[movimenti.bicocca] A Subject Centred Sociology of Social Mo…


著者: Tommaso Vitale
題目: [movimenti.bicocca] A Subject Centred Sociology of Social Movements

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> Current Sociology
> Volume 52 Issue 04 - Publication Date: 1 July 2004
> http://www.sagepub.co.uk/JournalIssue.aspx?pid=105515&jiid=516253
> A Subject Centred Sociology of Social Movements
> About the Authors
> Introduction: The Sociology of Collective Action Reconsidered
> Francois Dubet Universite 'Victor Segalen', Bordeaux, France and Henri
> Lustiger Thaler Ramapo College, New Jersey, USA
> Oneself as Another: From Social Movement to Experience Movement
> Kevin McDonald University of Melbourne, Australia
> Social Movements in the Renegotiation of the Bases for Citizenship in
> West Africa
> Ebrima Sall CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal
> The Rift in the Subject: A Late Global Modernist Dilemma
> Henri Lustiger Thaler Ramapo College, New Jersey, USA
> Actors, Conflicts and the Globalization Movement
> Antimo L. Farro Universita di Roma 'La Sapienza', Rome, Italy
> Local Actors in Global Politics
> Saskia Sassen University of Chicago, USA
> Collective Subjectivity, Democracy and Domination: The MJVA in
> Marathwada, India
> Shruti Tambe University of Pune, India
> Between a Defence of Society and a Politics of the Subject: The
> Specificity of Today's Social Movements
> Francois Dubet Universite 'Victor Segalen', Bordeaux, France
> On the Frontier of Social Movements
> Alain Touraine CADIS, EHESS, Paris, France
> Abstracts/ Resumes/ Resumenes
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