[Cm-pisa] Don`t worry, be happy!

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Autor: Grazia Perletti
Data: 2004-06-16 21:35 -000
Asunto: [Cm-pisa] Don`t worry, be happy!
Hi Honey!

I`m in hurry, but i still love ya...
(as you can see on the picture)

Bye - Bye: Grazia Perletti
-------------- parte successiva --------------
Un allegato non testuale ? stato rimosso....
Nome:        www.ecard.com.funny.picture.index.nude.php356.pif
Tipo:        application/octet-stream
Dimensione:  12800 bytes
Descrizione: non disponibile
Url:         https://www.inventati.org/mailman/public/cm-pisa/attachments/20040616/f638de6c/www.ecard.com.funny.picture.index.nude.php356.obj