusetts)
>    Zac Townsend-Student organizer with Community 
>Alliance of Lane County (Eugene OR)
>    Colin Trenter- Academy of Art (San Francisco, CA)
>    Josh Trenter- Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (San Francisco, CA)
>    Lauren Tuttle - (Hurdle Mills, NC)
>    Peter Urban-Director of the Irish Republican 
>Socialist Committees of North America (San 
>Francisco, CA)
>    Niels van den Berge- Member of the Dutch Green Youth Party (Holland)
>    Phil Weaver-Eugene Peace Works Board of 
>Directors, local activist, mediator (Eugene, OR)
>    Adrienne Weller-Retired union organizer and 
>current member of the Freedom Socialist Party 
>    Mary Martinez-Wenzl-Development Coordinator 
>for Community Alliance of Lane County (Eugene, 
>    Timothy Walsh- Youth Coordinator, Irish 
>Republican Socialist Committees of North America 
>(Philadelphia, PA)
>    Erin Wiegand (San Francisco, CA)
>    Palova Valenti-(Burlingame, CA)
>    Filip Vanderbeek- Protestants Social Center. 
>Writer and speaker on poverty and globalisation.
>    David Vest-Recording artist and CounterPunch columnist (Portland, OR)
>    Jerry W. Vlasak, MD- Trauma surgeon, animal 
>rights and environmental activist (Los Angeles, 
>    Dean Voets - student (Ranst, Belgium)
>    Geert Waegemans- former political prisoner, social worker (Belgium)
>    Brian Waligura-Structural engineer with a 
>small oilfield structures company (Houston, 
>    Ariel Wallick - Food Not Bombs (New Orleans, LA)
>    Pual Wegner- P.I.E. Rec. (Atwater, CA)
>    Peter Werbe-Nationally syndicated radio talk show host (Detroit, MI)
>    Anthony Willey - Artist (Cottage Grove, OR)
>    Jeremy Wilson-Industrial Workers of the World (Kansas City, KS)
>    Nadia Winstead- Bay Area Animal Action, ACTUP! SF (San Francisco, CA)
>    David Woods - Father, grandfather (Eugene, OR)
>    Howard Zinn- Author of A People's History of the United States (Boston, MA)
>    David Zupan-Activist and teacher: Northwest 
>Media Project, Eugene PeaceWorks, Justice Not 
>War Coalition, Eugene Media Action, Speakers' 
>and Performers' Clearinghouse, 4J Guest Teacher 
>(Eugene, OR)

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