[Badgirlz-list] Queer/Feminist Perspectives of Resistance Ag…

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Author: Errata
Date: 2004-07-19 14:39 -000
Subject: [Badgirlz-list] Queer/Feminist Perspectives of Resistance Against Precarious Work
*** Call for Postcards ***

Consider participation and spread widely!

Scroll down for Spanish, French, Polish and German

(Re)Working Conditions:
Queer/Feminist Perspectives of Resistance Against
Precarious Work
International Workshop, Hamburg, 1-3 October 2004

At this international meeting, we would like to
discuss the
precarisation of work
under conditions of migration or non-migration and

-          (de)gendering of work

-          (hetero)sexualization of work and

-           homophobia at work

with some emphasis on the fields of immaterial labour
communication technology, cultural work and other

Apart from scandalizing the current situation in many
countries, we'd
also like to share

-          views about our own involvement in
precarisation processes
(which alleged freedoms are we buying into by not
going for 
institutionally bound jobs?)

-          our likes and dislikes when it comes to
strategies of 
resistance and

-          our visions about how we really want to
(not) work, be 

"(Re)Working Conditions" avoids lengthy lectures and
aims instead to
create a forum for collective discussions from
multiple perspectives.
The participants are asked contribute short inputs of
5-7 minutes - in
any media format (talk, video, performance, sound or
slide collage) -
which intend to inspire group discussion. We will be
about 35 persons

Please send us an electronic 'postcard' that contains
a verbal and/or
visual contribution to the subject outlined above.
contributions will be put online prior to the event so
they are
available and allow for 'cross-references'. Please
start handing in by
mid July, the latest date for
contributions being 1 September 2004.

This international meeting will run as a multi-lingual
event, based on
the abilities and needs of the participants. Building
on last year's
positive experience, the group as a whole will take
turns in

There is a small registration fee (15-25 Euro), but we
will also be
to pay you a small fee for your presentation. Also,
there will be a
certain travel allowance for participants in need,
based on the
means of travel. Like last year, we will provide
private accommodation
(free of charge) or in a hotel (to be paid by the

We are looking forward to receiving your 'postcards'.

Latest date for contributions: 1 September 2004
File formats accepted: .rtf; .doc; .jpg (72 dpi),
14,5cm x 10,5cm
Our Mail Address: <esi2004@???

Website: www.queerworking.de
Date and venue: 1-3 October, University of Hamburg

Organizing Team: Dr. Antke Engel (independent
scholar), Claudia
(lesbian human rights activist), Doro Wiese
(journalist & translator)
Funded by: Heinrich Boell Foundation, Sections Hamburg

~~~ esi2004@??? <mailto:esi2004@w4w.net> ~~~

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