[Cm-cagliari] COHQ in M.arketW.atch sto.cks to wat.ch for M0…

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Autor: Vicki Delarosa
Asunto: [Cm-cagliari] COHQ in M.arketW.atch sto.cks to wat.ch for M0nday

D.ont mi.ss this inve.stment oppo.rtunity!! COHQ is another h.o.t public tra.ded com.pany that is set to s.oar on Mond.ay, July 19th.

You do.nt believe this? Well even Marketwatch.com and Bigcharts.com profiled COHQ in their List of H.O.T compa.nies for Monday. Take a look at the rep.ort:


Com.pany rel.eased fanta.stic new.s and it is expe.cted that the dem.and is so high that COHQ st.ock pri.ce go.es to 40-50 cents by the end of the we.ek!!

BIG PR camp.aign startin.g on 19th of J.uly for COHQ - Sto.ck will exp.lode - Just read the n.ews

P.rice on Friday: 10cents
Next 3 days potential pric.e: 58cents
Next 10 days potential pric.e: 75cents

Get on Bo.ard with COHQ and enjoy some inc.redible pr.ofits in the next 10 days!

------------------C.ompany I.nformation---------------------------

CorpHQ Inc. operated as an Internet market.place from 1993-2000 and was recognized as the pioneering vertical portal for the small office-home off.ice mar.ket by a number of major public.ations and instit.utions including: the W.all Stree.t Jou.rnal, Entrep.reneur Magazine and the Sof.tware Council of Southern California. The company was reorganized after divesting its Internet operation to BusinessMall.com Inc. in 1999.

Our busi.ness stra.tegy over the past few years has primarily involved the development, acquis.ition and ope.ration of mino.rity-owned sub.sidiaries focu.sed on con.sumer prod.ucts and commer.cial technologi.es, as well as the d.evelopment of cons.ulting and other busine.ss relationships with non-subsidi.ary comp.anies that have demonstrated synergies with our core busin.esses and where we can add substantial value.

We assist high-pote.ntial entr.epreneurs in building their compa.nies from concept to po.sitive ca.shflow. We invest our own capital at startup, and later aug.ment our portfolio comp.anies' capita.l with fun.ds from out.side inv.estors. Using a 'vi.rtual' vari.ation of a bu.siness incubator process, we surround the entre.preneur with our own seasoned manage.ment and profes.sional teams. We gradually replace our personnel with permanent man.agement, until we no longer are involved in operations -- typically at positive cashflow. Our function is that of a "B.usiness L.aunch P.ad," and our goal is to create quality, high value companies -- one at a time.

------------------------ N_._E_._W_._S ----------------------------
REDONDO BEACH, Calif., Jul 16, 2004 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- CorpHQ Inc. (COHQ) today announced that it had achieved a liq.uidity event by dive.sting a portion of its eq.uity holdings in a portfolio co.mpany, Safeguard Technology International, Inc.

CorpHQ dive.sted an aggre.gate of 1,000,000 sha.res of c.ommon sto.ck at 20cents per sha.re to accred.ited inve.stors in a series of private transa.ctions which closed over the past week. Concurrently with the sale of these sh.ares, CorpHQ made a cap.ital contribution of an additional 1,400,000 shar.es to Safeguard for no additional consideration. Apart from the 200,000 Dollar$ in gr.oss c.ash proc.eeds rece.ived, CorpHQ will realize approx.imately 04cents per share increase on all Safeguard sh.ares held by it, which will substa.ntially increase its fina.ncial perfo.rmance for the third quarter of 2004.

Inform.ation within this email contains "f.orward look.ing state.ments" within the meaning of Sect.ion 27A of the Sec.urities Ac.t of 1933 and Sect.ion 21B of the Securit.ies Exc.hange Ac.t of 1934. Any stat.ements that express or involve discu.ssions with resp.ect to pre.dictions, goa.ls, expec.tations, be.liefs, pl.ans, proje.ctions, object.ives, assu.mptions or fut.ure eve.nts or perform.ance are not stat.ements of histo.rical fact and may be "forw.ard loo.king stat.ements."
For.ward looking state.ments are based on expect.ations, estim.ates and project.ions at the time the statem.ents are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those prese.ntly anticipated. Forward look.ing statements in this action may be identified through the use of words su.ch as: "pro.jects", "for.esee", "expects", "est.imates," "be.lieves," "underst.ands" "wil.l," "part of: "anticip.ates," or that by stat.ements indi.cating certain actions "may," "cou.ld," or "might" occur. All information provided within this em.ail pertai.ning to inv.esting, st.ocks, securi.ties must be under.stood as informa.tion provided and not investm.ent advice. Eme.rging Equity Al.ert advi.ses all re.aders and subscrib.ers to seek advice from a registered profe.ssional secu.rities represent.ative before dec.iding to trade in sto.cks featured within this ema.il. None of the mate.rial within this rep.ort shall be constr.ued as any kind of invest.ment advi.ce. Please have in mind that the interpr.etation of the witer of this newsl.etter about the news published by the company does not represent the com.pany official sta.tement and in fact may differ from the real meaning of what the news rele.ase meant to say. Please read the news release by your.self and judge by yourself about the detai.ls in it.
In compli.ance with Sec.tion 17(b), we discl.ose the hol.ding of COHQ s.hares prior to the publi.cation of this report. Be aware of an inher.ent co.nflict of interest res.ulting from such holdi.ngs due to our intent to pro.fit from the liqui.dation of these shares. Sh.ares may be s.old at any time, even after posi.tive state.ments have been made regard.ing the above company. Since we own sh.ares, there is an inher.ent conf.lict of inte.rest in our statem.ents and opin.ions. Readers of this publi.cation are cauti.oned not to place und.ue relia.nce on forw.ard-looki.ng statements, which are based on certain assump.tions and expectati.ons invo.lving various risks and uncert.ainties, that could cause results to differ materi..ally from those set forth in the forw.ard- looking state.ments.
Please be advi.sed that noth.ing within this em.ail shall cons.titute a solic.itation or an offer to buy or sell any s.ecurity menti.oned her.ein. This news.letter is neither a regi.stered inves.tment ad.visor nor affil.iated with any brok.er or dealer. All statements made are our express opinion only and should be treated as such. We may own, buy and sell any securi.ties menti.oned at any time. This report includes forw.ard-looki.ng stat.ements within the meaning of The Pri.vate Securi.ties Litig.ation Ref.orm Ac.t of 1995. These state.ments may include terms as "expe.ct", "bel.ieve", "ma.y", "wi.ll", "mo.ve","und.ervalued" and "inte.nd" or simil.ar terms. This news.letter was paid $7500 from th.ird p.arty to se.nd this report. PL.EASE DO YOUR OWN D.UE DI.LIGENCE B.EFORE INVES.TING IN ANY PRO.FILED COMP.ANY. You may lo.se mon.ey from inve.sting in Pen.ny St.ocks.