[Cpt] boat people a lampedusa

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Auteur: alegeda@tin.it
Sujet: [Cpt] boat people a lampedusa
vi giro questo messaggio, è arrivato ad ornella da
maria della rete noborder. l'iniziativa di cui parla è
stata tenuta segreta finora, ma adesso se ne può
parlare, avendone già scritto diffusamente i giornali
tedeschi. le cose che ci chiedono dalla nave sono:
- organizzare un team istituzionale e legale per
andare a lampedusa (la nave dovrebbe arrivare martedì)
- costruire iniziative dovunque con l'obiettivo di far
sapere al maggior numero di persone e ai media quel
che sta succedendo.

>Subject: lampedusa
>Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 14:50:54 +0200
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416

>Importance: Normal
>X-Seen: false
>Hi ornella,
>here are the informations from our telefon-call:
>The homepage is www.cap-anamur.org
>The man in the office in germany, who coordinates the

contact between the ship Cap anamur and monitoring
etc. people, is called Jürgen Crummenel: (0049)
0172-4186239. It would be good when Fulvio or whoever
else can go to lampedusa contacts him directly.

and here a short summarize what happened:
>*The Cap Anamur is a humanitarian organisation with a

big boat to transport first aid stuff, food etc. in
areas of war etc. 26 years ago the got very famous in
germany by picking up vietnamese refugees in the sea
at the end of the vietnam war: the so called "boat
people". They brought them to europe and germany
accept them as refugees (it was the "cold war" and it
was a political motivated signal against the
communistic government in
vietnam. Nevertheless the refugges became a chance.
Just now the "Cap Anamur" seem to look for the actual
"boat people")
>+++On sunday 20th of june the german humanitarian

ship "Cap Anamur" rescued 37 people from a very small
boat whose boat-motor was damaged. They were between
Libya and Lampedusa, 90 km from the coast, without
drinking water any more.
>The 37 people were refugees from african countrys,

maybe some from sudan, because of language problems it
was not clear at first.
>The boat "cap anamur" took them on board, gave them

water and food and medical help. They now will stay in
the region, as the chief of the "cap anamur" told in
an interview with germanradio, to look for other
refugees in distress at sea to help them. They have a
very big boat, a former container ship. Because they
are normally transporting things for aid (humanitarian
stuff) abroad, they have a lot of blankets, first aid
stuff etc. on board.
>Then they will go to lampedusa. It then will maybe

become a political quarrel between italian
authorities, what happens with the refugees, because
normally, when the marine picked them up in the sea,
they were sent to refugee camps. Here some (bad, I am
sorry) translation from the interview in germanradio
with Elias Birdel, Capo/chief of the Cap Anamur: "As
we see it, it is the politics of totaly closing
themself off in fortress europe against everyone who
will come in from the outside. There is nearly no
legal way of migration to europe - politics that costs
a high price: the price of hundreds or thousands human
beings, who died at the outer border. Not only in
water, also on the country. And it is my opinion that
it should be a task for europe to think about to pay
this "price" - if we all together will think it is
"normal" that there in the outskirts will go on the
big dying becuase we close up the doors. This is a
political question which have to answered politically"
>He also talks about the militarisation of the sea at

the borders of fortress europe, even with nato- and
german support. And he asks in which way the military
in this region is doing this and what they are doing
with these refugees boats.+++
>more in the homepage
>lots of greetings + bacci