[Badgirlz-list] No sexism and racism i/t Parliament!

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Autor: Errata
Temat: [Badgirlz-list] No sexism and racism i/t Parliament!
6 July 2004, new M.P.s taking the oath i/t Flemish
Parliament: No sexism and racism i/t Parliament!

In this email we would like to ask your attention for
an FC Poppesnor related protest action.

Together with Steunpunt Allochtone Meisjes en Vrouwen,
NextGENDERation (Brussels) en Riso Gent, FC Poppesnor
calls for a sit-in at the Flemish Parliament
(Leuvenseweg 27, 1000 Brussels - metro Madou) on 6
July 2004 at noon.

On this day the new members of parliament will be
taking the oath. 32 of the 124 seats in the parliament
will be filled with members of the extreme right party
Vlaams Blok, one seat will be taken by a meanwhile
ex-Vlaams Blok member, against whom an investigation
is running after he beat up his (ex-)wife on the

As women's organisations we would like to send out the
signal that we vigorously reject sexism and racism.
These do not belong in the parliament, nor anywhere
else in our society.

We want a society where emancipation and equality come
first! To support this demand, we call on everyone to
forward this message and to all be present!

To have our message sound loud and clear it is really
important to mobilise widely: woman or man, old or
young, 'black' or white (translation??): convince your
boss, call in sick, take a day off or take a long
lunchbreak and come to Brussels!!

Those leaving from Antwerp can join us in the
trainstation: we (Diny and Sara) are gathering in the
central hall of Berchem station around 10.30am and
will take the train to Brussels at 10.44am.

More info and directions (map) at:
Send this email to as many friends and relatives as

PS We are using the logo of Amnesty International's
campaign: "Stop violence against women" because we
support this campaign and its message. However,
Amnesty is not an initiator of this action...
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